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锁定老帖子 主题:一个复杂的SQL语句优化的疑惑
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背景:两个表workacacdata.movementdata. movementdata中为日期提供过滤,及db_id提供过滤(此表中db_id是主键,唯一) workacacdata中存在三种数据(此表中db_id不唯一,引用自上表) A类型 recordkind的顺序为 A101 ->其他->A110 或者 A101->其他(不包括A110) B类型 A110->A101->其他->A110 C类型 A110->A101->其他
相同db_id的一组数据 用record_id来表示它插入的顺序
所以 对A类数据来说
以此类推 B类型数据:必存在两个record_kind=A110 的和一个record_kind=A101的数据,且 record_kind=A101的数据的record_id在三者record_id中排序居中
要求: 取出所有A类型数据的开始日期 delivery_start_date
看起来超复杂,感觉做了很多次的重复查询. 于是修改之:
结果却不尽如人意,修改后的语句怎么看执行的查询数也不多啊,可用SQLServer自带的性能分析工具一测,优化后的反而更慢. 尤其在日期条件发生变化后.
难道是我测试的表不够大??? workacacdata表1400条 movementdata表80条
原sql语句: select distinct( convert(char(10),delivery_start_date,112) ) as selectdate from movementdata where ( delivery_start_date >= '2008-04-24 00:00:00' and delivery_start_date < '2008-07-26 00:00:00') and ( ( --选出A和B类型 (db_id in (select db_id from ( select a.db_id, count(a.record_kind) as cnt from workacacdata a, workacacdata b,movementdata c where (upper(a.record_kind)='A110') and (upper(b.record_kind)='A201') and a.db_id=c.db_id and c.delivery_start_date >= '2008-04-24 00:00:00' and c.delivery_start_date < '2008-07-26 00:00:00' and a.db_id=b.db_id group by a.db_id ) deliverytbl where (cnt=1) ) ) and --选出A存在A110数据 (db_id in ( select a.db_id as db_id from workacacdata a, workacacdata b,movementdata c where upper(a.record_kind)='A101' and upper(b.record_kind) = 'A110' and a.db_id=c.db_id and c.delivery_start_date >= '2008-04-24 00:00:00'and c.delivery_start_date < '2008-07-26 00:00:00' and a.db_id = b.db_id and a.record_id<b.record_id ) ) ) --选出不存在A110的A类型数据 or ( db_id in ( select distinct(db_id) from movementdata where delivery_start_date >= '2008-04-24 00:00:00' and delivery_start_date < '2008-07-26 00:00:00' and db_id not in ( select distinct(a.db_id) from workacacdata a,movementdata b where a.db_id=b.db_id and b.delivery_start_date >= '2008-04-24 00:00:00' and b.delivery_start_date < '2008-07-26 00:00:00' and upper(a.record_kind)='A110' ) ) ) ) order by selectdate
修改后的语句: --选出所有不同的db_id,包括A.B.C select distinct( convert(char(10),delivery_start_date,112) ) from workacacdata a,movementdata b where b.delivery_start_date >= '"+start_time+"' and b.delivery_start_date < '"+end_time+"' and upper(a.record_kind)='A101' and a.db_id=b.db_id and --排除B和C类型的 a.db_id not in( --选出B和C类型的 select a.db_id as db_id from workacacdata a,movementdata b ,workacacdata c where b.delivery_start_date >= '"+start_time+"' and b.delivery_start_date < '"+end_time+"' and upper(a.record_kind)='A101' and a.db_id=b.db_id and upper(c.record_kind) = 'A110' and c.db_id=a.db_id and c.record_id<a.record_id )
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