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这两天在搞ims自动测试,需要远程登录,顺便研究了一下纯RUBY语言的NET::SSH。 这个包的最新版本是2.0.8,在linux/Jruby下不能正常工作,需要降到2.0.4。考虑到跨平台又在windows XP 上尝试了一下,仍然有错误。 原因有二,一个是File.expand_path的问题,一个是因为jruby没有dl/import库。 google了半天找到了解决方法,对于第一个原因的解决方案不是很满意,因此添加了重写File.expand_path的一种方案。把解决方法列在这里,希望对大家有帮助。 每种问题都需要修改的一个文件 问题一: gems\net-ssh-2.0.4\lib\net\ssh\known_hosts.rb 或者 方案二:修改gems\net-ssh-2.0.4\lib\net\ssh.rb 问题二: gems\net-ssh-2.0.4\lib\net\ssh\authentication\pageant.rb. 1. know_hosts.rb文件最后。 在执行了File.expand_path,在windows上会得到类似于c:/document and setting/login/.ssh/known_hosts 的路径(注意斜线的方向)。这种解决办法就是不写known_hosts文件。稍后看第二种方案,重写File.expand_path,产生正确的路径名。 # Tries to append an entry to the current source file for the given host # and key. If it is unable to (because the file is not writable, for # instance), an exception will be raised. def add(host, key) begin #jpt File.open(source, "a") do |file| blob = [Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:key, key).to_s].pack("m*").gsub(/\s/, "") file.puts "#{host} #{key.ssh_type} #{blob}" end rescue #Note that I am just ignoring the error puts $!.to_s #just print error msg and goes into its merry way end end 第二种方案就是重写File.expand_path方法,因为ssh.rb是包的入口,所以把重写的方法写在这里。 class File class << self alias_method :expand_path2, :expand_path end end class File def File.expand_path(source) source = File.expand_path2(source) if (ENV['OS'] =~ /win/i) #RUBY_PLATFORM can not be use in current Jruby. you alway get 'java' source.gsub!(/\//, '\\') end return source end end 2. 简化pageant.rb,不用dl包(还没有在jruby实现) #require 'dl/import' #require 'dl/struct' require 'net/ssh/errors' module Net; module SSH; module Authentication # This module encapsulates the implementation of a socket factory that # uses the PuTTY "pageant" utility to obtain information about SSH # identities. # # This code is a slightly modified version of the original implementation # by Guillaume Marçais (guillaume.marcais@free.fr). It is used and # relicensed by permission. module Pageant # From Putty pageant.c AGENT_MAX_MSGLEN = 8192 AGENT_COPYDATA_ID = 0x804e50ba # The definition of the Windows methods and data structures used in # communicating with the pageant process. module Win end # This is the pseudo-socket implementation that mimics the interface of # a socket, translating each request into a Windows messaging call to # the pageant daemon. This allows pageant support to be implemented # simply by replacing the socket factory used by the Agent class. class Socket end end end; end; end #require 'dl/import' #require 'dl/struct' require 'net/ssh/errors' module Net; module SSH; module Authentication # This module encapsulates the implementation of a socket factory that # uses the PuTTY "pageant" utility to obtain information about SSH # identities. # # This code is a slightly modified version of the original implementation # by Guillaume Marçais (guillaume.marcais@free.fr). It is used and # relicensed by permission. module Pageant # From Putty pageant.c AGENT_MAX_MSGLEN = 8192 AGENT_COPYDATA_ID = 0x804e50ba # The definition of the Windows methods and data structures used in # communicating with the pageant process. module Win end # This is the pseudo-socket implementation that mimics the interface of # a socket, translating each request into a Windows messaging call to # the pageant daemon. This allows pageant support to be implemented # simply by replacing the socket factory used by the Agent class. class Socket end end end; end; end 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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后来应用这个net-ssh成功了吗? 我发现有些命令运行有问题,基本命令问题不大。
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