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原文: Action Pack: Resources 1,RESTful风格改进: /people/1;edit将变成/people/1/edit 2,添加routing名字空间 map.namespace(:admin) do |admin| admin.resources :projects, :collection => { :inventory => :get }, :member => { :duplicate => :post }, :has_many => { :tags, :images, :variants } end 这将生成类似inventory_admin_projects_url和admin_products_tags_url的命名routes 3,添加"rake routes"任务,将列出通过routes.rb生成的所有命名routes 4,一个新的convention:所有基于resource的controller都默认为复数形式,这样对不同context下的map都会对应到同一controller: # /avatars/45 => AvatarsController#show map.resources :avatars # /people/5/avatar => AvatarsController#show map.resources :people, :has_one => :avatar Action Pack: Multiview #respond_to得到进一步深入,对multiview使用形如action.format.renderer的模板名,如: show.erb: 对所有formats使用同一模板 show.html.erb: html格式所使用的模板 index.atom.builder: 使用Builder渲染atom格式 edit.iphone.haml: 使用自定义HAML模板引擎对Mime::IPHONE格式渲染edit action 我们可以声明伪类型来为内部routing使用: # should go in config/initializers/mime_types.rb Mime.register_alias "text/html", :iphone class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :adjust_format_for_iphone private def adjust_format_for_iphone if request.env["HTTP_USR_AGENT"] && request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"][(iPhone|iPod)/] request.format = :iphone end end class PostsController < ApplicationController def index respond_to do |format| format.html # renders index.html.erb format.iphone # renders index.iphone.erb end end end 我们可以在config/initializers/mime_types.rb文件里声明mime-type Action Pack: Record identification 资源routes的使用简化 # person is a Person object, which by convention will # be mapped to person_url for lookup redirect_to(person) link_to(person.name, person) form_for(person) Action Pack: HTTP Loving 1,HTTP Basic Authentication的简化使用: class PostsController < ApplicationController USER_NAME, PASSWORD = "dhh", "secret" before_filter :authenticate, :except => [ :index ] def index render :text => "Everyone can see me!" end def edit render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password" end private def authenticate authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |user_name, password| user_name == USER_NAME && password == PASSWORD end end end 2,JavaScript&stylesheet文件缓存 production模式下javascript_include_tag(:all, :cache => true)将把public/javascripts/*.js弄到public/javascripts/all.js里 3,设置ActionController::Base.asset_hot = "assets%d.example.com",则image_tag等asset calls会被自动分发到asset1~asset4 Action Pack: Security 1,预防CRSF攻击: ActionController::Base.protect_from_forgery 2,预防XSS攻击: TextHelper#sanitize 3,HTTP only cookies支持 Action Pack: Exception handling 1,rescue_action_in_public class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def rescue_action_in_public(exception) logger.error("rescue_action_in_public executed") case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound logger.error("404 displayed") render(:file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status => "404 Not Found") # ... end end 2,rescue_from class PostsController < ApplicationController rescue_from User::NotAuthorized, :with => :deny_access protected def deny_access # ... end end Action Pack: Miscellaneous 1,AtomFeedHelper # index.atom.builder: atom_feed do |feed| feed.title("My great blog!") feed.updated(@posts.first.created_at) for post in @posts feed.entry(post) do |entry| entry.title(post.title) entry.content(post.body, :type => 'html') entry.author do |author| author.name("DHH") end end end end 2,asset tag调用的性能提升和简单命名routes的缓存 3,将in_place_editor和autocomplete_for变成插件 Active Record: Performance Query Cache,N+1查询的性能提升 Active Record: Sexy migrations # old create_table :people do |t| t.column, "account_id", :integer t.column, "first_name", :string, :null => false t.column, "last_name", :string, :null => false t.column, "description", :text t.column, "created_at", :datetime t.column, "updated_at", :datetime end # new create_table :people do |t| t.integer :account_id t.string :first_name, :last_name, :null => false t.text :description t.timestamps end Active Record: XML in JSON out Person.new.from_xml("David") person.to_json Active Record: Shedding some weight 1,将acts_as_XYZ移到plugins 2,所有商业数据库adapters移到各自的gems里,Rails仅仅自带MySQL,SQLite和PostgreSQL的adapters 商业数据库adapters的gems命名规范为activerecord-XYZ-adapter,所以可以使用gem install activerecord-oracle-adapter来安装 Active Record: with_scope with a dash of syntactic vinegar ActiveRecord::Base.with_scope成为protected以防止在controller里误用,因为它是设计来在Model里使用的 Action WebService out, ActiveResource in 在SOAP vs REST的战争里,Rails选择了REST,所以Action WebService被移出为一个gem,而引入的是著名的ActiveResource ActiveSupport 添加Array#rand方法来从Array里随机得到一个元素 添加Hash#except方法来过滤不想要的keys Date的一些扩展 Acion Mailer 一些bug fixes以及添加assert_emails测试方法 Rails: The debugger is back gem install ruby-debug,然后在程序里某处使用"debugger",使用--debugger或-u来启动server即可 Rails: Clean up your environment 以前各种程序的配置细节都扔在config/environment.rb里,现在我们可以在config/initializers里建立不同的文件来配置不同的选项 Rails: Easier plugin order 以前plugins有依赖顺序时我们需要在config.plugins里列出来所有的plugins,现在可以这样config.plugins=[:acts_as_list, :all] And hundreds uupon hundreds of other improvements hundreds of bug fixes So how do I upgrade? 首先升级到Rails 1.2.3,如果没有deprecation warnings,则可以升级到Rails 2.0 即将发布的Rails 1.2.4还会添加一些deprecation warnings Thanks to everyone who’ve been involved with the development of Rails 2.0. We’ve been working on this for more than six months and it’s great finally to be able to share it with a larger audience. Enjoy! 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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还有route.rb 有了rake应该更容易看懂了- - |
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blackanger 写道 ?这篇文章怎么发了两遍 应该是激动的恩 还是看中文的舒服 |
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