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需要在model的before_save里面判断某个column的值是否改过了(对于数据库中的值来讲)。然后在model的before_save里面用这样的语句:do_something if self.column_changed?(:name) 似乎Rails本身没有一个column_changed?方法,也没找到现成的plugin。 自己hack了一下ActiveRecord::Base,在find以后把当前对象的attributes再duplicate一份,虽然可以用,希望知道更好的方法。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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module Tracking def self.included(base) # hack by include base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_eval do class << self alias_method_chain :instantiate, :tracking # to hack instantiate end end end module ClassMethods # find函数就是调用instantiate把db columns data转成attributes的 def instantiate_with_tracking(record) object = instantiate_without_tracking(record) object.instance_variable_set("@db_attributes", object.attributes.dup) object end end # instant method compares db_attributes and attributes def column_changed?(column) db_attributes[column.to_s] != attributes[column.to_s] end private attr_accessor :db_attributes end ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do include Tracking end |
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只是不知道还有没有在继续维护 |
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看了下它的代码,做的方式跟我的一样,不过考虑得更周到。 |
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又发现一个类似的plugin: changed_attributes
http://blog.behindlogic.com/2007/08/rails-plugin-changedattributes.html 为ActiveRecord添加了以下实例方法: 引用 revert - forget all changes since the last save, reverting to the value each attribute originally had. reset - an alias for revert. revert_attribute - roll back the value of just one attribute to its original value. reset_attribute - alias for revert_attribute. original_attributes - returns all the attributes' values as of the last save, or the default values if the object is unsaved. changed_attributes - returns only the attributes whose values have changed. changed_attribute_names - returns an array of the attributes whose values have changed. attribute_changed?(attr_name) - will tell you if the value of attribute 'attr_name' has been modified. attr_changed?(attr_name) - alias for attribute_changed?. has_attribute?(attr_name) - see if an object has this attribute. exists? - see if an object exists in the database. This isn't commonly useful, but if you ever come across a case where you don't know if an object was deleted or not, #new_record? will return false, but exists? will tell you whether or not this record actually exists in the database.(刚好之前看到mail-list上有人问怎么判断一个ar object是否被删除了,正好这个一并解决了) 感觉有人会很喜欢其中的 save_if_modified 方法 作者说他主要用来实现一些validations,如: 引用 validate_attribute_not_changed validate_attribute_changed validate_attribute_incremented_by(some_number) 不过作者的实现似乎有点问题,他推荐用“替代”法来安装: http://blog.behindlogic.com/2007/09/changedattributes-plugin-alternate.html 他应该比acts_as_modified 活跃,你可以试用看看然后谈谈用后感 |
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save_if_modified的确可以省一些数据库访问。但我认为理想的情况是应该由Rails本身来做这个判断。当我调用.save的时候,Rails判断if !modified就不执行sql。这样是更直观的方式。号称Rails目前的开发方向是更多考虑性能,不知道会不会考虑这种空间换时间的做法,如果考虑的话,就不用费心装插件了。 对于目前的需求来讲,自己写的那几行代码已经足够,等有更深需求的时候,会仔细研究它,先收藏了。谢谢。 |
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