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使用 apache的 common FTPClient 操作ftp

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最近 做 java 上传文件 到  ftp server, 用到了 apache的 common/net包,感觉还是挺好使用的。
以下是 简单 常用的 method, 贴在这里。

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile;

public class FtpUtil {
	private FTPClient ftpClient;
	public static final int BINARY_FILE_TYPE = FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE;
	public static final int ASCII_FILE_TYPE = FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE;
	// path should not the path from root index
	// or some FTP server would go to root as '/'.
	public void connectServer(FtpConfig ftpConfig) throws SocketException,
			IOException {
		String server = ftpConfig.getServer();
		int port = ftpConfig.getPort();
		String user = ftpConfig.getUsername();
		String password = ftpConfig.getPassword();
		String location = ftpConfig.getLocation();
		connectServer(server, port, user, password, location);
	public void connectServer(String server, int port, String user,
			String password, String path) throws SocketException, IOException {
		ftpClient = new FTPClient();
		ftpClient.connect(server, port);
		System.out.println("Connected to " + server + ".");
		ftpClient.login(user, password);
		// Path is the sub-path of the FTP path
		if (path.length() != 0) {
	// Set transform type
	public void setFileType(int fileType) throws IOException {

	public void closeServer() throws IOException {
		if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
	//==         About directory       =====
	// The following method using relative path better.
	public boolean changeDirectory(String path) throws IOException {
		return ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(path);
	public boolean createDirectory(String pathName) throws IOException {
		return ftpClient.makeDirectory(pathName);
	public boolean removeDirectory(String path) throws IOException {
		return ftpClient.removeDirectory(path);
	// delete all subDirectory and files.
	public boolean removeDirectory(String path, boolean isAll)
			throws IOException {
		if (!isAll) {
			return removeDirectory(path);

		FTPFile[] ftpFileArr = ftpClient.listFiles(path);
		if (ftpFileArr == null || ftpFileArr.length == 0) {
			return removeDirectory(path);
		for (FTPFile ftpFile : ftpFileArr) {
			String name = ftpFile.getName();
			if (ftpFile.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println("* [sD]Delete subPath ["+path + "/" + name+"]");				
				removeDirectory(path + "/" + name, true);
			} else if (ftpFile.isFile()) {
System.out.println("* [sF]Delete file ["+path + "/" + name+"]");						
				deleteFile(path + "/" + name);
			} else if (ftpFile.isSymbolicLink()) {

			} else if (ftpFile.isUnknown()) {

		return ftpClient.removeDirectory(path);
	// Check the path is exist; exist return true, else false.
	public boolean existDirectory(String path) throws IOException {
		boolean flag = false;
		FTPFile[] ftpFileArr = ftpClient.listFiles(path);
		for (FTPFile ftpFile : ftpFileArr) {
			if (ftpFile.isDirectory()
					&& ftpFile.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(path)) {
				flag = true;
		return flag;

	//==         About file        =====
	// Download and Upload file using
	// ftpUtil.setFileType(FtpUtil.BINARY_FILE_TYPE) better!

	// #1. list & delete operation
	// Not contains directory
	public List<String> getFileList(String path) throws IOException {
		// listFiles return contains directory and file, it's FTPFile instance
		// listNames() contains directory, so using following to filer directory.
		//String[] fileNameArr = ftpClient.listNames(path);
		FTPFile[] ftpFiles= ftpClient.listFiles(path);
		List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>();
		if (ftpFiles == null || ftpFiles.length == 0) {
			return retList;
		for (FTPFile ftpFile : ftpFiles) {
			if (ftpFile.isFile()) {
		return retList;

	public boolean deleteFile(String pathName) throws IOException {
		return ftpClient.deleteFile(pathName);

	// #2. upload to ftp server
	// InputStream <------> byte[]  simple and See API

	public boolean uploadFile(String fileName, String newName)
			throws IOException {
		boolean flag = false;
		InputStream iStream = null;
		try {
			iStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
			flag = ftpClient.storeFile(newName, iStream);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			flag = false;
			return flag;
		} finally {
			if (iStream != null) {
		return flag;

	public boolean uploadFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
		return uploadFile(fileName, fileName);

	public boolean uploadFile(InputStream iStream, String newName)
			throws IOException {
		boolean flag = false;
		try {
			// can execute [OutputStream storeFileStream(String remote)]
			// Above method return's value is the local file stream.
			flag = ftpClient.storeFile(newName, iStream);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			flag = false;
			return flag;
		} finally {
			if (iStream != null) {
		return flag;

	// #3. Down load 

	public boolean download(String remoteFileName, String localFileName)
			throws IOException {
		boolean flag = false;
		File outfile = new File(localFileName);
		OutputStream oStream = null;
		try {
			oStream = new FileOutputStream(outfile);
			flag = ftpClient.retrieveFile(remoteFileName, oStream);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			flag = false;
			return flag;
		} finally {
		return flag;
	public InputStream downFile(String sourceFileName) throws IOException {
		return ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(sourceFileName);
   发表时间:2008-12-19   最后修改:2008-12-19



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