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锁定老帖子 主题:2-3树的插于及删除操作源代码
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可以运行。设计了测试用例覆盖了所有的情况,测试后结果正确。 2-3树具体的讲解请看文档,文档是东南大学邓建明老师上课使用的。
#include "f.h" void main(){ stack=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(Stacks)); stack->tail=(BiStack)malloc(sizeof(StackNode)); stack->tail->preNode=NULL; stack->tail->pTree=NULL; stack->head=stack->tail; //for the delete function BiTree t=NULL;//指向2-3树根节点 int inputs=1; int input_set[10]={11,22,34,42,6,3,28,24,36,9}; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { insert(input_set[i],&t); } /* while (inputs!=0) { printf("\n请输入一个正整数插入到2-3树中:"); scanf("%d",&inputs); if (inputs!=0) { insert(inputs,&t); } }*/ int key=-1; int key_set[9]={28,36,24,34,6,3,22,42,11}; deletes(11,&t); /* for (int i=0;i<6;i++) { if (i==14) { int sss=0; } if (!deletes(key_set[i],&t)) { printf("there is no node in the tree you want to delete"); } } /* while(key!=0){ printf("\n请输入要删除节点的key值:"); scanf("%d",&key); if (!deletes(key,&t)) { printf("there is no node in the tree you want to delete"); } }*/ int s; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define NUM 10 #define INTERIOR 0 #define LEAF 1 #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 typedef struct Node//节点 { int type; int key; int low2; int low3; struct Node * son1; struct Node * son2; struct Node * son3; }TreeNode,*BiTree; typedef struct sNode { struct sNode *preNode; BiTree pTree; }StackNode, *BiStack; typedef struct stackn { BiStack head; BiStack tail; }Stacks,*Stack; Stack stack; void push(BiTree bt){ BiStack bs=(BiStack)malloc(sizeof(StackNode)); bs->preNode=stack->head; bs->pTree=bt; stack->head=bs; } BiTree pop(){ if (stack->head == stack->tail) { return NULL; } BiTree bt=stack->head->pTree; BiStack bs=stack->head; if (bs!=stack->tail) { stack->head=bs->preNode; } free(bs); return bt; } void clean(){ while(stack->head!=stack->tail){ BiStack tmp=stack->head; stack->head=stack->head->preNode; free(tmp); } } BiTree createNode(int type,int key){ BiTree t=(BiTree)malloc(sizeof(TreeNode)); t->type=type; t->low2=t->low3=0; t->son1=t->son2=t->son3=NULL; t->key=key; return t; } /************************************************************************/ /* input: x : the leaf node to insert tp : the tree or the sun tree x will insert to pback: : null - the function is complete. if it is not null, it means a bother node of tp, it is created in the function because tp has three sun node,so the function created it to stored new node;It is used for father node(out function) to coordinate the tree; the node is right to tp output: lowBack: it is the least key number of the nodes of pback; */ /************************************************************************/ int addson(BiTree x,BiTree* tp_point,BiTree *pBack){ BiTree tp=*tp_point; int low_back=0; if (tp->type == LEAF) { if (tp->key > x->key) { BiTree tmp=x; x=tp; (*tp_point)=tmp; } *pBack=x; return (*pBack)->key; } //tp node is a interior node int child;//it means which child node to insert; BiTree tp_next; if (x->key < tp->low2) { child =1; tp_next=tp->son1; } else if (x->key <tp->low3 || (tp->low3 ==0&&tp->son3 == NULL)) { child =2; tp_next=tp->son2; } else { child =3; tp_next=tp->son3; } BiTree pNewBack=NULL; //set the tp_next as the tree to insert //iterate the function until dealing with the leaf node int low_number=addson(x,&tp_next,&pNewBack); if (pNewBack != NULL) { if (tp->son3 == NULL)//if tp only have two child node, the new node which is create in the iteration function can be stored by tp node { if (child ==1) { tp->son3=tp->son2; tp->son2=pNewBack; tp->son1=tp_next;//tp_next is a pointer who point to the node/tree to insert tp->low3=tp->low2; tp->low2=low_number; } else//child == 2 { tp->son3=pNewBack; tp->son2=tp_next; tp->low3=low_number; } } else{ //tp have three child node so a new interior node(tp's right bother) should be create to store the new child node *pBack=createNode(INTERIOR,0); if (child ==1) { (*pBack)->son1=tp->son2; (*pBack)->son2=tp->son3; tp->son2=pNewBack; tp->son1=tp_next; tp->son3=NULL; (*pBack)->low2=tp->low3; low_back=tp->low2; tp->low2=low_number; tp->low3=0; } else if (child == 2) { (*pBack)->son1=pNewBack; (*pBack)->son2=tp->son3; tp->son2=tp_next; tp->son3=NULL; (*pBack)->low2=tp->low3; tp->low3=0; low_back=low_number; } else { //child ==3 (*pBack)->son1=tp_next; (*pBack)->son2=pNewBack; tp->son3=NULL; (*pBack)->low2=low_number; low_back=tp->low3; tp->low3=0; } } } return low_back; } void insert(int key,BiTree *ts){ BiTree tree=*ts; BiTree x=createNode(LEAF,key); if (tree == NULL)//如果2-3树为空树 { *ts=x; return; } BiTree tp=tree; BiTree pBack=NULL; int low_number=addson(x,&tp,&pBack); if (pBack!=NULL) { //create a new interior node used as the new tree node BiTree newHead=createNode(INTERIOR,0); newHead->low2=low_number; newHead->son1=tp; newHead->son2=pBack; *ts=newHead; } return; } /************************************************************************/ /* find the node to delete by key.On the same time,stack will store the router of nodes which have been searched. intup: key : the key of the node which is supposed to delete tree : the tree to search for the node to delete p : point to a node whose low2 or low3 equal to the key to delete output: if a node is searched successfully,return true;otherwise return false; */ /************************************************************************/ bool find_node(int key,BiTree tree,BiTree *p){ if (tree==NULL) { return false; } push(tree); if (tree->type == LEAF) { if (tree->key == key) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (key==tree->low2 || key ==tree->low3) { *p=tree; } if (key<tree->low2) { find_node(key,tree->son1,p); } else if (key == tree->low2 || key<tree->low3||tree->low3==0) { find_node(key,tree->son2,p); } else{ find_node(key,tree->son3,p); } } void changePpoint(BiTree a,BiTree p,int key){ if (p->low2==a->key) { p->low2=key; }else{ p->low3=key; } } int getLeastKey(BiTree t){ if (t->type==INTERIOR) { return getLeastKey(t->son1); }else{ return t->key; } } void deleteNode(BiTree *a_pointer,BiTree *f_pointer,BiTree *ff_pointer,BiTree p,BiTree *t_pointer){ BiTree a=*a_pointer; printf("delete node begin! "); printf("node:%d %d %d %d\n",a->key,a->low2,a->low3,a->type); BiTree f=*f_pointer; BiTree ff=*ff_pointer; BiTree tLeft=NULL; BiTree tRight=NULL; int fchild=0; int achild=0; if (a==f->son1) { achild=1; } else if (a==f->son2) { achild=2; } else{ achild=3; } if (f->low3!