原文-> http://blogs.sun.com/chinmayee/entry/top_10_resources_for_glassfish
GlassFish V2 的Top 10 资源
这里是 GlassFish v2/Sun Java System Application Server 9.1.相关的一个有用的资源列表:
1. GlassFish Tell me, Show me page: View screencasts and read instructions that will guide you through the basic tasks of getting started. Ideal for newbies.
2. What's New with the Admin Console: A good summary of the top 10 new Admin Console features in GlassFish v2.
3. Admin Console Online Help: Click the Help button on the Admin Console for help on administrative tasks like changing the admin password, rotating the log file, changing the configuration settings etc.
4. High-Availability guide: 解释 clustering, load balancing, HADB setup.
5. How to Run Glassfish with Apache: 更多的信息请参见here.
6. Usage Profiles in GlassFish: 更加详细的信息请参见 here.
7. Developer's 指南 和 Deployment 指南: 开发JavaEE应用程序和部署它们.
8. EJB FAQ 关于EJB 3.0中最常见的问题集.
9. Troubleshooting common deployment problems
10. Performance Tuning 指南: 学习如何调节appserver的参数来满足你的需要.详细地请参照如下的here 和here.