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一个字一个字手抄的,貌似现在网上还没有<<Head First Java>>的PDF中文版,其实英文版挺容易的,看看下面就知道了,特通俗,也挺有意义.觉得下面他们给的这些个建议有些确实自己也明白但就是想不到,对于学习还是有好处的^_^
1:Slow down.The more you understand,the less you have to memorize. Don't just read.Stop and think.When the book asks you a question,don't just skip to the answer.Imagine that someone really is asking the questions.The more deeply you force your brain to think,the better chance you have of learing and remembering.
2.Do the exercises.Write your own notes. We put them in ,but if we did them for you ,that would be like having someone else do your workouts for you.And don't just look at the exercises.Use a pencil.There's plenty of evidence that phycial activity while learning can increase the learning.
3.Read the"There are No Dumb Questions" That means all of them.They're not optional side-bars---they are part of the core content!Sometimes the questions are more usefull than the answers.
4.Don't do all your reading in one place. Stand-up.stretch,move around,change chairs,change rooms.It'll help your brain feel something,and keeps your learning from being too connected to a particular place.
5.Make this the last thing you read before bed.Or at least the last challenging thing. Part of the learing (especially the transfer to long-term memory) happens after you put the book down. Your brain needs time on its own,to do some processing.If you put in something new during that processing time,some of what you just learned will be lost.
6.Drink water.Lots of it. Your brain works best in a nice bath of fluid.Dehydration(which can happen before you ever feel thirsty)decreases cognitive function.
7.Talk about it.Out loud. Speaking activates a different part of the brain.If you're trying to understand something.or increase your chance of remenbering it later,say it out loud.Better still,try to explain it out loudly to someone else.You'll learn more quickly,and you might uncover ideas you hadn't known were there when you were reading about it.
8.Listen to your brain. Pay attention to whether your brain is getting overloaded.If you find yourself starting to skim the surface or forget what you just read,it's time for a break.Once you go past a certain point ,you won't learn faster by trying to shove more in,and you might even burt the process.
9.Fell something new! Your brain needs to know that this matters.Get involved with the stories.Make up your own captions for the photos.Groaning over a bad joke is still better than feeling nothing at all.
10.Type and run the code. Type and run the code examples.Then you can experiment with changing and improving the code ( or breaking it,which is sometimes the best way to figure out what's really happening).For long examples or Ready-bake code,you can download the source files from headfirstjava.com. 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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电力出的。 79元 PS:请作任何事之前想想是否违法 |
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delete 写道 不明白为什么有人愿意去20k学个臭到家的培训,确不愿意花50-60买本书(75-80折吧)。不明白啊
我也很难理解...什么书都先看看有没地方下? 买本书翻翻不是更好.... 网上买不到的.才考虑下个电子档看看.. |
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阳光晒晒 写道 电力出的。 79元 PS:请作任何事之前想想是否违法 是不是我抄在这有点侵犯版权^_^ |
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yanyanlong 写道 delete 写道 不明白为什么有人愿意去20k学个臭到家的培训,确不愿意花50-60买本书(75-80折吧)。不明白啊
我也很难理解...什么书都先看看有没地方下? 买本书翻翻不是更好.... 网上买不到的.才考虑下个电子档看看.. 其实纸板的传统一些,比看电子版的好多了 我也觉得很多人去培训盲目的很 去花了钱就能学到更多东西么 |
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