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大数据量时更新某字段的两种方案 哪个更好?

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ip表:ipId,startIp,endIp 都是整型        数据量为千级,可以按照1000左右来算
data表:dataId,ip,status 都是整型(另外还有其他字段) 数据量为百万级 可以按照2 000 000左右来算

因为业务上的需要,现在需要更新data表的status值为0或1,规则是:如果ip在【startIp,endIp】之间 则更新为1,否则更新为0

A: 先遍历data表全部设置为status=0,然后根据针对每条ip表记录 更新data表中对应ip段内所有记录的status为1
update data set status=0 ;
update data set status=1 where status=0 and  (ip bwteen startIp1  and endIp1 );
update data set status=1 where status=0 and  (ip bwteen startIp2  and endIp2 );
update data set status=1 where status=0 and  (ip bwteen startIp3  and endIp3 );
update data set status=1 where status=0 and  (ip bwteen startIpN  and endIpN );

B:针对data表的所有ip,我们去匹配ip表,只要ip在ip表的任意一个【startIp,endIp】内我就更新status为1 ,否则为0
update data set status=1 where status=0 and  (   (ip bwteen startIp1  and endIp1 ) 
                                              or (ip bwteen startIp2  and endIp2 ) 
                                              or (ip bwteen startIp3  and endIp3 ) 
                                              or (ip bwteen startIpN  and endIpN ) 

update data set status=0 where status=1 and not (   (ip bwteen startIp1  and endIp1 ) 
                                                 or (ip bwteen startIp2  and endIp2 ) 
                                                 or (ip bwteen startIp3  and endIp3 ) 
                                                 or (ip bwteen startIpN  and endIpN ) 

本人在数据库方面基础薄弱  实在看不出来哪种方法好,希望大家帮忙分析一下
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