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今天的学习记录 :2008-3-20 1 字符串中插入表达式 “”最好 2 generate controller 是应该输入复述形式(对应表名) model 则是单数 3 关系的表达 has_many :works belongs_to :composer class Composer < ActiveRecord::Base ddhas_many :works 4 class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base ddhas_manyrders, ddddddddddd:dependent => true, ddddddddddd:order => "created_at ASC" end 5 Define before_create in the Order class as follows: def before_create dd self.status = "open" end 6 We’ll write open_orders to return an ActiveRecord collection: def open_orders orders.find(:all, :conditions => "status = 'open'") end 7 def editions ddddEdition.find_by_sql("SELECT edition_id from editions_works ddddLEFT JOIN works ON editions_works.work_id = works.id ddddLEFT JOIN composers ON works.composer_id = composers.id ddddWHERE (composers.id = #{id})") end 8 文件名为 : new.html.erb <div style='float:right;width:70%;'> <h1>н¨ÈËÔ±ÐÅÏ¢</h1> <%= error_messages_for :human %> <% form_for(@human) do |f| %> <p> ±àºÅ :<%= f.text_field :code %><br># 表示f 的类型是text_field (这种方法真是不习惯) ÐÕÃû :<%= f.text_field :name %> <%= f.submit "´´½¨" %> </p> <% end %> <%= link_to '·µ»Ø', humen_path %> </div> 这段代码中 form_for 默认的action其实对应的是创建一个humam (约定优于配置,由于是new.html.erb而且是post(提交),所以对应的方法是 2.0 scallfod 自动生成的代码 # GET /humen/new get方式 # GET /humen/new.xml def new @human = Human.new respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.xml { renderml => @human } end end # POST /humen post方式 # POST /humen.xml def create @human = Human.new(params[:human]) respond_to do |format| if @human.save flash[:notice] = "#{@human.name}´´½¨³É¹¦!" format.html { redirect_to(:action => 'index') } format.xml { renderml => @human, :status => :created, :location => @human } else format.html { render :action => "new" } format.xml { renderml => @human.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end 而如果文件名是edit.html.erb 则会去执行update方法 (解释下 :在new.html.erb 页面打开时(get) 先执行new方法 创建@human ,当提交时(post) 调用create方法 创建human) <% form_for(@human) do |f| %> 这句 : 可以换成 (f表示变量 @human) <% form_for :human, @human,:url => { :action => "create" } do 是一样的 <% form_for(@post) do |f| %> ... <% end %> This will expand to be the same as: <% form_for :post, @post, :url => post_path(@post), :html => { :method => :put, :class => "edit_post", :id => "edit_post_45" } do |f| %> ... <% end %>---自己也搞不太清楚了。 我换一种写法 <div style ="float:right;width:70%"> <form action="/shops/new" method="post"> ²ÍÌüÃû³Æ: <%= text_field :shop, :name %> <br /> ¼Û¸ñ·¶Î§: <%= text_field :shop, :pricerange %> <br /> µØÖ· : <%= text_field :shop, :address %> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Ìá½»" /> </form> </div> 在shops控制器中的new方法: def new case request.method when :get @shop = Shop.new when :post #commit的时候 @shop = Shop.new(params[:shop]) @shop.save end end 这样也可以 9 对象save的时候报 ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken 错误 : 加 protect_from_forgerynly => [:create, :update, :destroy] 不知道为什么 10 rails中的form表单总结 1.表单类型一 <div class=""class="form"> <%= error_messages_for 'user' %> <fieldset> <legend>请输入用户信息</legend> <% form_for :user do |form| %> <p> Name: <%= form.text_field :username, :size => 30 %> </p> <p> Password: <%= form.password_field :password, :size => 30 %> </p> <p> ConfirmPassword: <%= form.password_field :password_confirmation, :size => 30 %> </p> <%= submit_tag "注册", :class => "submit" %> <% end %> </fieldset> </div> 此种是对象绑定的方式,通过表单,跟Model层的对象绑定,通常完成数据的增,改功能。 2.表单类型二 <div class=""class="form"> <%= error_messages_for 'user' %> <fieldset> <legend>请输入用户信息</legend> <% form_tag do %> <p> Name: <%= text_field_tag :username, params[:username], :size => 30 %> </p> <p> Password: <%= password_field_tag :password, params[:password], :size => 30 %> </p> <%= submit_tag "注册", :class => "submit" %> <% end %> </fieldset> </div> 此种主要是为了表单传值 form_for和model绑定,而form_tag不是 form_tag想传什么参数都行,没有约束 11 验证 class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_length_of :first_name, :maximum=>30 validates_length_of :last_name, :maximum=>30, :message=>"less than %d if you don't mind" validates_length_of :fax, :in => 7..32, :allow_nil => true validates_length_of :phone, :in => 7..32, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :user_name, :within => 6..20, :too_long => "pick a shorter name", :too_short => "pick a longer name" validates_length_of :fav_bra_size, :minimum=>1, :too_short=>"please enter at least %d character" validates_length_of :smurf_leader, :is=>4, :message=>"papa is spelled with %d characters... don't play me." end 12 generate scaffold Post title:string body:text 生成框架 并且会生成创建表的schema 执行创建脚本 rake db:migrate 执行 rake db:reset drop表。。 demo 表 001_create_SmUsers.rb class CreateSmUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :sm_users do |t| t.string :name, :null => false #name字段类型 string 不能为空 t.string :realname,:password,:email,:department,:telephone,:mobile t.text :memo # t.boolean :status t.timestamps end add_index :sm_users, :name,:unique=>true #增加sm_users表name字段 唯一索引 end def self.down remove_index :sm_users, :name drop_table :sm_users end end ---个人感觉只是一个对mysql比较方便的工具而已 如果数据集库是oracle 不知道会建成什么样子 (可以指定表空间之类的东西么 ?) 13 map.root :controller => 'posts' 讲posts这个action作为index ,同时要把 public下的index.html删除掉 14 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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