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ReportRequest是一个表对应一个model:report_request.rb model report_request.rb 里面 class ReportRequest < ActiveRecord::Base model TeikiRecountRequest.rb 里面 class TeikiRecountRequest < ActiveRecord::Base model spot_report_request.rb 里面 class SpotReportRequest < ReportRequest 现在用 ReportRequest.find 方法在数据库里取数据 为什么取出来的对象会是SpotReportRequest 或者 TeikiRecountRequest 的类的对象 请教大家谢谢 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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deferling 写道 model report_request.rb 里面 class ReportRequest < ActiveRecord::Base model spot_report_request.rb 里面 class SpotReportRequest < ReportRequest 这个继承的model在数据库里 是如何生成数据表的呢? |
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class TeikiRecountRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
establish_connection "#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}" belongs_to :teiki_report_request has_and_belongs_to_many :product_references alias report_request :teiki_report_request alias products :product_references end class SpotReportRequest < ReportRequest has_and_belongs_to_many :sources, :join_table => 'report_requests_sources', :foreign_key => 'report_request_id' has_and_belongs_to_many :subjects, :join_table => 'report_requests_subjects', :foreign_key => 'report_request_id' has_many :topic_keywords, :class_name => "TopicKeyword", :finder_sql => 'SELECT DISTINCT tkw.* ' + 'FROM topic_keywords tkw, report_requests rr ' + 'WHERE rr.id = #{id} AND rr.topic_keyword_type = tkw.type ' + 'ORDER BY tkw.name' has_many :evaluations has_many :job_report_item_generator, :dependent => :destroy has_one :report_file 这点够不够 这个继承的model在数据库里 是如何生成数据表的呢? 继承的model在数据库里生成数据表的方法有哪些能请教一下吗 |
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rails code in activerecord/lib/activerecord/base.rb:
module ActiveRecord class Base class << self # Works like find(:all), but requires a complete SQL string. Examples: # Post.find_by_sql "SELECT p.*, c.author FROM posts p, comments c WHERE p.id = c.post_id" # Post.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM posts WHERE author = ? AND created > ?", author_id, start_date] def find_by_sql(sql) connection.select_all(sanitize_sql(sql), "#{name} Load").collect! { |record| instantiate(record) } end # Finder methods must instantiate through this method to work with the # single-table inheritance model that makes it possible to create # objects of different types from the same table. def instantiate(record) object = if subclass_name = record[inheritance_column] if subclass_name.empty? # No type given. allocate else # Ignore type if no column is present since it was probably # pulled in from a sloppy join. unless columns_hash.include?(inheritance_column) allocate else begin compute_type(subclass_name).allocate rescue NameError raise SubclassNotFound, "The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass: '#{record[inheritance_column]}'. " + "This error is raised because the column '#{inheritance_column}' is reserved for storing the class in case of inheritance. " + "Please rename this column if you didn't intend it to be used for storing the inheritance class " + "or overwrite #{self.to_s}.inheritance_column to use another column for that information." end end end else allocate end object.instance_variable_set("@attributes", record) object end end end end YourClass.find_xxx will get one or more record(Hash), call YourClass.allocate to create instance for each, and populate properties to them. while single table inheritance return corresponding subclass instance. Q: what's allocate? A: allocate memory for the newly created instance, without calling constructor(initialize). YourClass.new(*args) equal to YourClass.allocate.initialize(*args) search "instantiate" in activerecord source code, you will find callbacks.rb rewrites it to enable "after_find" and "after_initialize" callbacks, and assocations.rb how to manage join table instantiate. |
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assocations.rb can not be find.
# Is called when the object was instantiated by one of the finders, like Base.find. #def after_find() end # Is called after the object has been instantiated by a call to Base.new. #def after_initialize() end so i still don't know why can u explain it more detailed? thks a lot |
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今天比较忙,有时间再跟大家一起学习。 源码大体是,调哪个类的find方法,就生成哪个类的实例。 单表继承的 会生成具体子类的实例。 确认子类名的依据,参考上面代码的17行和29行:如果表中有字段名为type,则该记录的字段值就代表了子类名。 如果不想用type这个名字,可以通过set_inheritance_column定制。但rails把 数据库值和子类名直接对应,没有提供接口让我们定制它们的映射关系(compute_type只是简单的确保不让类名前面的module忽略掉)。 -- 切到笔记本,终于可以不用蹩脚的英文了。 |
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那我想问一下也就是说有一个model A,对应的是table表(映射关系?), A分别派生了C跟B,table里面的type只要是C那就被认为是C的对象 table里面的type只要是B那就被认为是B的对象,是这么一回事情吗, 如此智能。。。。? 小弟刚刚做ruby on rails 以前是做c++的,源代码暂时还看不懂全部的意思,希望和大家一起进步。 |
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deferling 写道 恩,是有type的,好厉害!
那我想问一下也就是说有一个model A,对应的是table表(映射关系?), A分别派生了C跟B,table里面的type只要是C那就被认为是C的对象 table里面的type只要是B那就被认为是B的对象,是这么一回事情吗, 如此智能。。。。? 小弟刚刚做ruby on rails 以前是做c++的,源代码暂时还看不懂全部的意思,希望和大家一起进步。 nod nod |
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