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锁定老帖子 主题:一个非常好用的Grid类及其相关类
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/** * <p> * Grid description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 1st, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.redpas.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Grid { private Row[] rows; private Modeler rowModeler; private int width = 0; private TreeMap metaData; private Row metaRow; public Grid(){ super(); rowModeler = new DefaultModeler(); metaData = new TreeMap(); metaRow = null; } public Grid(Modeler m){ this(); setRowModeler(m); } /** * @return Returns the rowModeler. */ public Modeler getRowModeler() { return rowModeler; } /** * @param rowModeler The rowModeler to set. */ public void setRowModeler(Modeler rowModeler) { this.rowModeler = rowModeler; } /** * @return Returns the width. */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * @param width The width to set. */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } // Get the rows count of the grid public int getHeight(){ if (rows==null) return 0; return rows.length; } // set up the grid table head row public void setMetaRow(Row r){ if (getHeight()==0&& r != null && r.getFieldsNumber() > 0 ){ metaRow = r; setWidth(r.getFieldsNumber()); } else if (getWidth()> 0 && r.getFieldsNumber()==getWidth()){ metaRow = r; } } // get the grid table head row public Row getMetaRow(){ if (metaRow != null) return metaRow.getRow(); else return Row.EMPTY_ROW; } // get the grid table head by col public String getRowHead(int col){ Row r = getMetaRow(); if (r!=null && !(r.getField(col)==null ||"".equals(r.getField(col)))) return r.getField(col); else return ""; } // add a row to the grid, the row will be validated public void addRow(Row r){ if (rowModeler == null||Row.EMPTY_ROW.equals(r)) return; if (!validate(r)) return; if (rows == null) { if (getWidth()==0){ rows = new Row[1]; rows[0] = r; width = r.getFieldsNumber(); metaRow = new Row(getWidth()); } else if (getWidth() == r.getFieldsNumber()) { rows = new Row[1]; rows[0] = r; }else { return; } } else if (getWidth() == r.getFieldsNumber()){ Row[] rs = new Row[getHeight()+1]; for (int i=0;i<getHeight();i++) rs[i] = rows[i]; rs[getHeight()] = r; rows = rs; } else { return; } } // remove one row of the grid public void removeRow(int pos){ if (pos < 0 || getHeight() <= pos || rows == null){ return; } else if (getHeight() == 1 && pos == 0){ rows = null; return; } else { Row[] rs = new Row[getHeight()-1]; for (int i=0,j=0; i <getHeight()-1; i++,j++){ if (j!=pos) { rs[i] = rows[j]; } else { i--; } } rows = rs; } } // model one row to a Model object public Model doModel(int row){ if (rowModeler == null) return null; if (row < getHeight() && row >= 0 && (! (rowModeler == null))){ return rowModeler.doModel(rows[row]); } else return null; } // set one field of the grid public void setField(int row, int col, String value){ if (row >=0 && row < getHeight() && col >= 0 && col < getWidth()) rows[row].setField(col,value); } // get one field of the grid public String getField(int row, int col){ if (row >=0 && row < getHeight() && col >= 0 && col < getWidth() && rows != null) return rows[row].getField(col); else return null; } // get the row of the grid public Row getRow(int row){ if (row >= 0 && row < getHeight() ) return rows[row].getRow(); else return null; } // set one row of the grid, the row will be validated public void setRow(int row,Row r){ if (r.getFieldsNumber()== getWidth() && row >= 0 && row < getHeight() && validate(r)) rows[row] = r; } // get the row(use as an colum) of one colum public Row getColum(int col){ if (col >= 0 && col < getWidth()) { Row r = new Row(getHeight()); for (int i=0; i< r.getFieldsNumber();i++) r.setField(i,getField(i,col)); return r; } else return null; } // set one colum of this grid public void setColum(int col,Row colum){ if (getHeight()==colum.getFieldsNumber()&&col >=0 && col < getWidth()){ for (int i=0; i < getHeight();i++) setField(i,col,colum.getField(i)); } } // set the meta data carried by the grid // if the key is not existed, then create a new key public void setMetaData(String key,String value){ try { metaData.put(key, value); }catch (Exception