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http://www.iteye.com/topic/114754 但是如果我们平时需要些比较灵活的布局。 Grid组件用起来就比较别扭了。
下面我介绍下使用Loop组件实现一个灵活但是又不缺乏分页,排序功能的Grid组件的实现。 首先我们全局看下页面上是要怎样写的。 <table> <tr> <td><a t:type="OrderColumn" orderProperty="country" paging="paging">Country</a> </td> <td><a t:type="OrderColumn" orderProperty="language" paging="paging">Language</a> </td> </tr> <tr t:type="Loop" source="items" value="item"> <td>${item.country}</td> <td>${item.language}</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div t:type="PageNavigation" paging="paging" useAll="false"></div></td> </tr> </table> 是不是比较简单。 你可以单独输出Table的头部和body部分。 这里使用了2个组件一个OrderColumn,一个是PageNavigation。 这两个组件公用了一个paging对象, 这个paging对象其实提供了对分页,和当前排序字段的支持。 下面看看page class的内容。 package com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.pages; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Persist; import com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.utils.Paging; /** * Start page of application quickstart. */ public class Start { @Persist("session") private Paging paging; private Locale item; public Locale getItem() { return item; } public Date getCurrentTime() { return new Date(); } public Locale[] getAvailableLocales(){ return Locale.getAvailableLocales(); } public void pageLoaded(){ if (paging == null){ paging = new Paging("country"); } } public List<Locale> getItems(){ Locale[] availableLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); List<Locale> list = Arrays.asList(availableLocales); paging.setItemCount(list.size()); return list.subList(paging.getFirstResult(), paging.getFirstResult() + paging.getMaxResults()); } public Paging getPaging() { return paging; } public void setPaging(Paging paging) { this.paging = paging; } public void setItem(Locale item) { this.item = item; } } 这里我们把paging对象保存在了session里。 然后绑定到OrderColumn和PageNavigation组件中。 请注意getItems方法。 这个是获得你要显示的数据。 这里你要先得到所有的数据的总数然后调用setItemCount方法, 然后你要通过paging中的firstResult maxResult orderProperty order(desc,ase)去获取你要显示的数据。 下面看看paging对象。 package com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.utils; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.List; public class Paging implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4260574632101852340L; public static int ROWS_PER_PAGE = 15; public static int ALL = -1; private int firstResult = 0; private int maxResults = ROWS_PER_PAGE; /** * One or more property names separated by comma (,). They are later used in * ORDER BY clause. */ private String orderProperties; private boolean orderDescending = false; private int pageNo = 0; private long itemCount = 0; private String alias = null; protected boolean recalculateFirst = false; // enabled by setPageNo or // setItemCount private transient List results; public Paging(String orderColumn) { setOrderProperties(orderColumn); } public Paging(String orderColumn, boolean orderDescending) { setOrderProperties(orderColumn); setOrderDescending(orderDescending); } public Paging(String orderColumn, int pageNo) { setOrderProperties(orderColumn); setPageNo(pageNo); } public Paging(int firstResult, int maxResults, String orderColumn, boolean orderDescending) { this(firstResult, maxResults, orderColumn, null, orderDescending); } public Paging(int firstResult, int maxResults, String orderColumn, String alias, boolean orderDescending) { setFirstResult(firstResult); setMaxResults(maxResults); setOrderProperties(orderColumn); setOrderDescending(orderDescending); setAlias(alias); } public boolean isAll() { return pageNo == ALL; } public int getFirstResult() { if (this.recalculateFirst == true) { if (pageNo != ALL) { if (pageNo < 0) { pageNo = 0; } firstResult = pageNo * maxResults; if (firstResult >= itemCount) { firstResult = pageNo = 0; } } else { firstResult = 0; } this.recalculateFirst = false; } return firstResult; } public void changeSortColumn(String sortColumn) { if (sortColumn != null && sortColumn.equals(getOrderProperties())) { setOrderDescending(isOrderDescending() == true ? false : true); // change // order // desc } else { setOrderDescending(false); // set ascending order setOrderProperties(sortColumn); } } public void setFirstResult(int firstResult) { this.firstResult = firstResult; } public int getMaxResults() { return maxResults; } public void setMaxResults(int maxResults) { this.maxResults = maxResults; } public