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photoshop CS3 extended 10.0支持javascript,可以通过脚本的方式来实现主题的创建,步骤如下:

  1. 创建一个 imageParser.jsx文件。
  2. 用photoshop打开extjs/resources/images/default/panel/tool-sprites.gif。
  3. 调整色相/饱和度值,确定着色复选框被选中。
  4. 记住以上调整的值,后面将会使用。
  5. 关闭tool-sprites.gif文件。
  6. 用文本文件打开imageParser.jsx。
  7. 根据以上记录的值,改变变量h,s,和l的值。
  8. 保存文件。
  9. 创建一个文件夹,作为脚本的输出。如extjs/resources/images/lihj-theme。
  10. 在photoshop中,选择 文件->脚本->浏览…。
  11. 选择 imageParser.jsx。
  12. 选择输入文件夹,通常使用extjs/resources/images/default作为输入。
  13. 选择输出文件夹,用9创建的文件夹。
  14. 选择OK。

  1. 打开extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css。
  2. 用lihj-theme/替换所有的default/ 。
  3. 保存这个CSS文件,重命名为lihj-theme.css。




// written for Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended 10.0 - may not work with your version
// ExtJs Theme Modifier

#target photoshop
app.bringToFront(); // bring top
$.localize = true; // Enable ZString localization

// Change the hue/saturation/light values
// These values are easily determined by opening a file in photoshop
// altering the h/s/l and recording the values.
// -- colorize was turned on for me
// h = 0, s = 25, l = 0 is a nice bronzish color
// h = 113, s = 38, l = -1 is a greenish color
var h = 0; // hue
var s = 25; // saturation
var l = 0; // light (this is the letter L, not the number 1)

// debug settings
var debug = true;
var debugFile = '~/Desktop/image-parser.log';
var debugFh, linefeed; // don't modify these. debug file handle and linefeed char

// files to skip during the hue/saturation/light step
var exclude = {
'':{ // top level dir
 'tab-strip-bg.png':true // empty image??

// modify nothing beneath this line

// hue/saturation/light function gotten off of the internets
function hueSaturationLight(hue, saturation, light){
 var aDesc = new ActionDescriptor();
 var userInput = new ActionDescriptor();
 var aList = new ActionList();

 putInteger(charIDToTypeID("H "), hue);
 putInteger(charIDToTypeID("Strt"), saturation);
 putInteger(charIDToTypeID("Lght"), light);

 aDesc.putBoolean(charIDToTypeID("Clrz"), true);
 aList.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Hst2"), userInput);
 aDesc.putList(charIDToTypeID("Adjs"), aList);
 executeAction(charIDToTypeID("HStr"), aDesc, DialogModes.NO);

// save the current preferences
var startDisplayDialogs = app.displayDialogs;

// set no dialogs
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;

// ask the user for the input folder
var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder for the input files. Example: extjs/resources/images/default");

// ask the user for the output folder
var outputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select a folder for the input files. Example: extjs/resources/images/bronze");

function log(string){
 if (!debug)return;
 if (!debugFile)return;
 if (!linefeed){
 if ($.os.search(/windows/i) != -1){
 linefeed = "windows";
 } else {
 linefeed = "macintosh";

 if (!debugFh) {
 // create a reference to the logfile
 debugFh = new File(debugFile);
 debugFh.lineFeed = linefeed;
 debugFh.open('w', "TEXT", "????");
 debugFh.write('Debug Report for imageParser.jsx: '+ new Date() + '\n');

 if (debugFh){
 // write the string to the file
 var string = string || '';

function processFiles(args){
 var folder = args.folder;
 var f = folder.getFiles();
 if (f && f.length > 0){
 for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++){
 if (f[i] instanceof Folder) {
 // traverse into this folder
 log(f[i].name+' is a Folder.. traverse');
 } else {
 log(f[i]+' ... checking');

 var processFile = true;

 // exclude index files
 if ( -1 != f[i].fsName.indexOf('Thumbs.db'))continue;
 if ( -1 != f[i].fsName.indexOf('.DS_Store'))continue;
 if ( -1 != f[i].fsName.indexOf('.psd'))continue;

 // only process files that contain a .gif, .png, or .jpg
 if ( ! (f[i].fsName.indexOf('.gif') > -1 ||
 f[i].fsName.indexOf('.png') > -1 ||
 f[i].fsName.indexOf('jpg') > -1 ) ) {
 log(' ... not a gif, png, or jpg');
 processFile = false;

 // check to see if the current folder is the top-level one
 var pName = (f[i].parent.name === inputFolder.name) ? '' : f[i].parent.name;

 // don't process this file if it is in our 'exclude' list
 if (exclude[pName] && exclude[pName][f[i].name]){
 log(' ... is in the exclude list');
 processFile = false;

 var doc = app.open(File(f[i]));
 if (doc){
 if (processFile){
 log(' ... performing hue/sat/light');
 hueSaturationLight(h,s,l); // vars set at teh top of the file

 // Determine which file save settings to use.
 // I couldn't find an image filetype parameter so i'm parsing the filename
 // This of course, is easily broken by funky filenames

 var saveOptions;
 if (f[i].fsName.indexOf('.gif') > -1){
 saveOptions = new GIFSaveOptions();
 saveOptions.transparency = true;
 } else if (f[i].fsName.indexOf('.png') > -1){
 saveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
 } else if (f[i].fsName.indexOf('.jpg') > -1){
 saveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
 } else {
 // not one of the three types
 log(' ... setting save options');

 if (saveOptions){
 // save the file to the folder/subfolder requested by the user
 var sFile = outputFolder+'/';
 if (pName) {
 sFile += pName +'/';
 sFile += f[i].name;

 if (pName){ // if not the top-level folder
 var tFolder = new Folder(outputFolder+'/'+pName);
 if (!tFolder.exists){
 doc.saveAs(new File(sFile), saveOptions);
 log(' ... saved: '+sFile);

 // close orig file. do not save changes
 log(); // blank line for readability

// work with the folders selected by the user
if (inputFolder !== null && outputFolder !== null){
 log(); // blank line for readability
 log('Input Folder: '+inputFolder);
 log('Output Folder: '+outputFolder);
 log(); // blank line for readability

 // if the input folder isn't the output folder
 // try to play nicely.. not overwrite the source file
 if (inputFolder !== outputFolder){
 } else {
 log('Input and Output folders are the same');
 alert('Sorry. Input and output folders can not be the same folder.');

function cleanup(){
 // nullify var and close file handles
 if (debugFh){
 alert('Log file saved to: '+debugFile);

 // restore settings
 if (startDisplayDialogs){
 app.displayDialogs = startDisplayDialogs;


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