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我这个项目,业务层,我打算用EJB3.0,不用再Spring+Hibernate 原因如下 Spring的业务层的缓冲类要自己设计,设计是有些复杂的,而且设计也存在一个问题,照Put JSF to work那个例子那种做法,一次性都把数据表 里的数据都装进内存里,这样做有一个问题,试想,如果数据据库的每条记录的大小达1M(可以达到的, 比如有一个字段的是文本的,文字很多,像新闻发布系统),那么如果有1024 条记录,那把这个表的数据都装进内存,那么内存就要1G ,如果一个应用很多表呢!内存要多少,不可想象! 当然,如果用Spring+hibernate,理论上说,可以满足这个项目, 不过我们这次课程设计,不只是满足这个项目的需要就可以了,要重要的是要做到规范化的设计!因为这 次设计,将会是将来的设计的指导 我选择EJB3.0有几个原因: 1.EJB3.0的事务也是交给容器管理,自动rollback. 2.EJB3.0在netbeans 上开发非常容易! 3.EJB的组件有一个优点,它不是一次性把数据表的记录以EJB对象的形式都装进缓存,而是有需要的时候,才装进缓存,然后在缓存中,如果那个对象长时间不被用到,它就会自动从缓存中消失!这是我现在的大概理解!更详细的内容,看有关EJB生命周期的介绍! 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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感觉你对spring的理解有点想当然?虽然我没看过PPut JSF to work
但demo毕竟只是demo不是生产环境下的应用,spring不至于没有cache,而把数据库的记录全部放在内存而不是cache中 你选择EJB3.0的理由也不够充分,也是在想当然耳! |
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另外,你说的什么新闻系统每个文章能达到1M呀,那要多少字呀。。。 而且这个新闻系统的每个文章都这么大,,,就算是小说网站也够呛呀。 而且,真的有这样的系统也不可能一次全都取出来,放进缓存。程序也是需要人来设计的。。 |
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/* * JCatalog Project */ package catalog.model.service.impl; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; // import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; // import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; // import catalog.model.service.CatalogService; import catalog.model.exception.CatalogException; import catalog.model.exception.DuplicateProductIdException; import catalog.model.dao.CatalogDao; import catalog.model.businessobject.Category; import catalog.model.businessobject.Product; /** * The implementation of the <code>CatalogService</code>. * <p> * Spring Framework is used to manage this service bean. * Since this class is not dependend on Spring API, it can be used outside the Spring IOC container. * <p> * Read/write caches for products and categories are implemented inside this class. * It will be configured as a singleton in the Spring container. * So the caches are in the application scope. * * @author <a href="mailto:derek_shen@hotmail.com">Derek Y. Shen</a> * @see CatalogService */ public class CachedCatalogServiceImpl implements CatalogService { //the logger for this class private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); //the CatalogDao used private CatalogDao catalogDao; //the read/write cache for products private Map productCache; //the read/write cache for categories private Map categoryCache; /** * Default constructor. * * @throws CatalogException If internal error occurs while populates the caches */ public CachedCatalogServiceImpl() throws CatalogException { this.productCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); this.categoryCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); } /** * Set the <code>CatalogDao</code>. * <p> * It can be used by the Spring IOC container. * * @param newCatalogDao the CatalogDao to be set */ public void setCatalogDao(CatalogDao newCatalogDao) { this.catalogDao = newCatalogDao; } /** * @see CatalogService#saveProduct(Product) */ public Product saveProduct(Product product) throws CatalogException { this.logger.debug(("entering method saveProduct")); try { Product newProduct = this.catalogDao.saveProduct(product); this.productCache.put(newProduct.getId(), newProduct); return newProduct; } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException de) { String msg = "Could not save product, duplicate product id " + de.getMessage(); this.logger.error(msg, de); throw new DuplicateProductIdException(msg, de); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Could not save product " + e.toString(); this.logger.error(msg, e); throw new CatalogException(msg, e); } } /** * @see CatalogService#updateProduct(Product) */ public void updateProduct(Product product) throws CatalogException { this.logger.debug(("entering method updateProduct")); try { this.catalogDao.updateProduct(product); this.productCache.put(product.getId(), product); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Could not update product " + e.getMessage(); this.logger.error(msg, e); throw new CatalogException(msg, e); } } /** * @see CatalogService#deleteProduct(Product) */ public void deleteProduct(Product product) throws CatalogException { this.logger.debug(("entering method deleteProduct")); try { this.catalogDao.deleteProduct(product); this.productCache.remove(product.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Could not delete product " + e.getMessage(); this.logger.error(msg, e); throw new CatalogException(msg, e); } } /** * @see CatalogService#getProduct(String) */ public Product getProduct(String id) { return (Product)this.productCache.get(id); } /** * @see CatalogService#getCategory(String) */ public Category getCategory(String id) { return (Category)this.categoryCache.get(id); } /** * @see CatalogService#getAllProducts() */ public List getAllProducts() { return this.getValueList(this.productCache); } public List getAllCategories() { return this.getValueList(this.categoryCache); } public void init() throws CatalogException { try { this.populateCache(); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Could not populate cache"; this.logger.error(msg, e); throw new CatalogException(msg, e); } } /** * @see CatalogService#getAllCategories() */ private void populateCache() { List products = this.catalogDao.getAllProducts(); for (int i=0; i<products.size(); i++) { Product p = (Product)products.get(i); this.productCache.put(p.getId(), p); } List categories = this.catalogDao.getAllCategories(); for (int i=0; i<categories.size(); i++) { Category c = (Category)categories.get(i); this.categoryCache.put(c.getId(), c); } } private List getValueList(Map data) { List list = new LinkedList(); Collection values = data.values(); Iterator ite = values.iterator(); while(ite.hasNext()) { list.add(ite.next()); } return list; } } |
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都说了是Demo了,自己写个基于LRU Cache也很简单,再说spring也集成EhCache!
说白了你还不懂得用,对EJB3.0的理解也太简单了,EJB事务有CMT/BMT,是否要自动Rollback看你的需求 |
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ejb3持久那块不是不好,只是没有hibernate包含的多 |
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“Spring的业务层的缓冲类要自己设计,设计是有些复杂的”了? |
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