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Rails虽然自带有Controller、Model、Integration的测试框架,但是用起来感觉很枯燥无味 所以,你应该试试RSpec+Mocha这道纯正的墨西哥菜 RSpec is a framework which provides programmers with a Domain Specific Language to describe the behaviour of Ruby code with readable, executable examples that guide you in the design process and serve well as both documentation and tests. RSpec针对我们Ruby以及Rails的测试工作精心制作了一套独具风味的DSL大餐,让我们来尝尝鲜: describe MenuItemsController, "creating a new menu item" do integrate_views fixtures :menu_items it "should redirect to index with a notice on successful save" do MenuItem.any_instance.stubs(:valid?).returns(true) post 'create' assigns[:menu_item].should_not be_new_record flash[:notice].should_not be_nil response.should redirect_to(menu_items_path) end it "should re-render new template on failed save" do MenuItem.any_instance.stubs(:valid?).returns(false) post 'create' assigns[:menu_item].should be_new_record flash[:notice].should be_nil response.should render_template('new') end it "should pass params to menu item" do post 'create', :menu_item => { :name => 'Plain' } assigns[:menu_item].name.should == 'Plain' end end 这是一段测试MenuItemsController的代码,可读性强大到像是在talking,像是用我们的母语在“说”测试! 回想一下传统的Controller测试: class MenuItemsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @controller = MenuItemsController.new @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new end def test_create_with_valid_menu_item assert_difference(MenuItem, :count, 1) do post :create, :menu_item => {:name => 'Classic', :price => 4.99} end assert_not_nil assigns(:menu_item) assert_not_nil flash[:notice] assert_redirected_to menu_items_url end def test_create_with_invalid_menu_item assert_difference(MenuItem, :count, 0) do post :create, :menu_item => { } end assert_not_nil assigns(:menu_item) assert_nil flash[:notice] assert_response :success assert_template 'new' end end 唉,感觉到恶心了吧! 如果你想测试你的Rails应用,你应该看看这份文档:RSpec::Rails RSpec对Rails的Controllers、Models、Views、Helpers、Plugin、Integration等等测试都已经支持的很好或者即将支持 RSpec这套专有DSL,再加上Mocha这一强大的mocking和stubbing库,简直就是珠联璧合,所向无敌了! 我们可以完全抛弃Rails自带的测试框架,拥抱RSpec! 所以,你还在用Rails那套老古董的测试框架吗?太落后了吧,JavaEye都用RSpec了,你用了吗? 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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