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锁定老帖子 主题:请教大家如何将页面的布局做成图2的那样??
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Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'js/ext/resources/images/default/s.gif'; Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side'; var bd = Ext.getBody(); var recordType = Ext.data.Record.create([ { name : "dm", type : "string", mapping : 'dm' }, { name : "sjdm", type : "string" }, { name : "mkmc", type : "string" }, { name : "yxws", type : "string" }, { name : "bzw", type : "string" }, { name : "xz", type : "string" }, { name : "wz", type : "string" }]); var ds = new Ext.data.Store( { proxy : new Ext.data.DWRProxy(mktreeBus.getjsondatastor), reader : new Ext.data.DWRJsonReader( { totalProperty : "results", autoLoad : true, root : 'rows', successProperty : 'success', fields : ['dm', 'sjdm', 'mkmc', 'xz', 'wz', 'bzw', 'yxws'] }, recordType) }); ds.load(); /* * function myRenderer(val) { if (val > 1998) return '<span * style="color:green;">' + val + '</span>'; return '<span * style="color:red;">' + val + '</span>'; } */ var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([ { header : 'NO.', renderer : function(value, cellmeta, record, rowIndex) { return rowIndex + 1; }, width : 30 }, { id : 'qxdm', header : '权限代码', dataIndex : 'dm', width : 85, hidden : false, sortable : true }, { header : '父权代码', dataIndex : 'sjdm', width : 85 }, { header : '模块名称', dataIndex : 'mkmc', width : 120, hidden : false, sortable : true }, { header : '链接名称', dataIndex : 'wz', width : 240 }, { header : '标志位', dataIndex : 'bzw', width : 50, hidden : false }, { header : '节点性质', dataIndex : 'xz', width : 70, hidden : false },{ header : '有效标志', dataIndex : 'yxbz', width : 60 }]); // /// var rsm = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel( { singleSelect : true, listeners : { rowselect : function(sm, row, rec) { Ext.getCmp("member-form").getForm().loadRecord(rec); } } }); // ////////// function addNew() { var r = rsm.getSelected().copy(); r.data['id'] = ''; r.data['Name'] = ''; var grid = Ext.getCmp("member-grid"); grid.stopEditing(); ds.insert(0, r); ds.commitChanges(); grid.getView().refresh(); } function deleteRec() { if (rsm.getCount() < 1) return; var r = rsm.getSelected(); var grid = Ext.getCmp("member-grid"); grid.stopEditing(); ds.remove(r); ds.commitChanges(); grid.getView().refresh(); } var gridForm = new Ext.FormPanel( { id : 'member-form', frame : true, labelAlign : 'left', title : '基本权限信息维护', bodyStyle : 'padding:5px', width : 798, height : 498, //layout : 'column', // 以列方式布局 items : [ { columnWidth : 0.6, layout : 'fit',// 左边列放列表 items : { xtype : 'grid', ds : ds, cm : cm, sm : rsm, id : 'member-grid', title : '业务列表', border : true, stripeRows : true, frame : true, height : 250, tbar : [ { text : '新增', tooltip : '新增会员' // handler : addNew }, '-', { text : '删除', tooltip : '删除会员 ' // handler : deleteRec }], listeners : { render : function(g) { g.getSelectionModel().selectRow(0); }, delay : 10 // Allow rows to be rendered. } } }, { xtype : 'fieldset', columnWidth : 0.4,// 右边列放编辑板 labelWidth : 90, title : '系统数据明细', // layout : 'column', defaultType : 'textfield', autoHeight : true, border : false, bodyStyle : Ext.isIE ? 'padding:0 0 5px 15px;' : 'padding:10px 15px;', style : { "margin-left" : "10px", // when you add custom margin in // IE // 6... "margin-right" : Ext.isIE6 ? (Ext.isStrict ? "-10px" : "-13px") : "0" // you have to adjust for it // somewhere else: ['dm', 'sjdm', 'mkmc', 'xz', 'wz', 'bzw', // 'yxws'] }, items : [ { fieldLabel : '系统权限', name : 'mkmc', allowBlank : false, minLength : 3, maxLength : 8, anchor : '.2' }, { fieldLabel : '上级代码', name : 'sjdm', anchor : '.2' }, { fieldLabel : '调用数据', name : 'wz', // xtype : 'TextArea', anchor : '.2' }, { fieldLabel : '标志位', name : 'bzw', layout : 'form', anchor : '.4' }, { fieldLabel : '业务性质', layout : 'form', name : 'xz', anchor : '.4' },{ fieldLabel : '系统代码', name : 'dm', hideLabel:true, hidden :true, anchor : '.2' }], buttons : [ { text : '修改', handler : function() { var frm = Ext.getCmp("member-form").getForm(); if (frm.isValid()) { // alertValue(rsm.getSelections()); save(); (rsm.getSelections()); frm.updateRecord(rsm.getSelected()); } } }, { text : '清空', handler : function() { var frm = Ext.getCmp("member-form").getForm(); frm.reset(); } } ] }], renderTo : bd }); }); 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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ComplainFormWindow= function(){ this.complainForm= new Ext.form.FormPanel({ labelWidth: 