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Download Aptana Studio 1.2 RC (includes Cloud 1.0

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Download Aptana Studio 1.2 RC (includes Cloud 1.0 RC and Jaxer 1.0 RC)

@import "<?php print base_path() . path_to_theme() ?>/download.css"; .x-tab-panel-body .x-panel-body { padding:10px; } h1 { font-size: 190%; } h2 { font-size: 180%; line-height: 130%; } h3 { font-size: 140%; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }






Get the latest releases candidate of Aptana Studio, version 1.2 RC which includes Aptana Cloud 1.0 RC and Aptana Jaxer 1.0 RC, all in one easy download.



System Requirements: Aptana Studio standalone requires Windows 32 or 64-bit platforms, Mac OSX 10.4+, or Linux 32-bit with GTK. 64-bit Linux users please install Aptana as a plugin into Eclipse. Full system requirements are listed here: Aptana System Requirements .

Studio 1.1 Users : You do not need in reinstall, just follow these updating instructions instead.

Eclipse 3.4 Plugin Users: Please read special installation notes , but for RC replace http://update.aptana.com/install/studio/3.2 with http://beta.aptana.com/beta/studio/3.2

Pre-1.0 users click here first for upgrade information.

If you're looking for RadRails, PHP, iPhone, or Adobe AIR extensions to Aptana Studio, get Aptana Studio installed first, then add those plugins through Aptana Studio's 'My Aptana' page.

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