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2-10 TIBCO General Interface GI添加和调式JavaScript代码

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TIBCO General Interface 开发向导 - chapter 10 添加和调试JavaScript代码

TIBCO General Interface Builder allows you to add presentation logic to your application by writing custom JavaScript code. Presentation logic is any type of coding required to meet a user-specific requirement. For example, you can query a web service when a user clicks a button, or open a detail view in a list when a user selects a row.

TIBCO General Interface Builder 允许你通过写定制的Javascript代码添加表达逻辑到你的应该程序,表达逻辑可以按照你的特定需求进行书写, 例如,你能查询一个web service 当用户点击按钮的时候,或当用户选择一行的时候打开详细列表页面。

There are several ways to add custom JavaScript to an application. The code is processed differently depending on how it’s specified.

In TIBCO General Interface Builder, fields where you can specify JavaScript code are distinguished visually with a light blue graph pattern background. The type-ahead feature is also supported in these fields. See Type-ahead Lists.
Table 16 is a summary of locations in TIBCO General Interface Builder where you can specify code and the impact of each method:
Table 16 Summary of JavaScript Customization Options
Code Location

在 TIBCO General Interface Builder中,底色是显眼的高亮绿色网格的输入框中写特定的javascript代码,在这个输入框中也能支持type-ahead(上下文代码提示功能)功能,参考 Type-ahead 列表。

表16是一个能够在TIBCO General Interface Builder中写特定代码和增强每个方法的位置总结:
Code Location What Code Does
1.Events Editor palette
Each event can be associated with JavaScript statements.


2.Component Profile view in work area
JavaScript statements can be executed either before or after a component is loaded in the application.


3.Dynamic properties file
JavaScript statements execute in application (server) context to set a dynamic property value.


4.XML Mapping Utility
JavaScript statements execute in context of the mapped XML message node being processed or created.


5.Project Settings dialog
JavaScript statements execute during the onLoad event in application (server) context immediately after the root and body canvases are drawn on-screen.
JavaScript statements execute during the onUnload event when the browser window is unloaded.

5. 工程设置 对话框

6.JavaScript file included in project
A file containing JavaScript statements, method calls, constants, and so on can be included in a project. Any static execution is evaluated before components are loaded.


7.JavaScript Test Utility
Any JavaScript statements can be checked for errors before adding them to the application.
Note: The JavaScript Step Through Debugger is only supported in Internet Explorer. To debug in Firefox, use the Venkman extension. Visit http://getahead.ltd.uk/dwr/ajax/venkman/.

7.javascript 测试工具

任何javascript语句能够检查错误,在 把它加到应用程序中之前。

注意:javascript 单步通过调试只有ie能够支持,如果想在firefox中调试,请用Venkman扩展。


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