75, // label settings here cascade unless overridden url:'ComplainControlLayer.aspx', frame:true, //title: 'Simple Form', bodyStyle:'padding:5px 5px 0', width: 500, items: [{ layout:'column', items:[{ columnWidth:.48, layout: 'form', xtype:'fieldset', title: 'Personal Information', autoHeight:true, items: [{ xtype:'textfield', fieldLabel: '<b>First Name</b>', name: 'fName', allowBlank:false, //vtype:'alphaText', anchor:'95%' },{ xtype:'textfield', fieldLabel: '<b>M Name</b>', name: 'mName', anchor:'95%' } , { xtype:'textfield', fieldLabel: '<b>Last Name</b>', allowBlank:false, name: 'lName', anchor:'95%' }] },{ columnWidth:.48, layout: 'form', xtype:'fieldset', title: '<b>Other Information</b>', labelWidth:60, autoHeight:true, items: [{ xtype:'textfield', fieldLabel: '<b>Address</b>', allowBlank:false, name: 'address', anchor:'95%' },{ xtype:'textfield', fieldLabel: '<b>E-mail Add</b>', name: 'e-mail', allowBlank:true, vtype:'email', anchor:'95%' }] }] },{ layout: 'form', xtype:'fieldset', title: '<b>Insert Comment</b>', autoHeight:true, items:[{ xtype:'textarea', name:'comment', allowBlank:false, hideLabel:true, height:120, anchor:'98%' }] /* xtype:'textfield', name:'comment', labelAlign: 'top', // id:'bio', fieldLabel:'Comment', autoHeight:true, anchor:'98%'*/ }], buttons: [{ text: 'Save', /* onClick:function(){ if(that.complainForm.form.isValid()) { that.complainForm.form.submit({params:{ requestData: 'adddept'}, failure: function() { // Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error Message',"fail"); alert('h'); }, success: function() { //win.close(); } /* reID: this.refID, maiID: this.mainID, comSubject:this.subject, depID:this.deptID */ /* }); } else{ alert('hi'); } }*/ handler:this.formSubmit, scope:this },{ text: 'Cancel', handler: function(){ this.hide(); }, scope:this }] }); ComplainFormWindow.superclass.constructor.call(this, { title: 'Layout Window', closable:true, width:800, height:475, closeAction:'hide', layout: 'fit', items:this.complainForm }); } Ext.extend(ComplainFormWindow,Ext.Window,{ formSubmit: function(){ if(this.complainForm.form.isValid()) { this.complainForm.form.submit({params:{ requestData: 'addnewcomplain'}, failure: function() { // Ext.MessageBox.alert('Error Message',"fail"); alert('h'); }, success: function() { //win.close(); } /* reID: this.refID, maiID: this.mainID, comSubject:this.subject, depID:this.deptID */ }); } else{ Ext.Msg.alert('Complain Submit', 'Enter the Field'); } } }); Ext.onReady(function(){ var win; var button = Ext.get('show-btn'); button.on('click', function(){ // create the window on the first click and reuse on subsequent clicks if(!win){ win = new ComplainFormWindow(); } win.show(this); }); }); 你要的结果关键之处在: layout:'column', <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Hello World Window Example</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../resources/css/ext-all.css" /> <!-- GC --> <!-- LIBS --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script> <!-- ENDLIBS --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../ext-all.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="hello.js"></script> <!-- Common Styles for the examples --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../examples.css" /> <style type="text/css"> .x-panel-body p { margin:10px; font-size:12px; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="../examples.js"></script><!-- EXAMPLES --> <h1>Hello World Window</h1> <p>This example shows how to create a very simple modal Window with "autoTabs" from existing markup.</p> <input type="button" id="show-btn" value="Hello World" /><br /><br /> </body> </html> |
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fieldset内部横排就会找不到label,利用两个fieldset横排,fieldset内部还是竖排,呵呵! 十分感谢。 |
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如: getRecordItems : function() { return [{ fieldLabel : "1、系统布线", labelSeparator : "", xtype : 'formHtml', value : '' }, { fieldLabel : "敷设方式", name : 'record01', readOnly : this.readOnly, width : 338,grow : true,growMin: 20,xtype : 'textarea', items : [this.getCombo('result01')] }, { fieldLabel : "", labelSeparator : "", xtype : 'formHtml', value : '传输导线及截面积' }, { fieldLabel : "导线截面积", name : 'record02', readOnly : this.readOnly, width : 338,grow : true,growMin: 20,xtype : 'textarea', items : [this.getCombo('result02')] }, { fieldLabel : "导线电压等级", name : 'record03', readOnly : this.readOnly, width : 338,grow : true,growMin: 20,xtype : 'textarea', items : [this.getCombo('result03')] |
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