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Anotation now in j2SE 5 + version plays some important roles with the easy
and nimble programming,in other words,it's a change in the form but not the
content,just like AJAX using a new XMLHTTP object to make the browser's asyn
work easily.
is an
anotation-version Spring's IOC.the WHAT-inject,HOW-inject and life-cycle are
totally a copy version of Spring.it also supplies some usefull toolkit of best
pragmatic solution,for example the "Static Injection" for deserialize an
transient object virable,awareness of the development stages (DEV or
it perhaps will get better aop shipped with later version,since the
spring's AOP now is very sophisicated for method intercepting.
reffer to a.bmp
in this map the Injector will bind any anotations that have been present in
your codes.
note the Injector and Binding is 1 to N. And for the same type ,we also can
have different injections with the function of "Annotating Bindings",which you
can see in the examples.This will help us with the UNIT
the guice.jar is only 544 kb rather than spring's 2M.
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