锁定老帖子 主题:oracle9i单表分组问题,有点搞人!
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有这么个表:employee id,name,birthday,duty,degree,title,degree_title 报表格式如图: 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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--年龄结构 select count(t.id_card_no) as num1, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where months_between(sysdate, t.birthday)/12 < 35 and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num2, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where months_between(sysdate, t.birthday)/12 between 36 and 45 and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num3, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where months_between(sysdate, t.birthday)/12 between 46 and 55 and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num4, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where months_between(sysdate, t.birthday)/12 > 56 and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union --文化结构 select count(t.id_card_no) as num6, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '博士' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num7, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '硕士' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num8, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '本科' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num9, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '专科' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num10, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '中等职业教育' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num11, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '高中' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num12, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree = '初中及以下' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union --职称结构 select count(t.id_card_no) as num13, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree_title = '高级' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num14, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree_title = '中级' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num15, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.degree_title = '初级' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union --技术等级结构 select count(t.id_card_no) as num16, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.title = '高级技师' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num17, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.title = '技师' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num18, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.title = '高级工' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num19, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.title = '中级工' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty union select count(t.id_card_no) as num20, t.duty from jdpj_waf_employee t where t.title = '初级及以下' and t.duty is not null group by t.duty |
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with a as (select t1.duty, count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 <= 35 group by t1.duty),--35> x的 b as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 between 36 and 45),--36< x <45的 c as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 between 46 and 55),--46< x <55的 d as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 >= 56),--56< x的 e as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '博士'),--博士研究生 f as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '硕士'),--硕士研究生 g as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '本科'),--本科 h as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '专科'),--专科 i as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '中等职业教育'),--中等职业教育 j as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '高中'),--高中 k as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '初中及以下'),--初中及以下 l as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '高级'),--高级 m as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '中级'),--中级 n as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '初级'),--初级 o as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '高级技师'),--高级技师 p as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '技师'),--技师 q as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '高级工'),--高级工 r as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '中级工'),--中级工 s as (select count(t1.id) as cnt from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '初级及以下')--初级及以下 select a.cnt, b.cnt, c.cnt, d.cnt, e.cnt, f.cnt, g.cnt, h.cnt, i.cnt, j.cnt, k.cnt, l.cnt, m.cnt, m.cnt, o.cnt, p.cnt, q.cnt, r.cnt, s.cnt from a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s where a.duty='管理人员' |
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with a as (select count(t1.id) as lessthan35 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 <= 35 and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--35> x的 b as (select count(t1.id) as morethan36 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 between 36 and 45 and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--36< x <45的 c as (select count(t1.id) as morethan46 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 between 46 and 55 and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--46< x <55的 d as (select count(t1.id) as morethan56 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where months_between(sysdate, t1.birthday)/12 >= 56 and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--56< x的 e as (select count(t1.id) as doctor from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '博士' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--博士研究生 f as (select count(t1.id) as mastor from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '硕士' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--硕士研究生 g as (select count(t1.id) as bachelor from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '本科' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--本科 h as (select count(t1.id) as grad from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '专科' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--专科 i as (select count(t1.id) as vocational from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '中等职业教育' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--中等职业教育 j as (select count(t1.id) as hight from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '高中' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--高中 k as (select count(t1.id) as middle from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree = '初中及以下' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--初中及以下 l as (select count(t1.id) as senior from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '高级' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--高级 m as (select count(t1.id) as secondary from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '中级' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--中级 n as (select count(t1.id) as junior from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '初级' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--初级 o as (select count(t1.id) as seniortech from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '高级技师' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--高级技师 p as (select count(t1.id) as tech from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '技师' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--技师 q as (select count(t1.id) as worker1 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '高级工' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--高级工 r as (select count(t1.id) as worker2 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '中级工' and t1.duty = '管理人员'),--中级工 s as (select count(t1.id) as worker3 from jdpj_waf_employee t1 where t1.degree_title = '初级及以下' and t1.duty = '管理人员')--初级及以下 select a.lessthan35, b.morethan36, c.morethan46, d.morethan56, e.doctor, f.mastor, g.bachelor, h.grad, i.vocational, j.hight, k.middle, l.senior, m.secondary, n.junior, o.seniortech, p.tech, q.worker1, r.worker2, s.worker3 from a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s |
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看了你的SQL,太夸张了点吧,这么多SQL,不应该用一条Group by的SQL搞么?
另外,对这种报表,你可以看看琴棋报表 |
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主要是在年龄,职称,学历上有个多值判断,这个该怎么弄啊,case when出来的不是我想要的效果。decode的用法不熟,尝试了几把以失败告终,郁闷!
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id,name,duty,birthday,degree,title,degree_title 其中duty,degree,title,degree_title是被设计在BasicData表中的,如下2个父子表:basic_data_master(id,code,name), basic_data_detail(id,master_id,col_two) basic_data_detail表中的col_two对应的就是duty,degree,title,degree_title的值 我到现在还没有找到一个比较简洁的语句来搞定这个问题。总之,我写出来的语句像是一个得了肥胖症的要死不活的家伙,超级郁闷ing ! |
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