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项目主页:http://expectations.rubyforge.org/ 安装的话:gem install expectations 它将测试分为state based和behavior based,语法很DSL,作者写了篇文章《implementing internal dsl in ruby》 例子,
state base test: # State based expectation where a value equals another value expect 2 do 1 + 1 end expect /a string/ do "a string" end # State based test checking if actual is in the expected Range expect 1..5 do 3 end # State based test to determine if the object is an instance of the module expect Enumerable do [] end # State based test to determine if the object is an instance of the class expect String do "a string" end # State based test to determine if the modules are the same expect Enumerable do Enumerable end behavior based test: # Behavior based test using a traditional mock expect mock.to_receive(:dial).with("2125551212").times(2) do |phone| phone.dial("2125551212") phone.dial("2125551212") end # Behavior based test on a concrete mock expect Object.to_receive(:deal) do Object.deal end
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That is really cool !
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