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在这里要感谢的是网友:神灯,land007 步骤: 1 通过地图编辑器tiled 修改 BrowserQuest-master\tools\maps\tmx 文件夹下的map.tmx 2 通过 地图编辑器 导出 map.json 3 通过命令nodejs脚本把map.json生成系统能够适别的json数据。 命令工具脚本:map.bat,exportmap.js 和 file.js (注:网友”神灯“提供) 1) map.bat: @color 3F @echo. @echo 操作完成自动退出程序! @echo. node exportmap.js map.json direct @echo. @echo 操作完成按任意键退出程序! @echo. @pause >nul exit 2) exportmap.js #!/usr/bin/env node var util = require('util'), Log = require('log'), path = require("path"), fs = require("fs"), file = require("../../shared/js/file"), processMap = require('./processmap'), log = new Log(Log.DEBUG); // 此处用了nodejs的process进程处理,读取参数,即 map.bat 中 node exportmap.js map.json direct // node 为参数0 process.argv[0] exportmap.js 为参数1 map.json 为参数3 依次类推... var source = process.argv[2], mode = process.argv[3], destination = process.argv[4]; // source 代表的是map.json if(!mode){ mode = "direct"; } if(!source || (mode!="direct" && mode!="root" && mode!="both" && mode!="client" && mode!="server") || (mode!="root" && mode!="direct" && !destination)) { util.puts("Usage : ./exportmap.js tiled_json_file [mode] [destination]"); util.puts("Optional parameters : mode & destination. Values:"); util.puts(" - \"direct\" (default) → updates current server and map files (WARNING: SHOULD ONLY BE CALLED FROM BrowserQuest/tools/maps !!!);"); util.puts(" - \"client destination_file\" → will generate destination_file.js and destination_file.json for client side map;"); util.puts(" - \"server destination_file.json\" → will generate destination_file.json for server side map;"); util.puts(" - \"both destination_directory\" → will generate world_client.js, world_client.json and world_server.json in directory."); process.exit(0); } function main() { getTiledJSONmap(source, callback_function); } function callback_function(json) { switch(mode){ case "client": processClient(json, destination); break; case "server": processServer(json, destination); break; case "direct": processClient(json, "../../client/maps/world_client"); processServer(json, "../../server/maps/world_server.json"); break; case "both": var directory=destination.replace(/\/+$/,'');//strip last path slashes processClient(json, directory+"/world_client"); processServer(json, directory+"/world_server.json"); break; case "root": processClient(json, "client/maps/world_client"); processServer(json, "server/maps/world_server.json"); break; default: util.puts("Unrecognized mode, how on earth did you manage that ?"); } } function processClient(json, dest){ var jsonMap = JSON.stringify(processMap(json, {mode:"client"})); // Save the processed map object as JSON data // map in a .json file for ajax loading fs.writeFile(dest+".json", jsonMap, function(err, file) { if(err){ log.error(JSON.stringify(err)); } else{ log.info("Finished processing map file: "+ dest + ".json was saved."); } }); // map in a .js file for web worker loading jsonMap = "var mapData = "+jsonMap; fs.writeFile(dest+".js", jsonMap, function(err, file) { if(err){ log.error(JSON.stringify(err)); } else{ log.info("Finished processing map file: "+ dest + ".js was saved."); } }); } function processServer(json, dest){ var jsonMap = JSON.stringify(processMap(json, {mode:"server"})); // Save the processed map object as JSON data fs.writeFile(dest, jsonMap, function(err, file) { if(err){ log.error(JSON.stringify(err)); } else{ log.info("Finished processing map file: "+ dest + " was saved."); } }); } function getTiledJSONmap(filename, callback) { var self = this; // 此处调用的file.js中的exists函数 file.exists(filename, function(exists) { if(!exists) { log.error(filename + " doesn't exist.") return; } fs.readFile(filename, function(err, file) { callback(JSON.parse(file.toString())); }); }); } main(); 3) file.js var exists, existsSync; (function () { var semver = require('semver'); var module = (semver.satisfies(process.version, '>=0.7.1') ? require('fs') : require('path')); exists = module.exists; existsSync = module.existsSync; })(); if (!(typeof exports === 'undefined')) { module.exports.exists = exists; module.exports.existsSync = existsSync; } // 其中semver为node的一个模块,可以通过 npm install semver 安装模块 (前提是先弄清楚,安装node) 4 修改processmap.js 在官方提供的源码直接运行脚本,并不能完成功能,因为之前看过官方wiki,知道地图这一块有一个 https://github.com/browserquest/BrowserQuest/blob/master/tools/maps/processmap.js 把这个processmap.js 替换源码 BrowserQuest-master\tools\maps 下的processmap.js即可。 最后运行map.bat批处理文件,即可在对应目录生成json数据。。 然后你重启node server/js/main.js 重启服务器tomcat或apache,访问,可以看到,此时的地图为你修改后的地图。地图编辑算是成功了。 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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