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关于No suitable driver

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今天搭建新的开发系统,在全部设置完成以后,启动服务,结果系统爆出“No suitable driver”异常,怎么可能啊,我这二天已经搭建了3套这样的系统了,怎么会出这个问题呢,于是按照报的错误进行分析,没有合适的驱动程序,难道是驱动没有放到lib下,结果发现里面有阿,而且打开文件也发现了这个文件,那就奇怪了,实在是想不通阿,把缓存删除了好几遍,还是不行,在自己分析,实在无法找到原因了,于是google了一下,发现了下面的问题描述:
Often the answer is given that the correct driver is not loaded. This may be the case, but more typically, the JDBC database URL passed is not properly constructed. When a Connection request is issued, the DriverManager asks each loaded driver if it understands the URL sent. If no driver responds that it understands the URL, then the "No Suitable Driver" message is returned.
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