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今天在看spring与hibernate的代码,发现了一个地方非常难理解,就是我以前搭建的一个spring+hibernate的代码中在DAO中注入HibernateDaoSupport中注入的是的spring的LocalSessionFactoryBean,而属性确实hibernate的SessionFactory,考虑不通,按照正常的思路应该是要保ClassCaseException的,于是查询了一下spring refreence,发现了一句话的描述:
“This may be done by prepending the bean id with & when calling the getBean method of BeanFactory(including ApplicationContext). So for a given FactoryBean with an id myBean, invoking getBean("myBean")on the BeanFactory will return the product of the FactoryBean, but invoking getBean("&myBean") will returnthe FactoryBean instance itself”


// Now we have the bean instance, which may be a normal bean or a FactoryBean.
  // If it's a FactoryBean, we use it to create a bean instance, unless the
  // caller actually wants a reference to the factory.
  if (beanInstance instanceof FactoryBean) {
   if (!isFactoryDereference(name)) {
    // Return bean instance from factory.
    FactoryBean factory = (FactoryBean) beanInstance;
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
     logger.debug("Bean with name '" + beanName + "' is a factory bean");
    try {
     beanInstance = factory.getObject();
    catch (Exception ex) {
     throw new BeanCreationException(beanName, "FactoryBean threw exception on object creation", ex);
    if (beanInstance == null) {
     throw new FactoryBeanNotInitializedException(
         beanName, "FactoryBean returned null object: " +
       "probably not fully initialized (maybe due to circular bean reference)");
   else {
     // The user wants the factory itself.
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
     logger.debug("Calling code asked for FactoryBean instance for name '" + beanName + "'");


如果该 id所引用的bean是FactoryBean实例,则检查是否使用了&,
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