=0)//father node have three child node; { if (a==f->son3) { f->son3=NULL; f->low3=0; free(a); } else if (a==f->son2) { f->low2=f->low3; f->low3=0; f->son2=f->son3; f->son3=NULL; free(a); } else if (a==f->son1) { if (a->type==LEAF&&p!=NULL) { changePpoint(a,p,f->low2); } f->low2=f->low3; f->low3=0; f->son1=f->son2; f->son2=f->son3; f->son3=NULL; free(a); } else { printf("err:a不是f的子节点。\n"); } } else{//father node have two child node,a =1,2 BiTree b=NULL; if (achild ==1) { b=f->son2; } else{ b=f->son1; } if (ff==NULL)//f is the root node { *t_pointer=b; free(a); free(f); return; } if (f==ff->son1) { tRight=ff->son2; fchild=1; } else if (f==ff->son2) { tLeft=ff->son1; tRight=ff->son3; fchild=2; //ff->low2=getLeastKey(f); } else if (f == ff->son3) { tLeft=ff->son2; fchild=3; //ff->low3=getLeastKey(f); } else{ printf("err1:f not a child node of ff!\n"); } //获得了父节点左右的分支,开始根据四种情况处理 if (tLeft!=NULL&&tLeft->low3!=0) {//父节点由一个兄弟节点在左边,并且有三个子节点. done! f->son2=b; f->son1=tLeft->son3; tLeft->son3=NULL; if (a->type=LEAF&&a->key<b->key&&p!=NULL) { changePpoint(a,p,tLeft->low3); } int tmp=0; if (fchild==2) { tmp=ff->low2; ff->low2=tLeft->low3; } else{ tmp=ff->low3; ff->low3=tLeft->low3; } if (achild=2)//如果a是父节点的第二个孩子,则b为第一个孩子,将b改为f的第二个字孩子以后,可以从ff中获得b的最小节点值。 { f->low2=tmp; } tLeft->low3=0; free(a); } else if (tRight!=NULL&&tRight->low3!=0) { f->son1=b; f->son2=tRight->son1; tRight->son1=tRight->son2; tRight->son2=tRight->son3; tRight->son3=NULL; if (a->type=LEAF&&a->key<b->key&&p!=NULL) { changePpoint(a,p,b->key); } int tmp=0; if (fchild==1) { tmp=ff->low2; ff->low2=tRight->low2; }else{ tmp=ff->low3; ff->low3=tRight->low2; } f->low2=tmp; if (tmp!=getLeastKey(f->son2)) { printf("err:not equal to getLeastKey:2~"); } //f->low2=getLeastKey(f->son2); tRight->low2=tRight->low3; tRight->low3=0; free(a); } else if (tLeft!=NULL)//左侧兄弟节点有两个儿子 { tLeft->son3=b; if (achild==2)//修改tleft->low3 { int tmp=0; if (fchild==2) { tmp=ff->low2; } else{ tmp=ff->low3; } tLeft->low3=tmp; } else{ tLeft->low3=f->low2; } *a_pointer=*f_pointer; *f_pointer=*ff_pointer; BiTree bitmp=pop(); *ff_pointer=bitmp; free(a); deleteNode(a_pointer,f_pointer,ff_pointer,p,t_pointer); } else{//右侧兄弟节点有两个儿子 tRight->son3=tRight->son2; tRight->son2=tRight->son1; tRight->son1=b; if (a->type=LEAF&&a->key<b->key&&p!=NULL) { changePpoint(a,p,b->key); } tRight->low3=tRight->low2; if (fchild==1) { tRight->low2=ff->low2; }else{ tRight->low2=ff->low3; } *a_pointer=*f_pointer; *f_pointer=*ff_pointer; BiTree bitmp=pop(); *ff_pointer=bitmp; free(a); deleteNode(a_pointer,f_pointer,ff_pointer,p,t_pointer); } } //删除节点的父节点的对于该节点的low信息不需要使用 } int deletes(int key,BiTree *t){ BiTree tree=*t; BiTree p=NULL;//point to a node whose low2 or low3 equal to the key to delete clean(); if (tree==NULL||!find_node(key,tree,&p)) { return FALSE; } if (tree->type=LEAF&&tree->key == key) { free(tree); *t=NULL; } BiTree a=pop();//the LEFT node BiTree f=pop();//father node BiTree ff=pop();//father node 's father node deleteNode(&a,&f,&ff,p,t); return TRUE; } 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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