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今天看了codeproject上面的一片文章,感觉不错。作者主要是用form authentication 实现了基于角色的认证。功能还算可以,基本可以代替MS 的Membership了,但是没有membership那么庞大。做一个基本的应用是够用了。






The Classes Overview

There are 4 classes: User, Role, SitePrincipal and SiteIdentity. I would like to overview the classes' methods and properties here:

The User class

 User() Default parameter less constructor to create a new user
 User(int userID) This constructor gets a userID and looks up the user details from the database
 User(string email) This constructor gets an email and looks up the user details from the database
 GetUsers() This method returns a DataSet of all the users available in the database
 GetRoles() This method returns a DataSet of roles assigned to the current user
 GetUserRoles(int userID) This static method grabs the userID and returns a roles ArrayList assigned to that user
 AddToRole(int roleID) This method assigns a role to the current user
 RemoveFromRole(int roleID) This method removes current user from the role that has been passed by the roleID.
 Add() Adds a new user to the database
 Update() Updates current user information
 Delete() Deletes current user
 UserID Gets/Sets user's id number
 FullName Gets/Sets user's full name
 Email Gets/Sets user's email
 Password Gets/Sets user's password
 Biography Gets/Sets user's biography
 DateAdded Gets/Sets user's registering date

The Role class

 Role() Default parameter less constructor to create a new role
 Role(int roleID) This constructor gets a roleID and looks up the role details from the database
 GetRoles() This method returns a DataSet of all roles available in the database
 Add() Adds a new role to the database
 Update() Updates current role information
 Delete() Deletes current role
 RoleID Gets/Sets role ID number
 RoleName Gets/Sets role name

The SitePrincipal class (implements the IIPrincipal Interface)

 SitePrincipal(int userID) This constructor gets a userID and looks up details from the database
 SitePrincipal(string email) This constructor gets an email and looks up details from the database
 IsInRole() (IIPrincipal.IsInRole()) Indicates whether a current principal is in a specific role
 ValidateLogin() Adds a new user to the database
 Identity (IIPrincipal.Identity) Gets/Sets the identity of the current principal
 Roles Gets the roles of the current principal

The SiteIdentity class (implements the IIdentity Interface)

 SiteIdentity(int userID) This constructor gets a userID and looks up the user details from the database
 SiteIdentity(string email) This constructor gets an email and looks up the user details from the database
 AuthenticationType (IIdentity.AuthenticationType) Always returns "Custom Authentication"
 IsAuthenticated (IIdentity.IsAuthenticated) Always returns true
 Name (IIdentity.Name) Gets the name of the current user
 Email Gets the email of the current user
 Password Gets the password of the current user
 UserID Gets the user ID number of the current user

Enabling Forms Authentication

为了实现ASP.NET Forms 认证,  web.config 文件配置如下:

      <authentication mode="Forms">
            <forms name="RolesBasedAthentication" 




表单认证一旦被指定,每次用户请求一个页面,表单就要检查浏览器的cookie值。如果找到了,user identify就会以FormsIdentity类的形式保存在cookie中,这个类包含了认证用户的如下信息:

  • AthenticationType - returns the value Forms
  • IsAthenticated - returns a boolean value indicating where the user was authenticated
  • Name - Indicates the name of an authenticated user
  • 因为FormsIdentity类只包含了用户的name属性,但是我们往往需要大量的信息,而不止于Name。因此我就写了这个SiteIdentity类,它实现了IIdentity接口,包含了认证用户的更多信息。


    Creating the Login Page


    private void Submit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
          // call the ValidateLogin static method to
          // check if the email and password are correct
          // if correct the method will return a new user else return null
          SitePrincipal newUser = 
            SitePrincipal.ValidateLogin(Email.Text, Password.Text);
        if (newUser == null)
            ErrorMessage.Text = "Login failed for " + Email.Text;
            ErrorMessage.Visible = true;
            // assign the new user to the current context user
            Context.User = newUser;
            // set the cookie that contains the email address
            // the true value means the cookie will be set persisted
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie( Email.Text, true ); 
            // redirect the user to the home page



    Authenticating User On Every Request


    public class PageBase: System.Web.UI.Page
        public PageBase()
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.PageBase_Load);
        private void PageBase_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
          if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) 
            if (!(Context.User is SitePrincipal))
                  SitePrincipal newUser = 
                    new SitePrincipal( Context.User.Identity.Name );
                  Context.User = newUser;



    if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) 
        string name = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).FullName;
        string email = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).Email;
        string password = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).Password;
        string userID = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).UserID;



    if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) 
        // if user is not in the Site Admin role,
        // he/she will be redirected to the login page
        if (!((SitePrincipal)Context.User).IsInRole("Site Admin"))

    The Demo Application









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