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CREATE TABLE ORDERS ( "ID" VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL, "PRODUCTID" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, "QUANTITY" NUMBER(10), "PRICE" NUMBER(10), "USERID" VARCHAR(10), "ORDERDATE" DATE DEFAULT sysdate, PRIMARY KEY("ID") ) ; CREATE TABLE PRODUCT ( "ID" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, "NAME" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, "PRICE" NUMBER(10), PRIMARY KEY("ID") ); INSERT INTO PRODUCT(ID,NAME,PRICE) VALUES('1','CAT',50); INSERT INTO PRODUCT(ID,NAME,PRICE) VALUES('2','DOG',25); INSERT INTO PRODUCT(ID,NAME,PRICE) VALUES('3','FISH',42); INSERT INTO PRODUCT(ID,NAME,PRICE) VALUES('4','PIGEON',34); INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID,PRODUCTID,QUANTITY,PRICE,USERID) VALUES('1','1',2,50,2); INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID,PRODUCTID,QUANTITY,PRICE,USERID,ORDERDATE) VALUES('1','4',2,34,2,TO_DATE('2008-04-16','yyyy-mm-dd')); INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID,PRODUCTID,QUANTITY,PRICE,USERID,ORDERDATE) VALUES('4','1',20,150,3,TO_DATE('2008-02-18','yyyy-mm-dd')); INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID,PRODUCTID,QUANTITY,PRICE,USERID) VALUES('4','1',2,50,1); INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID,PRODUCTID,QUANTITY,PRICE,USERID) VALUES('5','4',1,34,1); INSERT INTO ORDERS(ID,PRODUCTID,QUANTITY,PRICE,USERID) VALUES('6','3',3,42,1); SELECT id, TRUNC((SYSDATE - orderdate)/365) FROM orders; alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'; select userid, sum(price*quantity) from orders group by userid; select a.id,a.username,b.id,b.userid from users a,orders b where a.id=b.userid select o.id as 订单号, u.username as 用户名, o.price as 产品价格 from orders o,users u where o.userid=u.id; --查询订单号,订单产品名称,用户名,订单价格,每种商品购买总额 select o.id,p.name,p.price,p.price*o.quantity from orders o, users u, product p where o.userid=u.id and o.productid=p.id select * from product where id = (select productid from orders where userid=1 and productid=4); --查询 查询任意一个用户,订单行内小计超过100元, --检索订单总额最大的用户 select * from users where id = ( select userid from ( select userid, sum(price*quantity) as total from orders group by userid order by total desc ) where rownum=1 ); select * from product where id in (select productid from orders); select * from users where id in(select userid from orders); oracle练习二 --批量执行 start d:\*.sql; --查看大字短的大小 SELECT DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(MYCLOB) FROM ATTACHMENT; SELECT DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(MYBLOB) FROM ATTACHMENT; --设置控制台尺寸 set linesize 150; --创建新表 CREATE TABLE ORDER1 ( "ID" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, "PRODUCTID" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, "QUANTITY" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, "PRICE" NUMBER(10), PRIMARY KEY("ID") ); --插入多行记录 insert into orders5 (id,productid,quantity) ( select id,productid,quantity from orders where quantity>1 ); select * from orders5; --复制表 create table orders2 as ( select id,userid,quantity,price from orders ); --根据多个表中的某些指定列建立一个新表,并写入符合条件的数据 create table orders3 as ( select u.id,o.price,o.quantity from orders o,users u where u.id=o.userid ); --撤消 rollback; --创建保存点 savepoint abc35; savepoint abc36; savepoint abc37; --回退到指定点 rollback to abc36 --更新多行 update orders3 set price=45 where quantity between 2 and 3; --嵌套更新<将原表的一空列更新成此表的一指定列计算结果更新至空列> update order1 set price= ( select quantity+100 from order1 where id=1 ) where id=1; --两张表的嵌套更新 update order1 set price= ( select o.price+200 from orders3 o,order1 r where o.id=2 and r.id=2 ) where id in(3,5); --删除记录 delete from orders where id=1; --删除表快速删除表数据 advantage tabelname; --删除后不能恢复 disadvantage tablename; truncate table tablename; --创建序列 create sequence mysequence start with 1; 查看序列表 select * from user_sequences; --为列 select user from dual; --访问序列 select mysequence.nextval from dual; --插入记录 insert into product(id,name,price) values(mysequence,nextuval,'aaa',45); --查看当前使用的最大的序列值 select mysequence.currval from dual; insert into products(pid,name,price) values(mysequence.nextval,'bb',145); insert into orders(id,productid,quantity,price,userid) values(mysequence.nextval,mysequence.nextval,45,100,1); --查看当前使用的最大序列值 select mysequence.currval from products; select mysequence.nextval from products; --查看当前时间和下单时间 select id,orderdate,sysdate from orders; --删除一行记录 delete from orders5 where id=1; --删除整表的内容 truncate table orders5; //创建用户 CREATE USER "CM" PROFILE "DEFAULT" IDENTIFIED BY "1234" DEFAULT TABLESPACE "USERS" TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "USERS" ACCOUNT UNLOCK; --绑定角色<授权> GRANT "CONNECT" TO "CM"; --创建视图 create view viewname as sql_command; create or replace view viewtest as select * from --创建视图 create or replace view myview as select o.id,p.price from orders o,products p where p.pid=o.productid; --从多张表中取出用户名,用户所购买的产品名称,购买产品的价格,产品的数量,用户的email地址,用户的下单时间(日:时:分),用户的注册日期 --并把上述结构创建为视图。 