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规则定义的代码如下:Hanoi.drl package com.sample.hanoi /* */ #list any import classes here. #declare any global variables here rule "apply for the n=1" when #conditions h : Hanoi( sequence == 1 ) then #actions System.out.println( h.getOne() + " -> " + h.getThree() ); end rule "apply for the n>1." #include attributes such as "salience" here... when #conditions h : Hanoi( sequence > 1 ) then #actions insert( new Hanoi( h.getSequence() - 1,h.getTwo(),h.getOne(),h.getThree() ) ); insert( new Hanoi( 1, h.getOne(), h.getTwo(), h.getThree()) ); insert( new Hanoi( h.getSequence() - 1,h.getOne(),h.getThree(),h.getTwo() ) ); end 以上是Hanoi算法的规则表示,是比较简单的,主要注意两个问题: 首先,我采用的是Drools官方示例中的Fibonacci的例子的解决办法,引入了一个sequence的变量,这个变量是来记录有多少层塔的。 其次,大家在看代码的时候,可能注意到了,在"apply for the n>1."规则的后件中的顺序与我们平常写得Hanoi程序正好相反,这是为什么呢?原来这是Drools冲突解决策略的一种方案。 Drools的冲突解决的方案主要两种: 第一种:Salience,即优先级策略。用户可以为某个 rule 指定一个高一点的优先级(通过附给它一个比较大的数字)。高 Salience 的 rule 将会被优先激发。 第二种:LIFO,当规则的salience相同,又出现执行顺序冲突时,按照LIFO(后进先出)策略 我这里是利用了第二种策略,所以顺序正好相反。 下面是Hanoi的Bean类和程序的主类: public class Hanoi { private String one; private String two; private String three; private int sequence; public Hanoi() { super(); } public Hanoi(int sequence) { super(); this.sequence = sequence; } public Hanoi(int sequence, String one, String two, String three ) { super(); this.one = one; this.two = two; this.three = three; this.sequence = sequence; } /** * @return the sequence */ public int getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * @param sequence the sequence to set */ public void setSequence(int sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; } /** * @return the one */ public String getOne() { return one; } /** * @param one the one to set */ public void setOne(String one) { this.one = one; } /** * @return the two */ public String getTwo() { return two; } /** * @param two the two to set */ public void setTwo(String two) { this.two = two; } /** * @return the three */ public String getThree() { return three; } /** * @param three the three to set */ public void setThree(String three) { this.three = three; } } public class HanoiExample { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder(); builder.addPackageFromDrl( new InputStreamReader( FibonacciExample.class.getResourceAsStream( "/Hanoi.drl" ) ) ); final RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase(); ruleBase.addPackage( builder.getPackage() ); final StatefulSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession(); session.insert( new Hanoi( 4, "A", "B", "C" ) ); session.fireAllRules(); session.dispose(); // Stateful rule session must always be disposed when finished } 这是我自己尝试的第一个例子,在写规则的时候,我觉还是有很多问题的,最主要的就是:如何更好的里利用drools提供的功能,写出精炼的规则?还有很多的隐藏的规则如何发现?这些都是需要多多经验的,希望能够和大家讨论,共同进步。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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