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在研究fastcgi的时候,我感觉有必要研究下fastcgi的历史。这样能够对fastcgi把握得更好一些。我想知道,fastcgi只是一个规范,open market提供了这个规范,他对这个规范的支持只是一些书面文件吗?有没有对这个规范进行完全实现?fastcgi是不是他提供的?在提供这个 fastcgi外,还提供了哪些对其他语言的支持?比如c/c++,是吗?他只是提供了一些库,就算对这些语言进行支持了,对吧?但是对于服务器和一些新兴的脚本,他没有提供支持,还需要那些服务器开发者自己编写fastcgi模块以支持fastcgi规范,比如apache和lighttpd的 mod_fastcgi模块,同时php支持者也必须自己开发fastcgi支持程序:php-cgi。是这样的吗?
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from wiki:
CGI is a protocol for interfacing external applications to web servers. CGI applications run in a separate process, which is created at the start of each request and torn down at the end. This "one process per request" model makes CGI programs very simple to implement, but limits efficiency and scalability. At high loads, the operating system process creation and destruction overhead becomes significant and limits scalability. In addition, the CGI process model limits resource reuse techniques (such as reusing database connections, in-memory caching, etc.).

To address the scalability shortcomings of CGI, Open Market developed FastCGI and first introduced it in their webserver product in the mid-1990s. Open Market originally developed FastCGI in part as a competitive response to Netscape's proprietary, in-process API (NSAPI) for developing Web applications.

Although initially developed by Open Market, FastCGI was implemented by a number of other webserver makers. The FastCGI approach, however, competed against other techniques which also aimed to speed and simplify server-subprogram communications, but which didn't follow the CGI paradigm. Apache modules such as mod_perl and mod_php appeared around the same time and seemed to be even better replacements for CGI, allowing closer integration with the core webserver.
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