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锁定老帖子 主题:存储过程练习_01
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create table c_accnbr_for_free ( segment_id number(9), segment_desc varchar2(50), acc_nbr number(30), billing_mode varchar2(5), state varchar2(5), region_id number(5), region_name varchar2(50), latn_id number(5), latn_name varchar2(50), serv_id number(30), acct_id number(30), single_serv_flag number(1), nbr_type number(1) ) create table c_accnbr_for_free_bak as select * from c_accnbr_for_free; ---重复数据 create table temp_20140526 as select * from c_accnbr_for_free where acc_nbr in (select c.acc_nbr from (select acc_nbr,count(*) from c_accnbr_for_free group by acc_nbr having count(*)>1) c); --处理重复数据 1,4重复的取4 3,4重复的取4 1,3重复的取1 select * from temp_20140526 ; --32- 1 / 2 =15 delete from temp_20140526 where acc_nbr in( select acc_nbr from temp_20140526 where nbr_type in(1,4) group by acc_nbr having count(*)>1) and nbr_type=1; --26 (13) delete from temp_20140526 where acc_nbr in( select acc_nbr from temp_20140526 where nbr_type in(3,4) group by acc_nbr having count(*)>1) and nbr_type=3; --2 (1) delete from temp_20140526 where acc_nbr in( select acc_nbr from temp_20140526 where nbr_type in(1,3) group by acc_nbr having count(*)>1) and nbr_type=3; --2 (1) select distinct acc_nbr from c_accnbr_for_free where acc_nbr in (select c.acc_nbr from (select acc_nbr,count(*) from c_accnbr_for_free group by acc_nbr having count(*)>1) c); select * from temp_20140526 where acc_nbr=17008510004 for update; select acc_nbr,count(*) from temp_20140526 group by acc_nbr ; --2478 - 32 + 15 = 2461 delete from c_accnbr_for_free where acc_nbr in(select acc_nbr from temp_20140526); ---32 insert into c_accnbr_for_free select * from temp_20140526; select acc_nbr,count(*) from c_accnbr_for_free group by acc_nbr having count(*)>1; ---去重后备份 create table c_accnbr_for_free_bak1 as select * from c_accnbr_for_free; create or replace procedure p_accnbr_for_free IS segmentId NUMBER; segmentDesc VARCHAR2(50); accNbr NUMBER; billingMode VARCHAR2(5); state VARCHAR2(5); regionId NUMBER; regionName VARCHAR2(50); latnId NUMBER; latnName VARCHAR2(50); servId NUMBER; acctId NUMBER; singleServFlag NUMBER; nbrType NUMBER; v_1 NUMBER; str1 varchar2(500); cursor str_free is select s.segment_id,c.acc_nbr, s.billing_mode, s.state, s.region_id, s.serv_id,c.nbr_type from c_accnbr_for_free c, serv s where c.acc_nbr = s.acc_nbr; begin for f in str_free loop segmentId :=f.segment_id; segmentDesc :=''; ---重新提取 accNbr :=f.acc_nbr; billingMode :=f.billing_mode; state :=f.state; regionId :=f.region_id; regionName :=''; --重新提取 latnId :=0; --重新提取 latnName :=''; --重新提取 servId :=f.serv_id; acctId :=0; --重新提取 singleServFlag :=-1; --重新提取 nbrType :=f.nbr_type; -- 转售商描述(segmentDesc) if segmentId is not null then begin execute immediate ' select partner_desc from emulatory_partner where party_role_id='||segmentId into segmentDesc; exception when no_data_found then segmentDesc :=''; end; end if; --地市名称(regionName) if regionId is not null then begin execute immediate ' select distinct region_name from region_latn where region_id='||regionId into regionName; exception when no_data_found then regionName :=''; end; end if; --省份编码(latnId),省份名称(latnName) if regionId is not null then begin execute immediate ' select distinct latn_id,latn_name from region_latn where region_id='||regionId into latnId, latnName; exception when no_data_found then latnId :=0; latnName :=''; end; end if; --帐户ID (acctId) if servId is not null then begin execute immediate ' select acct_id from serv_acct where state=''00A'' and serv_id='||servId into acctId; exception when no_data_found then acctId :=0; end; end if; --单设备标识( singleServFlag ) if acctId is not null then begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from serv_acct where state=''00A'' and acct_id='||acctId into v_1; if v_1=1 then begin singleServFlag :=1; end; elsif v_1 > 1 then begin singleServFlag :=0; end; else begin singleServFlag :=-1; end; end if; exception when no_data_found then singleServFlag :=-1; end; end if; --更新数据 execute immediate 'update c_accnbr_for_free set SEGMENT_ID='||segmentId||', SEGMENT_DESC=TO_CHAR('''||segmentDesc||'''), BILLING_MODE=TO_CHAR('''||billingMode||'''), STATE=TO_CHAR('''||state||'''), REGION_ID='||regionId||', REGION_NAME=TO_CHAR('''||regionName||'''), LATN_ID='||latnId||', LATN_NAME=TO_CHAR('''||latnName||'''), SERV_ID='||servId||', ACCT_ID='||acctId||', SINGLE_SERV_FLAG='||singleServFlag||' WHERE NBR_TYPE='||nbrType ||' AND ACC_NBR='||accNbr ; commit; end loop; end; select count(*) from serv_acct where state='00A' acct_id=991100110000000183; select count(*) from serv_acct where state='00A' and acct_id=9; select * from serv_acct where serv_id=993100100000008370; select acct_id from serv_acct where state='00A' and serv_id=999000220000002914 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- select count(*) from c_accnbr_for_free where acc_nbr='17008760314'; select acct_id,count(*) from serv_acct where serv_id in( select serv_id from serv where acc_nbr in(select acc_nbr from c_accnbr_for_free) )and state='00A' group by acct_id having count(*)>1; 993100100000008370 997000630000003024 select *from offer_discount where offer_id in(134016712,134016718); select * from balance_type 700 select * from c_accnbr_for_free where acc_nbr=17001040711; select * from serv where acc_nbr=17001040711; ---在serv表不存在的用户 select acc_nbr,nbr_type from c_accnbr_for_free where acc_nbr not in(select acc_nbr from serv); --1334 select count(*) from c_accnbr_for_free where billing_mode is not null; --1128 --------------------- select * from staff; select distinct staff_id from balance_source --已执行 grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_SN ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_GM ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_LY ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_DXT ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_TY ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_HJSJ ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_WWZC ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_JD ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_LM ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_LLKJ ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_CJT ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_FXZX ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_SWHL ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_CJSD ; grant select on mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free to MVNO_A_ASD ; --已执行 create synonym MVNO_A_SN .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_GM .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_LY .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_DXT .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_TY .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_HJSJ .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_WWZC .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_JD .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_LM .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_LLKJ .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_CJT .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_FXZX .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_SWHL .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_CJSD .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_ASD .c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_SN.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_GM.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_LY.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_DXT.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_TY.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_HJSJ.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_WWZC.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_JD.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_LM.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_LLKJ.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_CJT.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_FXZX.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_SWHL.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_CJSD.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; create synonym MVNO_A_ASD.c_accnbr_for_free for mvno_info.c_accnbr_for_free; 2014-06-22 1:08@yuqiaolu.pudongqu.shanghai. 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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