String getOrderProperties() { return orderProperties; } public void setOrderProperties(String sortColumn) { this.orderProperties = sortColumn; } public boolean isOrderDescending() { return orderDescending; } public void setOrderDescending(boolean sortOrder) { this.orderDescending = sortOrder; } public long getItemCount() { return itemCount; } public void setItemCount(long itemCount) { this.itemCount = itemCount; this.recalculateFirst = true; } public int getPageNo() { return pageNo; } public void setPageNo(int pageNo) { this.pageNo = pageNo; this.recalculateFirst = true; } public String getAlias() { return alias; } public void setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; } public void setResults(List results) { this.results = results; } public List getResults() { return results; } /** * apply order properties to the query string. * @param query * @param pas * @return */ public static String buildOrderBy(String query, Paging pas) { //FIXME if (pas != null && pas.getOrderProperties() != null) { StringBuffer orderBy = new StringBuffer(); /** Oracle int groupindex = query.toLowerCase().indexOf(" group "); if(groupindex>0){ int i = query.toLowerCase().indexOf(" by ",groupindex+1); if(i>groupindex && (i-groupindex)<12)return query; } **/ int posOrder = query.toLowerCase().indexOf(" order "); if (posOrder > 0) { int posBy = query.toLowerCase().indexOf(" by ", posOrder - 1); if (posBy >= 0) { orderBy.append(query.substring(0, posOrder)); } else orderBy.append(new String(query)); } else { orderBy.append(new String(query)); } orderBy.append(" order by "); String[] orderCols = pas.getOrderProperties().split(","); for (int i = 0; i < orderCols.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { orderBy.append(", "); } if (pas.getAlias() != null) { orderBy.append(pas.getAlias() + "."); } orderBy.append(orderCols[i]); if (pas.isOrderDescending()) { orderBy.append(" desc"); } } return orderBy.toString(); } return query; } /** * 'from User' or 'select name from User' will be changed to * 'select count(*) from User' * replace select fields with count(*) * @param queryString * @return */ public static String buildItemCount(String queryString) { int posOfFrom = queryString.toLowerCase().indexOf("from "); return "select count(*) " + queryString.substring(posOfFrom); } } ok, 下面贴下OrderColumn, PageNavigation的代码 OrderColumn.tml <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <span xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd"> <a t:type="ActionLink" t:id="changeOrderLink" t:context="orderProperty"> <t:body/><img src="${icon}" class="t-sort-icon" alt="${iconLabel}"/> </a> </span> OrderColumn.java package com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.components; import org.apache.tapestry.Asset; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Path; import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations.Inject; import com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.utils.Paging; public class OrderColumn { @Parameter(required=true, defaultPrefix="literal") private String orderProperty; @Parameter(required=true) private Paging paging; @Inject @Path("sort-asc.png") private Asset _ascendingAsset; @Inject @Path("sort-desc.png") private Asset _descendingAsset; @Inject @Path("sortable.png") private Asset _sortableAsset; public String getOrderProperty() { return orderProperty; } public void setOrderProperty(String orderProperty) { this.orderProperty = orderProperty; } public Paging getPaging() { return paging; } public void setPaging(Paging paging) { this.paging = paging; } public void onActionFromChangeOrderLink(String orderProperty){ paging.changeSortColumn(orderProperty); } public Asset getIcon(){ if (isActiveSortColumn()) { return getPaging().isOrderDescending() ? _descendingAsset : _ascendingAsset; } return _sortableAsset; } private boolean isActiveSortColumn() { return orderProperty.equals(getPaging().getOrderProperties()); } public String getIconLabel(){ String key = isActiveSortColumn() ? ( getPaging().isOrderDescending() ? "descending": "ascending") : "sortable"; return key; } } PageNavigation.tml <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <span t:type="If" t:test="navigationDisplayed" xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="navigation"> <span t:type="If" t:test="notUnderAllStatus"> <a