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锁定老帖子 主题:lighttpd的tunning tips
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lighttpd作者写的tunning tips,很值得看一看 lighttpd目前的开发十分活跃,我在期待1.4.12或者1.5.10的发布。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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robbin 写道 http://trac.lighttpd.net/trac/wiki/Docs%3APerformanceFastCGI
而且经过我粗略的测试(http_load -parallel 25 -fetches 10000 url.txt),1.5的性能好像没有1.4的好.lighttpd作者写的tunning tips,很值得看一看 lighttpd目前的开发十分活跃,我在期待1.4.12或者1.5.10的发布。 另外,前一段时间1.5版的信息从主页上被移除了,而且1.4的标题改为“Lighttpd 1.4.15 - The "following traditions" release”,感觉像是1.5版本不发布了。但最近 “www.lighttpd.net”网站架在1.5上,而且upload的功能做的也很绚,但就是不知道1.5版什么时候release. |
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All the lighttpd.net domains (blog, trac, www, xcache, upload, ...) are now running lighttpd 1.5.0-trunk. It took some debugging to sort out problems with the way trac wants to handle PATH_INFO [1841] and how ruby handles fastcgi-keepalive requests via Unix-Sockets [1850] [1849]
In case you see that one of the sites is down, ping me (weigon) on IRC (irc.freenode.net). The server is running in valgrind and should provide enough information to fix the problem. |
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