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http://www.woodpecker.org.cn:9081/doc/abyteofpython_cn/chinese/ch11s06.html class Person: '''Represents a person.''' population=0 def __init__(self,name): '''Initializes the person's data.''' self.name=name print '(Initializing %s)' %self.name #When this person is created, he/she adds to the population Person.population+=1 def __del__(self): '''I am dying.''' print '%s says bye.' %self.name Person.population-=1 if Person.population==0: print 'I am the last one.' else: print 'There are still %d people left.' %Person.population def sayHi(self): '''Greeting by the person. Really, that's all it does.''' print 'Hi, my name is %s.' %self.name def howMany(self): '''Prints the current population.''' if Person.population==1: print 'I am the only person here.' else: print 'We have %d persons here.' %Person.population swaroop=Person('Swaroop') swaroop.sayHi() swaroop.howMany() kalam=Person('Abdul Kalam') kalam.sayHi() kalam.howMany() swaroop.sayHi() swaroop.howMany() 运行起来完全没有问题 但如果把测试那一段改为: test=Person('Swaroop') test.sayHi() test.howMany() kalam=Person('Abdul Kalam') kalam.sayHi() kalam.howMany() test.sayHi() test.howMany() 运行的时候就会得到一个异常: Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'popula tion'" in <bound method Person.__del__ of <__main__.Person instance at 0x00BEC12 0>> ignored 然后改很多次那个变量都有这个异常,好像那个变量只有用swaroop才没有问题,非常怪异。。。。 有没有人知道这是怎么回事? 我用的python版本: Python 2.5.2 windows下面的。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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