001 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
002 """
003 Created on Wed Sep 28 16:58:29 2011
005 @author: Guo
006 """
007 import time
008 import random
009 import numpy as np
010 import matplotlib
011 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
013 randomList = []
014 maxValue = 2000
015 numberRandom = 2000
017 """
018 直接插入排序
019 """
021 def insert_Sort(data):
022 for i in range(1, len(data)):
023 temp = data[i] #data[i] is to insert
024 j = i - 1
025 while j >= 0 and temp < data[j]:
026 data[j + 1] = data[j]
027 j = j - 1
028 if j <> i - 1:
029 data[j + 1] = temp #insert temp
030 sortedData = data
031 return sortedData
032 """
033 随机数构造函数
034 """
036 def createRandomList():
037 for i in range(numberRandom):
038 randomList.append(random.randint(1,maxValue));
040 """
041 冒泡排序
042 """
044 def bubblesort(data):
045 sortedData = []
046 for i in range(len(data) - 1, 1, -1):
047 for j in range(0, i):
048 if data[j] > data[j + 1]:
049 data[j], data[j + 1] = data[j + 1], data[j]
050 sortedData = data
051 return sortedData
053 """
054 希尔排序
055 """
057 def shell_Sort(data, n = None):
058 if n == None:
059 n = len(data) / 2
060 if n % 2 == 0:
061 n = n + 1
062 for i in range(0, n):
063 newdata = data[i:len(data):n]
064 insert_sort(newdata)
065 data[i:len(data):n] = newdata
066 if n <> 1:
067 d = n / 2
068 if d % 2 == 0:
069 d = d + 1
070 shell_Sort(data, d)
072 """
073 快速排序
074 """
075 def quickSort(data, low = 0, high = None):
076 if high == None:
077 high = len(data) - 1
078 if low < high:
079 s, i, j = data[low], low, high
080 while i < j:
081 while i < j and data[j] >= s:
082 j = j - 1
083 if i < j:
084 data[i] = data[j]
085 i = i + 1
086 while i < j and data[i] <= s:
087 i = i + 1
088 if i < j:
089 data[j] = data[i]
090 j = j - 1
091 data[i] = s
092 quickSort(data, low, i - 1)
093 quickSort(data, i + 1, high)
095 """
096 堆排序
097 """
099 def heap_Adjust(data, s, m):
100 if 2 * s > m:
101 return
102 temp = s - 1
103 if data[2*s - 1] > data[temp]:
104 temp = 2 * s - 1
105 if 2 * s <= m - 1 and data[2*s] > data[temp]:
106 temp = 2 * s
107 if temp <> s - 1:
108 data[s - 1], data[temp] = data[temp], data[s - 1]
109 heap_Adjust(data, temp + 1, m)
110 def heap_sort(data):
111 m = len(data) / 2
112 for i in range(m, 0, -1):
113 heap_Adjust(data, i, len(data))
114 data[0], data[-1] = data[-1], data[0]
115 for n in range(len(data) - 1, 1, -1):
116 heap_Adjust(data, 1, n)
117 data[0], data[n - 1] = data[n - 1], data[0]
119 ###########---以上是函数定义---###########
121 """
122 显示随机数
123 """
124 createRandomList()
125 print "The random numbers are:"
126 print randomList
128 """
129 显示冒泡排序所需时间
130 """
131 starttime = time.clock()
132 createRandomList()
133 bubblesort(randomList)
134 print "After the bubblesot, the sequence numbers are:"
135 print bubblesort(randomList)
136 endtime = time.clock()
137 print "The bubblesort time cost is:", (endtime-starttime)
139 """
140 显示直接插入排序所需时间
141 """
142 starttime = time.clock()
143 createRandomList()
144 insert_Sort(randomList)
145 endtime = time.clock()
146 print "The insert_Sort time cost is :", (endtime-starttime)
148 """
149 显示快速排序所需时间
150 """
151 starttime = time.clock()
152 createRandomList()
153 quickSort(randomList)
154 endtime = time.clock()
155 print "The quickSort time cost is :", (endtime-starttime)