e){ } } // get the meta data carried with the grid // return "" if the meta data is not existed public String getMetaData(String key){ try { String str = (String)metaData.get(key); if (str == null || "".equals(str)) return ""; else return str; } catch (Exception e){ return ""; } } // generate the model list. public ArrayList generateList(){ ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i < getHeight();i++) { Model m = doModel(i); if (m==null) return null; else arr.add(m); } return arr; } // print out the grid on the console public void consoleShow(){ for (int i=0; i < getHeight();i++){ Row r = getRow(i); r.consoleShow(); } } // see wether one row in the grid is validated public boolean validate(Row r){ if (rowModeler == null) return false; else return rowModeler.validate(r); } // see all the rows in the grid is validated public boolean validate(){ if (rowModeler == null) return false; else if (getHeight()==0) return false; else { for (int i=0; i<getHeight();i++){ if (!validate(rows[i])) return false; } return true; } } // add an model to the grid using the rowmodeler's deModel public void addRowByModel(Model m){ try { Row r = rowModeler.deModel(m); addRow(r); }catch (Exception e){ } } } /** * <p> * Model description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 1st, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.redpas.model; import java.io.Serializable; // This is the parent class for all the models public class Model implements Serializable{ } /** * <p> * Modeler description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 1st, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.redpas.model; public interface Modeler{ // Model a model from a row public Model doModel(Row r); // validate to see if the row can model a model public boolean validate(Row r); // deModel a model to a row public Row deModel(Model m); } /** * <p> * DefaultModeler description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 2nd, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.redpas.model; // The dumb defaultModeler for normal grids // a Grid must had a Modeler public class DefaultModeler implements Modeler{ public Model doModel(Row r){ return r; } public boolean validate(Row r){ return true; } public Row deModel(Model m){ return Row.EMPTY_ROW; } } /** * <p> * Row description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 1st, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History modified by Jerry Shen, Dec. 9th, 2004 */ package com.infosys.redpas.model; public class Row extends Model{ private String[] fields; public static final Row EMPTY_ROW = new Row(); public Row(int length){ fields = new String[length]; } public Row(){ this(1); setField(0,""); } public Row(String[] row){ this(row.length); setFields(row); } public int getFieldsNumber(){ Row r= getRow(); if (r.getField(0)==null ||"".equals(r.getField(0))) return 0; else return fields.length; } public void setFields(String[] fields){ this.fields = fields; } public String[] getFields(){ return fields; } public String getField(int pos){ if (this==Row.EMPTY_ROW ||fields == null || fields.length < pos + 1 || pos < 0) return ""; else return fields[pos]; } public void setField(int pos,String value){ if (this == Row.EMPTY_ROW ||fields == null || fields.length < pos + 1) return; else fields[pos] = value; } public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (getFieldsNumber()>0){ for (int i=0; i < getFieldsNumber();i++) sb.append(getField(i)).append(", "); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1).deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1); return sb.toString(); } else return ""; } public void consoleShow(){ System.out.println(toString()); } public Row getRow(){ if (fields==null) return EMPTY_ROW; else { for (int i= 0;i<fields.length;i++){ if (fields[i]!= null) return this; } return EMPTY_ROW; } } public boolean equals(Row r){ Row thisRow = this.getRow(); Row thatRow = r.getRow(); if (thisRow.getFieldsNumber()!