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锁定老帖子 主题:关于火星探测器的试题
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引用 火星探测器 一小队机器人探测器将由NASA送上火星高原,探测器将在这个奇特的矩形高原上行驶。 用它们携带的照相机将周围的全景地势图发回到地球。每个探测器的方向和位置将由一个x,y系坐标图和一个表示地理方向的字母表示出来。为了方便导航,平原将被划分为网格状。位置坐标示例:0,0,N,表示探测器在坐标图的左下角,且面朝北方。为控制探测器,NASA会传送一串简单的字母。可能传送的字母为:'L','R'和'M'。 'L',和'R'分别表示使探测器向左、向右旋转90度,但不离开他所在地点。'M' 表示向前开进一个网格的距离,且保持方向不变。假设以广场(高原)的直北方向为y轴的指向。 输入:首先输入的line是坐标图的右上方,假定左下方顶点的坐标为0,0。剩下的要输入的是被分布好的探测器的信息。每个探测器需要输入wo lines。第一条line 提供探测器的位置,第二条是关于这个探测器怎样进行高原探测的一系列说明。位置是由两个整数和一个区分方向的字母组成,对应了探测器的(x,y)坐标和方向。每个探测器的移动将按序完成,即后一个探测器不能在前一个探测器完成移动之前开始移动。 输出:每个探测器的输出应该为它行进到的最终位置坐标和方向。输入和输出 测试如下: 期待的输入:5 5 1 2 N LMLMLMLMM 3 3 E MMRMMRMRRM 期待的输出 1 3 N 5 1 E Action.java: public interface Action { public String getOutput(InputStream input); } ActionImpl.java: public class ActionImpl implements Action { //the width and the height of each grid private int grid_width = 1; private int grid_height = 1; //the max width and the max height of the whole grids private int max_grid_width; private int max_grid_height; //the min width and the max height of the whole grids private int min_grid_width; private int min_grid_height; private String output; public ActionImpl(){ } public ActionImpl(int min_grid_width, int min_grid_height){ this.min_grid_height = min_grid_height; this.min_grid_width = min_grid_width; } public ActionImpl(int... args) throws Exception{ if(args.length == 4){ this.max_grid_width = args[0]; this.max_grid_height = args[1]; this.min_grid_width = args[2]; this.min_grid_height = args[3]; }else{ throw new Exception("There is not enough args"); } } public String getOutput(InputStream input){ List<String> input_divided = devideInput(input); if(Integer.parseInt(input_divided.get(0).toString())<=this.min_grid_height || Integer.parseInt(input_divided.get(1).toString())<=this.min_grid_width){ try { throw new Exception("you entered the uncorrect args"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.max_grid_height = Integer.parseInt(input_divided.get(0).toString()); this.max_grid_width = Integer.parseInt(input_divided.get(1).toString()); List<Robot> robots = new ArrayList<Robot>(); try { robots = generateRobots(robots, input_divided); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.output = ""; for(int i=0;i<robots.size();i++){ try { this.output += explore((Robot) robots.get(i)) + " "; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return this.output.trim(); } private List<Robot> generateRobots(List<Robot> robots, List<String> input_divided) throws Exception{ for(int i=2;i<input_divided.size();i=i+4){ Robot robot = new Robot(); robot.setX(Integer.parseInt(input_divided.get(i).toString())); robot.setY(Integer.parseInt(input_divided.get(i+1).toString())); isBeyondTheMark(robot); robot.setDirection(input_divided.get(i+2).toString().charAt(0)); robot.setAction(input_divided.get(i+3).toString()); robots.add(robot); } return robots; } private List<String> devideInput(InputStream input){ Scanner scan = new Scanner(input); List<String> input_divided = new ArrayList<String>(); while(scan.hasNext()){ String each_input = scan.next(); if(each_input=="stop"||each_input.equals("stop")){ break; } input_divided.add(each_input); } return input_divided; } private String explore(Robot robot) throws Exception{ char[] action = robot.getAction().toCharArray(); for(int i=0;i<action.length;i++){ switch(action[i]){ case 'L': turn(robot, 'L'); break; case 'R': turn(robot, 'R'); break; case 'M': turn(robot, 'M'); break; } } return robot.getX() + " " + robot.getY() + " " + robot.getDirection(); } private void turn(Robot robot, char direction) throws Exception{ if(direction == 'L'){ for(int j=0;j<Robot.directions.length;j++){ if(robot.getDirection()==Robot.directions[j]){ if(j==0){ robot.setDirection(Robot.directions[3]); }else{ robot.setDirection(Robot.directions[j-1]); } break; } } }else if(direction == 'R'){ for(int j=0;j<Robot.directions.length;j++){ if(robot.getDirection()==Robot.directions[j]){ if(j==3){ robot.setDirection(Robot.directions[0]); }else{ robot.setDirection(Robot.directions[j+1]); } break; } } }else if(direction == 'M'){ if(robot.getDirection()==Robot.directions[0]){ robot.setY(robot.getY()+1); }else if(robot.getDirection()==Robot.directions[1]){ robot.setX(robot.getX()+1); }else if(robot.getDirection()==Robot.directions[2]){ robot.setY(robot.getY()-1); }else if(robot.getDirection()==Robot.directions[3]){ robot.setX(robot.getX()-1); } } isBeyondTheMark(robot); } private void isBeyondTheMark(Robot robot) throws Exception{ if(robot.getX()>this.max_grid_height||robot.getY()>this.max_grid_width ||robot.getX()<this.min_grid_height||robot.getY()<this.min_grid_width){ throw new Exception("beyond the mark"); } } public String getOutput() { return output; } public void setOutput(String output) { this.output = output; } } Robot.java: public class Robot { public static final char[] directions = {'N', 'E', 'S', 'W'}; // the position of the robotic rover private int x; private int y; private char direction; private String action; } Main.java: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Action action = new ActionImpl(); String output = action.getOutput(System.in); System.out.println(output); } } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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