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Ruby提供了很多方法用来在运行时查找对象。还有访问实例变量对象方法。使用他们的时候要当心,因为这些方法 破坏了封装。 class C def initialize @ivar = 1 end end c = C.new c.instance_variables # => ["@ivar"] c.instance_variable_get(:@ivar) # => 1 c.instance_variable_set(:@ivar, 3) # => 3 c.instance_variable_get(:@ivar) # => 3 Object#methods方法返回实例方法的一个数组,包含了定义在接受者上的单例方法。如果这个方法的第一个参数是 false,则只返回对象的单例方法。 class C def inst_method end def self.cls_method end end c = C.new class << c def singleton_method end end c.methods - Object.methods # => ["inst_method", "singleton_method"] c.methods(false) # => ["singleton_method"] Module#instance_methods返回了类或者模块的实例方法。instance_methods是被class调用而methods是被实例调 用。给instance_methods传递一个false跳过了父类的方法: C.instance_methods(false) # => ["inst_method"] 也可以用Metaid的metaclass来检查C的类方法: C.metaclass.instance_methods(false) # => ["new", "allocate", "cls_method", "superclass"] In my experience, most of the value from these methods is in satisfying curiosity. With the exception of a few well-established idioms, there is rarely a need in production code to reflect on an object's methods. Far more often, these techniques can be used at a console prompt to find methods available on an object—it's usually quicker than reaching for a reference book: Array.instance_methods.grep /sort/ # => ["sort!", "sort", "sort_by"] ObjectSpace ObjectSpace是一个用来和Ruby的对象系统交互的模块。它有几个很有用的可以使底层hacking更轻松的模块方法: Garbage-collection methods: define_finalizer (sets up a callback to be called just before an object is destroyed), undefine_finalizer (removes those call-backs), and garbage_collect (starts garbage collection). _id2ref converts an object's ID to a reference to that Ruby object. each_object iterates through all objects (or all objects of a certain class) and yields them to a block. 尽管这些方法很有用,但是也很危险。慎重的使用他们。 在Ruby的Test::Unit框架里有个恰当的使用Objectspace的例子。代码用了ObjectSpace.each_object来列举所有存在的继承自Test::Unit::TestCase类。 test_classes = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) { | klass | test_classes << klass if (Test::Unit::TestCase > klass) } 不行的是,ObjectSpace是Ruby的虚拟机更加复杂化。特别是打开ObjectSpace打开的时候Jruby的性能受损很严重,因为Ruby的解析器不能直接的检查在JVM的内部数据的存在的对象。相反的,JRuby必须保持手工的跟踪对象,这将增加很多的消耗。相同的技巧可以在像Module.extended和Class.inherited的方法得到,这些不会有ObjectSpace更切实。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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