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通过SQL的select语句自动得到count语句和得到sql server 2005 的分页查询

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作者 正文
   发表时间:2008-09-28   最后修改:2011-04-26


String sql = "select u.name from Users u order by u.id ";
		System.out.println(SqlServer2005PageHepler.getLimitString(sql, 1, 10));
		sql = "select u.sex,count(1) c,max(u.id) t_max,min(u.name) as t_min from users u group by u.sex having count(1) > 10 order by count(u.sex)";

		sql = "select u.username,count(1) c,max(u.id) t_max from tplt_user u group by u.username having count(1) > 5 order by count(u.username) DESC";
		System.out.println(SqlServer2005PageHepler.getLimitString(sql,1, 10));



select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by u.id  ) AS row_num_ ,  u.name from Users u ) t where row_num_ > 1 and row_num_ <=  10
select count (1) count_  from Users u 
select count(1) count_ from (select u.sex,count(1) c,max(u.id) t_max,min(u.name) as t_min from users u group by u.sex having count(1) > 10  ) t_
select count(1) count_ from (select u.sex,count(1) c,max(u.id) t_max,min(u.name) as t_min from users u group by u.sex having count(1) > 10  ) t_
select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by count(u.username) DESC ) AS row_num_ ,  u.username,count(1) c,max(u.id) t_max from tplt_user u group by u.username having count(1) > 5 ) t where row_num_ > 1 and row_num_ <=  10
select count(1) count_ from (select u.username,count(1) c,max(u.id) t_max from tplt_user u group by u.username having count(1) > 5  ) t_




 不支持"UNION " 和“UNION ALL ” 这样的结果合并语句,例如:

select * from dbo.[user]
select top 1 * from dbo.[user] order by age




select * from (
	select * from dbo.[user]
	select top 1 * from dbo.[user] order by age
) Q order by id




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