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锁定老帖子 主题:德鲁克日志读后感之二十三
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引用 一月二十六日 社会生态学家 对我而言,对持续性的需求与对创新和变革的需求之间的紧张程度,是人类社会和文明发展的关键。 我自认为是一个“社会生态学家”,我关注的是人类自己创造的社会环境,就像自然生态学家研究生态环境一样。“社会生态学”这个术语虽然虽然是我自创的,其实它是一门古老的学科,曾有过辉煌的历史。关于此学科最伟大的论述当属阿列克西.德.托克维尔(Alexis de Tocqueville)的《论美国的民主》。但是至今还无人能像维多利亚时代中期的英国人沃尔特.白哲特(Walter Bagehot)一样,在性情,观念和思考方式上与我如此接近。白哲特和我一样,生活在一个波澜壮阔的社会变革时期,他是最先洞察到一些新的社会组织出现(如公职人员和政府内阁的出现并成为民主运行的核心),以及银行业的出现并成为经济运行的中轴等。 在白哲特之后100年,我第一个洞察到在这个日益成长的组织化的社会中,管理将成为一种崭新的社会体制;稍后,我还发现知识成为一种新的关键性资源,知识型员工成为社会新的统治阶层。这个社会所处的时代,不仅仅是所谓“后工业化时代”,也是“后社会主义时代”,并且正日益成为“后资本主义时代”。正如白哲特那时已经认识到的,我也同样认为:对持续性的需求与对创新和变革的需求之间的紧张程度是人类社会和文明发展的关键。因此,白哲特有时称自己为“自由的保守派”、有时称自己为“保守的自由派”,但从来不称自己为“保守的保守派”或“自由的自由派”,我对此非常认同。 行动指南: 你和你的公司将要更换代理商吗?你将采取何种措施才能既做到变革,又能维持变革与稳定之间的平衡。 摘自: 彼得.德鲁克《生态愿景》(The Ecological Vision) 评注: “社会生态学家”对应的英文是“Social Ecologist”,生态学研究的是主体和周围环境的相互关系,生态学家一般都有敏锐的洞察力,一旦春江水暖,就立即形同身受。 终其一生,德鲁克都在观察、收集、整理和思考,他洞察到了管理、知识、知识工作者这些新春气象,洞察到了我们的社会正在进入“后资本主义时代”。 一个合格的生态学家总能观察到“变”,一个伟大的生态学家还能从“变”中寻找到“不变”。德鲁克认为社会和文明的关键,在于两种需求之间的张力,这一点本身并没有因为时代不同而改变。原文如下: As it had been for Bagehot, for me too the tension between the need for continuity and the need for innovation and change was central to society and civilization. 此处的“tension”直译为“张力”,也许更容易让人理解。“创新和变革”和“持续性”是社会和文明的关键,也是企业发展的关键。 企业的“创新和变革”是近期热门话题,可惜纸上谈兵的文章太多,有指导意义的建议太少。究其原因,多半在于立论的虚浮。缺乏张力的理论,也就少了实践的价值。就像断线的风筝,一刹那看似飘得更高,但是很快就会坠落。企业的“持续性”,或者更物理地说,企业的“惯性”,就是那根连着风筝的线,需要企业家同样重视。 新的产品和模式,可能是创新,能带给企业光明的未来;也可能是陷阱,会把企业拖入无底深渊。而传统的业务,可能是累赘,不彻底割掉企业就不能新生;也可能是宝库,挖掘越深收获越多。 水上浮萍的东游西荡,和参天大树的根深叶茂,哪一个更有远见呢。对于局外人,这不过是有趣的智力测试;对于企业家,这却是痛心彻肺的抉择。既然无法躲避,那就勇敢地投身于张力之中,在新与旧之间取舍,在变与不变中图存。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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A Social Ecologist For me the tension between the need for continuity and the need for innovation and change was central to society and civilization. Iconsider myself a “social ecologist,” concerned with man’s man-made environment the way the natural ecologist studies the biological environment. The term “social ecology” is my own coinage. But the discipline itself boasts an old and distinguished lineage. Its greatest document is Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. But no one is as close to me in temperament, concepts, and approach as the mid-Victorian Englishman Walter Bagehot. Living (as I have) in an age of great social change, Bagehot first saw the emergence of new institutions: civil service and cabinet government, as cores of a functioning democracy, and banking as the center of a functioning economy. A hundred years after Bagehot, I was first to identify management as the new social institution of the emerging society of organizations and, a little later, to spot the emergence of knowledge as the new central resource, and knowledge workers as the new ruling class of a society that is not only “postindustrial” but postsocialist and, increasingly, postcapitalist. As it had been for Bagehot, for me too the tension between the need for continuity and the need for innovation and change was central to society and civilization. Thus, I know what Bagehot meant when he said that he saw himself sometimes as a liberal Conservative and sometimes as a conservative Liberal but never as a “conservative Conservative” or a “liberal Liberal.” action point: Are you and your organization change agents? What steps can you take to both change and balance change with stability? |
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