create or replace view myview as select o.id,u.name,p.names,p.price,o.quantity,u.email,o.orderdate,u."regdate" from orders o,products p,users u where o.id=p.pid and o.id=u.id; update users set "regdate"=to_date('2008-10-10 21:21') where id in(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); --使SQLPLUS控制台可以输出 set serveroutput on set serveroutput off --控制台输出 declare begin dbms_output.put_line('this is '); end; / declare aaa varchar2(100); begin dbms_output.put_line((2+3)*6); end; / --存储过程 create or replace procedure proname (id in number) as names varchar(10); begin insert into products(pid,names,price) values(mysequence.nextval,'xiaoliu',123); end; / --运行 execute proname(23); create or replace procedure pro (mynum in number) as str varchar(10); begin select count(*) into str from products; dbms_output.put_line(str); end; / --查询products表大于输入price的总个数 create or replace procedure mypro1(prprice in number) as total real; begin select count(*) into total from products where price>prprice; dbms_output.put_line(total); end; / --插入一行记录 insert into products(pid,names,price) values(mysequence.nextval,'aaa',45); create or replace procedure mypro2(userid in number) as buffer varchar2(100); status INTEGER; usernames char(100); begin select name into usernames from users where id='1'; dbms_output.enable(20000); dbms_output.put_line('user:' || usernames); end; --赋值语句< := > create or replace procedure mypro4(w in integer,h in integer) as width integer :=w; hight integer :=h; area real; begin area :=(width+hight)*2; dbms_output.put_line('area=' || area); end; / --条件语句<if .. then ... end if> create or replace procedure myro5(num in integer) as n integer :=num; begin if n=5 then dbms_output.put_line('ok'); else dbms_output.put_line('not equals'); end if; end; / --循环<while ** loop *** end loop; for * in ***loop end loop;> create or replace procedure mypro6(n in integer) as con integer :=0; begin dbms_output.put_line('while loop.========='); while con<n loop dbms_output.put_line(con); con :=con+1; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('for loop =========='); con :=0; for con in 1..n loop for con in n..1 loop dbms_output.put_line('*'); end loop; end loop; end; / --游标cursor create or replace procedure mypro7(w in integer) as id products.pid%type; name products.names%type; price products.price%type; cursor cursors is select pid,names,price from products where price>w order by pid; begin open cursors; loop fetch cursors into id,name,price; exit when cursors%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('id:' || id || 'name:' || name || 'price:' || price); end loop; close cursors; end; / --函数function create or replace function prices ( proprice in number ) return integer is pricecount integer; begin select count(price) into pricecount from product where price>proprice; if(pricecount >0) then return pricecount; else return 0; end if; end prices; declare counter number := 0; begin counter := prices(30); if counter >0 then dbms_output.put_line('counts:'||counter ); else dbms_output.put_line('counts:'||counter ); end if; end; / create table journal( id integer not null, username varchar(20), operation varchar(30), operatetime date, primary key(id) ); create sequence sequ start with 1 maxvalue 999; create or replace trigger sparks after insert or update or delete on orders2 declare operation journal.operation%type; begin if inserting then operation :='insert'; elsif updateing then operation :='update'; elsif deleteing then operation :='delete'; else operation :='unknown'; end if; dbms_output.put_line(operation); insert into journal values(sque.nextval,user,operation,sysdate); dbms_output.put_line('success'); end; / select o.id,p.name||'的数量是:'||o.quantity,p.productid,p. price from order1 o,product p where o.productid=p.productid select * from order1 o,product p where o.productid(+)=p.productid select o.id,o.quantity,p.name,p.price from order1 o natural join product p select o.id,o.quantity,p.name,p.price from order1 o join product p using(productid) where productid=2 select o.id,p.name||'的数量是:'||o.quantity,p.productid,p. price from order1 o cross join product p where o.productid=p.productid natural join natural join natural join select * from order1 o left join product p on o.productid=p.productid select * from order1 o right join product p on o.productid=p.productid load data local infile 'd:/sql.txt' into table person; 按时间查询 select * from site_gameplayer where createTime BETWEEN '2009-07-23 00:00:00' and '2009-07-23 23:59:59' 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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