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views/product/index.html.erb: <%= render :partial => @product %> _product.html.erb: <% div_for product do %> <h2><%= link_to h(product.name), product %></h2> ... <% end %> 2 first ror2.0 blog demo http://www.vimeo.com/425800 根据视频自己也做了一次 在has_many表关系中,如果指定 ,:dependent => :delete_all has_many :comments ,:dependent => :delete_all 则在删除父表记录时 字表中的数据会全部删除 3 操作日志 可以通过log下的操作日志来追踪信息 (尤其是sql语句) 4 render 与 redirect_to render 通俗的理解就是在当前页面嵌入另外一个页面 : Renders the content that will be returned to the browser as the response body. <h3> New Comment </h3> <% form_for([@post,Comment.new]) do |f| %> <%= render :partial =>'comments/form',###这里嵌入了一个comments/_form.rhtml页面 :locals =>{:f =>f,:bt_name =>'Create'} %> # :f _form.rhtml页面中用到了这个 f 变量 <% end %> redirect 通俗的理解就是从当前页面切换到另外一个页面 : Redirects the browser to the target specified in options. This parameter can take one of three forms: 5 respond_to :看到很多respond_to eg : def show @post = Post.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.json {render :text =>@post.to_json } format.xml { renderml => @post } end end What that says is, "if the client wants HTML in response to this action, just respond as we would have before, but if the client wants XML, return them the list of post in XML format." (Rails determines the desired response format from the HTTP Accept header submitted by the client.) 客户端 就返回 psot id为9的post对象的xml格式数据 就返回 psot id为9的post对象的json格式数据(文本) 应该就是看前台请求什么格式的数据吧,支持 (html,xml,js,json) 6 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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