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完成notepad 3部曲,又看了其他人的MapView使用例子,手痒啊,做了个简陋的都市列表,并用MapView来看卫星地图,还有目前路况(traffic,如果有的话),Zoom In/Out,纯抄袭,羞愧中。。。 基本上基于notepad样板,做了个City的list:(偷工减料,static一下了,其实应该从db或者web service上面拿。。。) java 代码
接下来把notepad copy一下,改成自己的东西。。。 java 代码
现在是重点了,CityMap: java 代码
要extends MapActivity,因为是个View嘛。。。 在onCreate()里面拿到传递进去的city,然后拿city的geocode: java 代码
GeoPoint是个DTO/VO,里面就放两个float的经度和纬度: java 代码
java 代码
搞定显示,接下来是key events: i: zoom in o: zoom out s: satellite t: traffic java 代码
最后加个回到城市list的menu: java 代码
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我用adb install lordhong.MapDemo1.apk,然后显示0 bytes虾米的,emulator里面也找不到。。。怎么回事?严格按照google doc:
Running an Android Application To run a compiled application, you will upload the .apk file to the /data/app/ directory in the emulator using the adb tool as described here: 1. Start the emulator (run <your_sdk_dir>/tools/emulator from the command line) 2. On the emulator, navigate to the home screen (it is best not to have that application running when you reinstall it on the emulator; press the Home key to navigate away from that application). 3. Run adb install myproject/bin/<appname>.apk to upload the executable. So, for example, to install the Lunar Lander sample, navigate in the command line to <your_sdk_dir>/sample/LunarLander and type ../../tools/adb install bin/LunarLander.apk 4. In the emulator, open the list of available applications, and scroll down to select and start your application. —T.T... |
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今天javaeye是怎么了? 老打不开自己的博客?
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lordhong 写道 我用adb install lordhong.MapDemo1.apk,然后显示0 bytes虾米的,emulator里面也找不到。。。怎么回事?严格按照google doc:
Running an Android Application To run a compiled application, you will upload the .apk file to the /data/app/ directory in the emulator using the adb tool as described here: 1. Start the emulator (run <your_sdk_dir>/tools/emulator from the command line) 2. On the emulator, navigate to the home screen (it is best not to have that application running when you reinstall it on the emulator; press the Home key to navigate away from that application). 3. Run adb install myproject/bin/<appname>.apk to upload the executable. So, for example, to install the Lunar Lander sample, navigate in the command line to <your_sdk_dir>/sample/LunarLander and type ../../tools/adb install bin/LunarLander.apk 4. In the emulator, open the list of available applications, and scroll down to select and start your application. —T.T... 进 adb shell里 看不到?? 如果能看到 rm了 然后从新 push吧 |
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lordhong 写道 我用adb install lordhong.MapDemo1.apk,然后显示0 bytes虾米的,emulator里面也找不到。。。怎么回事?严格按照google doc:
Running an Android Application To run a compiled application, you will upload the .apk file to the /data/app/ directory in the emulator using the adb tool as described here: 1. Start the emulator (run <your_sdk_dir>/tools/emulator from the command line) 2. On the emulator, navigate to the home screen (it is best not to have that application running when you reinstall it on the emulator; press the Home key to navigate away from that application). 3. Run adb install myproject/bin/<appname>.apk to upload the executable. So, for example, to install the Lunar Lander sample, navigate in the command line to <your_sdk_dir>/sample/LunarLander and type ../../tools/adb install bin/LunarLander.apk 4. In the emulator, open the list of available applications, and scroll down to select and start your application. —T.T... 进 adb shell里 看不到?? 如果能看到 rm了 然后从新 push吧 |
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adb shell 里已经有了. 重新rm掉.再install,或push也不行 |
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今天就adb shell。。。rm了一把,NND,程序都改了,emulator竟然不把新的app load进去,真是白痴。。。害我debug半个多小时。。,
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好东西, 不知道以后做这种手机软件的公司会不会多, 前景好不好啊!
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