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锁定老帖子 主题:在java中小试FP(一)
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就是想把java这样写 从 User user=new User("gordon",28,170); if(user.getHeight()>160&&user.getName().equals("gordon"){ do something... }else{ do something else... } 到 User user=new User("gordon",28,170); Functor process=taller.than(160).and(matchName.to("gordon")).case(true,someAction,false,otherAction); process.apply(user); 在java中的fp尝试,可以用已有的程序创造新的程序 package com.gordon; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class Functor { public Object apply(Object... args){ return null; } public Functor and(final Functor... functors){ final Functor first=this; return new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ Boolean result=(Boolean)first.apply(args); for(Functor f : functors){ result=result&&(Boolean)f.apply(args); } return result; } }; } public Functor or(final Functor... functors){ final Functor first=this; return new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ Boolean result=(Boolean)first.apply(args); for(Functor f:functors){ result=result||(Boolean)f.apply(args); } return result; } }; } public Functor sw(final Map<Object,Functor> switchMap){ final Functor f=this; return new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ Object firstResult=f.apply(args); if(!switchMap.containsKey(firstResult))return args; return switchMap.get(firstResult).apply(args); } }; } public Functor sw(Object... args){ if(args.length>1&&args.length%2==0){ Map<Object,Functor> sw=new HashMap<Object,Functor>(); for(int i=0;i<args.length;i=i+2){ sw.put(args[i], (Functor)args[i+1]); } return this.sw(sw); }else throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("incorrect number of arguments for Functor.sw , correct format should be (case,Functor,case,Functor...)"); } public Functor curry(final Object... pargs){ final Functor self=this; return new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ Object[] arg=new Object[pargs.length+args.length]; System.arraycopy(pargs, 0, arg, 0, pargs.length); System.arraycopy(args, 0, arg,pargs.length ,args.length); return self.apply(arg); } }; } public Functor then(final Functor...functors){ final Functor first=this; return new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ Object result=first.apply(args); for(Functor f:functors){ result=f.apply(result); } return result; } }; } public Functor to(final Object... args){ return this.curry(args); } public Functor than(final Object... args){ return this.curry(args); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ Functor t=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ return true; } }; Functor f=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ return false; } }; Functor trueAction=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ System.out.println(""+true+" "+args.length); return null; } }; Functor falseAction=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ System.out.println(""+false+" "+args.length); return null; } }; Functor eq=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ return args[0].equals(args[1]); } }; Functor matchUserName=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ return args[0].equals(((User)args[1]).getName()); } }; Functor matchUserAge=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ return args[0].equals(((User)args[1]).getAge()); } }; Functor taller=new Functor(){ public Object apply(Object... args){ return (Integer)args[0]<((User)args[1]).getHeight(); } }; User u=new User("gordon",25,173); Functor eqGordon=eq.to("gordon"); System.out.println(eqGordon.apply("gordon")); Map<Object,Functor> sw=new HashMap<Object,Functor>(); sw.put(true, trueAction); sw.put(false, falseAction); Functor and=t.and(t,t); Functor or=f.or(f,f,f); or.sw(true,trueAction,false,falseAction).apply(); matchUserName.to("gordon1").or(matchUserAge.to(26)).or(taller.than(160)).sw(true,trueAction,false,falseAction).apply(u); } } class User{ private String name; private int age; private int height; public User(String name,int age,int height){ this.name=name; this.age=age; this.height=height; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public int getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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补充以下,http://www.iteye.com/topic/7569 我看的是这个link,有很详尽的介绍,我觉得fp的核心思想还是很启发的
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