=thatRow.getFieldsNumber()) return false; else { for (int i = 0; i < thisRow.getFieldsNumber();i++){ if (!thisRow.getField(i).equals(thatRow.getField(i))) return false; } return true; } } } /** * <p> * ActualExpenseModeler description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 2nd, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.budget.modeler; import com.infosys.budget.model.ActualExpense; import com.infosys.redpas.model.Model; import com.infosys.redpas.model.Modeler; import com.infosys.redpas.model.Row; public class ActualExpenseModeler implements Modeler{ private Row row; public Model doModel(Row r){ if (!validate(r)) { return null; } else { try { ActualExpense exp = new ActualExpense(); String[] rValue = r.getFields(); exp.setActualExpenseId(rValue[0]); exp.setExpenseHeadId(rValue[1]); exp.setBudgetId(rValue[2]); exp.setMonth(rValue[3]); exp.setAmount(Double.parseDouble(rValue[4])); exp.setCurrencyId(rValue[5]); exp.setExchangeRate(Double.parseDouble(rValue[6])); exp.setInputTime(rValue[7]); exp.setActualExpenseBatchId(rValue[8]); return exp; } catch (Exception e){ return null; } } } public boolean validate(Row r){ if (r==null || r.getFieldsNumber()!= 9) return false; for (int i=0; i < r.getFieldsNumber();i++){ if (r.getField(i)==null || "".equals(r.getField(i))){ return false; } } try { Long.parseLong(r.getField(0)); Long.parseLong(r.getField(1)); Long.parseLong(r.getField(2)); Float.parseFloat(r.getField(4)); Float.parseFloat(r.getField(6)); Long.parseLong(r.getField(8)); } catch (Exception e){ return false; } return true; } public Row deModel(Model actualModel){ if (actualModel == null) { return Row.EMPTY_ROW; } else { try { ActualExpense actual=(ActualExpense)actualModel; Row r = new Row(9); r.setField(0,actual.getActualExpenseId()); r.setField(1,actual.getExpenseHeadId()); r.setField(2,actual.getBudgetId()); r.setField(3,actual.getMonth()); r.setField(4,""+actual.getAmount()); r.setField(5,actual.getCurrencyId()); r.setField(6,""+actual.getExchangeRate()); r.setField(7,actual.getInputTime()); r.setField(8,actual.getActualExpenseBatchId()); return r; } catch (Exception e){ return Row.EMPTY_ROW; } } } } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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/** * <p> * ActualExpense description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Nov. 29th, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.budget.model; import com.infosys.redpas.model.Model; public class ActualExpense extends Model { private String actualExpenseId; private String expenseHeadId; private String budgetId; private String month; private double amount; private String currencyId; private double exchangeRate; private String inputTime; private String actualExpenseBatchId; // constructors public ActualExpense(){ super(); } /** * @return Returns the actualExpenseId. */ public String getActualExpenseId() { return actualExpenseId; } /** * @param actualExpenseId The actualExpenseId to set. */ public void setActualExpenseId(String actualExpenseId) { this.actualExpenseId = actualExpenseId; } /** * @return Returns the amount. */ public double getAmount() { return amount; } /** * @param amount The amount to set. */ public void setAmount(double amount) { this.amount = amount; } /** * @return Returns the budgetId. */ public String getBudgetId() { return budgetId; } /** * @param budgetId The budgetId to set. */ public void setBudgetId(String budgetId) { this.budgetId = budgetId; } /** * @return Returns the currencyExchangeRate. */ public double getExchangeRate() { return exchangeRate; } /** * @param exchangeRate The currencyExchangeRate to set. */ public void setExchangeRate(double exchangeRate) { this.exchangeRate = exchangeRate; } /** * @return Returns the currencyId. */ public String getCurrencyId() { return currencyId; } /** * @param currencyId The currencyId to set. */ public void setCurrencyId(String currencyId) { this.currencyId = currencyId; } /** * @return Returns the expenseHeadId. */ public String getExpenseHeadId() { return expenseHeadId; } /** * @param expenseHeadId The expenseHeadId to set. */ public void setExpenseHeadId(String expenseHeadId) { this.expenseHeadId = expenseHeadId; } /** * @return Returns the inputTime. */ public String getInputTime() { return inputTime; } /** * @param inputTime The inputTime to set. */ public void setInputTime(String inputTime) { this.inputTime = inputTime; } /** * @return Returns the month. */ public String getMonth() { return month; } /** * @param month The month to set. */ public void setMonth(String month) { this.month = month; } /** * @return Returns the actualExpenseBatchId. */ public String getActualExpenseBatchId() { return actualExpenseBatchId; } /** * @param actualExpenseBatchId The actualExpenseBatchId to set. */ public void setActualExpenseBatchId(String actualExpenseBatchId) { this.actualExpenseBatchId = actualExpenseBatchId; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } else if (this == o) { return true; } else if (o instanceof ActualExpense) { ActualExpense that = (ActualExpense) o; return that.getActualExpenseId().equals(this.getActualExpenseId()); } else { return false; } } public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("actualExpenseId:").append(getActualExpenseId()).append("\n") .append("amount:").append(getAmount()).append("\n") .append("budgetId:").append(getBudgetId()).append("\n") .append("exchangeRate:").append(getExchangeRate()).append("\n") .append("currencyId:").append(getCurrencyId()).append("\n") .append("expenseHeadId:").append(getExpenseHeadId()).append("\n") .append("inputTime:").append(getInputTime()).append("\n") .append("month:").append(getMonth()).append("\n") .append("actualExpenseBatchId").append(getActualExpenseBatchId()).append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } } /** * <p> * ActualExpenseBatch description * </p> * * @author Jerry Shen * @version v 1.0 Dec. 3rd, 2004 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @History */ package com.infosys.budget.model; import com.infosys.redpas.model.Model; public class ActualExpenseBatch extends Model { private String actualExpenseBatchId; private String budgetId; private String budgetName; private String month; private String comments; // constructors public ActualExpenseBatch(){ super(); } /** * @return Returns the actualExpenseBatchId. */ public String getActualExpenseBatchId() { return actualExpenseBatchId; } /** * @param actualExpenseBatchId The actualExpenseBatchId to set. */ public void setActualExpenseBatchId(String actualExpenseBatchId) { this.actualExpenseBatchId = actualExpenseBatchId; } /** * @return Returns the budgetId. */ public String getBudgetId() { return budgetId; } /** * @param budgetId The budgetId to set. */ public void setBudgetId(String budgetId) { this.budgetId = budgetId; } /** * @return Returns the budgetName. */ public String getBudgetName() { return budgetName; } /** * @param budgetName The budgetName to set. */ public void setBudgetName(String budgetName) { this.budgetName = budgetName; } /** * @return Returns the comment. */ public String getComments() { return comments; } /** * @param comment The comment to set. */ public void setComments(String comment) { this.comments = comment; } /** * @return Returns the month. */ public String getMonth() { return month; } public String getMonthName() { if ("00".equals(month)) return "Jan"; else if ("01".equals(month)) return "Feb"; else if ("02".equals(month)) return "Mar"; else if("03".equals(month)) return "Apr"; else if ("04".equals(month)) return "May"; else if ("05".equals(month)) return "Jun"; else if ("06".equals(month)) return "Jul"; else if ("07".equals(month)) return "Aug"; else if("08".equals(month)) return "Sep"; else if ("09".equals(month)) return "Oct"; else if ("10".equals(month)) return "Nov"; else if ("11".equals(month)) return "Dec"; else return "Jan"; } /** * @param month The month to set. */ public void setMonth(String month) { this.month = month; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } else if (this == o) { return true; } else if (o instanceof ActualExpense) { ActualExpense that = (ActualExpense) o; return that.getActualExpenseId().equals(this.getActualExpenseBatchId()); } else { return false; } } public String toString(){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("actualExpenseBatchId:").append(getActualExpenseBatchId()).append("\n") .append("budgetId:").append(getBudgetId()).append("\n") .append("comment:").append(getComments()).append("\n") .append("month:").append(getMonth()).append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } } |
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