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Server 使用的事OpenFire 数据库使用的事Mysql 功能到时齐全,但是,跟自有项目的整合就成了问题,有一些需求实现不了,下面是个实验的例子,仅供参考 :) #coding=utf-8 """ notgen.py """ import sys, os import xmpp import time import string from threading import Thread ROOM = '' LOGGING = 1 #utility functions def buildTrans(): """ create a translation table using string.maketrans to help remove unwanted chars from the sql string to output. If a char is not in the set 'printable' translate it to a space. """ dl = '' sl = '' for i in range(256): c = chr(i) if c not in string.printable: dl = dl + c sl = sl + ' ' return string.maketrans(dl, sl) #global translate table built from above function...used to remove #unwanted chars from sql record output. TTABLE = buildTrans() def messageCB(conn, msg): mt = msg.getType() mgf = msg.getFrom() mb = msg.getBody() try: msg = msg.encode("utf-8") except: pass if mt == 'groupchat': print mgf + ': ' + mb if mt == 'chat': print "\033[1m\033[36m %s say: %s\033[0m" % ( mgf, mb) print def presenceCB(conn, msg): """" Please note: this function is a call back invoked when a 'presence' type packet is received. I put a try/except around the code...as we were getting unicode errors from some source..in the print statement. Did not want to take the time to troubleshoot further for now. """ try: print "presence msg rec'd: ", msg prs_type = msg.getType() who = msg.getFrom() if prs_type == "subscribe": conn.send(xmpp.Presence(to=who, typ='subscribed')) conn.send(xmpp.Presence(to=who, typ='subscribe')) except Exception, e: print e print 'exception in presenceCB...ignoring' class gChat(Thread): """ to hold data and methods for doing group chat """ def __init__(self, room=ROOM, jid="edisonlz@localhost", pwd="wwwwww"): """set up connection and etc.""" Thread.__init__(self) self.flag = True self.pwds = pwd self.rooms = room self.jids = jid def run(self): self.mainloop() def stop(self): self.flag = False def setupConn(self): """ set up the IM Connection """ self.jid = xmpp.protocol.JID(self.jids) self.cl = xmpp.Client(self.jid.getDomain(), debug=None) self.cl.connect() self.cl.auth(self.jid.getNode(), self.pwds) self.cl.sendInitPresence() self.cl.sendPresence(typ='Available') self.cl.RegisterHandler('message', messageCB) self.cl.RegisterHandler('presence', presenceCB) self.room = self.rooms if self.room: self.cl.send(xmpp.Presence(to=self.room, status='Available')) def StepOn(self): try: self.cl.Process(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0 time.sleep(1) return 1 def sendAvailable(self): """ send Available presence """ self.cl.send(xmpp.Presence(to=self.room, status='Available')) def sendMsg(self, msg): msg = msg.translate(TTABLE) #REMOVE unwanted chars msg = xmpp.protocol.Message(body=msg, typ="chat", to='shaols@localhost', frm='edisonlz@localhost') mid = self.cl.send(msg) print 'message sent with mid: ', `mid` time.sleep(1) def mainloop(self): """ main loop for this groupchat session """ while self.flag: self.setupConn() ct = 0 while self.StepOn(): if ct > 60: self.sendAvailable() ct = 0 class gTalk(Thread): def __init__(self, gc): Thread.__init__(self) self.flag = True self.gc = gc def run(self): while self.flag: data = raw_input("\033[1m\033[33m\033[42mchat: \033[0m") if data: if data == "exit": self.stop() self.gc.stop() exit(1) print "exit......." try: self.gc.sendMsg(data.decode("utf-8")) except Exception, e: self.gc.sendMsg(data) print time.sleep(0.1) def stop(self): self.flag = False def main(): gc = gChat() gt = gTalk(gc) try: print "[run chat]" gc.start() print "[run talk]" gt.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: gc.stop() gt.stop() except Exception, e: gc.stop() gt.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': main() 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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