t:type="ActionLink" t:id="first" t:context="first" t:disabled="firstDisabled">|<<</a> <a t:type="ActionLink" t:id="previous" t:context="previous" t:disabled="previousDisabled"><<</a> Page ${currentPage} Of ${pageCount} <a t:type="ActionLink" t:id="next" t:context="next" t:disabled="nextDisabled">>></a> <a t:type="ActionLink" t:id="last" t:context="last" t:disabled="lastDisabled">>>|</a> <span t:type="If" t:test="useAll"> <a t:type="ActionLink" t:context="all" t:disabled="allDisabled">All</a> <t:parameter name="else"> <a t:type="ActionLink" t:id="pageStatus" t:disabled="prop:notUnderAllStatus">View Paginated</a> </t:parameter> </span> </span> </td> </tr> </table> </span> PageNavigation.java package com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.components; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.OnEvent; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Persist; import com.iteye.com.dengyin000.tapestry.quickstart.utils.Paging; public class PageNavigation { @Persist private boolean underAllStatus; @Parameter(required=true) private Paging paging; private Integer num; @Parameter private boolean useAll; public boolean isUseAll() { return useAll; } public void setUseAll(boolean useAll) { this.useAll = useAll; } public boolean isUnderAllStatus() { return underAllStatus; } public boolean getNotUnderAllStatus(){ return !underAllStatus; } public void setUnderAllStatus(boolean underAllStatus) { this.underAllStatus = underAllStatus; } public Paging getPaging() { return paging; } public void setPaging(Paging paging) { this.paging = paging; } public Integer getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(Integer num) { this.num = num; } public void onActionFromFirst(Integer newPageNo){ changePageNo(newPageNo); } public void onActionFromPrevious(Integer newPageNo){ changePageNo(newPageNo); } public void onActionFromNext(Integer newPageNo){ changePageNo(newPageNo); } public void onActionFromLast(Integer newPageNo){ changePageNo(newPageNo); } public void changePageNo(Integer newPageNo) { getPaging().setPageNo(newPageNo == null ? Paging.ALL : newPageNo.intValue()); // setPaging(getPaging()); // persist! if (newPageNo == null) setUnderAllStatus(true); } public Integer[] getAllPageNumbers() { int size = getLast().intValue() + 1; Integer[] allPages = new Integer[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { allPages[i] = new Integer(i); } return allPages; } public String getPageLabel() { return "" + (getNum().intValue() + 1); } public Integer getFirst() { return new Integer(0); } public Integer getPrevious() { return new Integer(getPaging().getPageNo() - 1); } public Integer getNext() { return new Integer(getPaging().getPageNo() + 1); } public Integer getLast() { int last = (int)Math.ceil((double)getPaging().getItemCount() / getPaging().getMaxResults()) - 1; return new Integer(last); } public Integer getAll() { return null; } public boolean isFirstDisabled() { return getPaging().getPageNo() == 0; } public boolean isPreviousDisabled() { return isFirstDisabled() || getPaging().getPageNo() == Paging.ALL; } public boolean isSelectedPage() { return getPaging().getPageNo() == getNum().intValue(); } public boolean isNextDisabled() { return isLastDisabled() || getPaging().getPageNo() == Paging.ALL; } public boolean isLastDisabled() { return getPaging().getPageNo() == getLast().intValue(); } public boolean isAllDisabled() { return getPaging().getPageNo() == Paging.ALL || getLast().intValue() == 0; } public boolean isNavigationDisplayed() { return getLast().intValue() > 0; } @OnEvent(component="pageStatus") public void enterPagingStatus(){ setUnderAllStatus(false); getPaging().setPageNo(0); // setPaging(getPaging()); } public int getCurrentPage(){ return paging.getPageNo() + 1; } public int getPageCount(){ return getLast() + 1; } } Ok,这个对于T4, T3也是一样的。 你只要把OrderColumn 和 PageNavigation 组件改成相应版本下面的组件就行了。 还有就是如果觉得PageNavigation看起来不是很好的话, 你也可以自己做各式各样的PageNavigation,他就只需要Paging这个类。 我把这个打包成了一个Maven项目。 如果你装了WTP的话。 运行mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=1.0 -DdownloadSources=true 然后再import项目到eclipse中就行了。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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引用 private int maxResults = ROWS_PER_PAGE; 然后dengyin的代码中没有对maxResults < ROWS_PER_PAGE(15)的情况进行判断处理。 |
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