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t:inputdate button rase a err in tomahowk1.1.6+myface1.2

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t:inputdate popup buttion run a err in tomahowk1.1.6 + myface1.2

when i push the button ,javascript run in error,

error :'j_5Fid_5Fjsp_5F451056552_5F5_3Adate1CalendarVar' null or not object.

i was pain for it ..please  help me.

i find the bug..... the reson is javascript not initiate correct caused by the jsf1.2 render kit render in the wrong way !!!!!!

i campare the myface1.2 to myface1.1 render style in thml.

the myface1.1 render like is:

<b> <!-- javascript render here !!!!--></b>
   <b><!-- jsf to html render here !!! --></b>

but the myface1.2 render is not correct like that:

<b><!-- jsf to html render here !!! --></b>
<b> <!-- javascript render here !!!!--></b>

i finally resolve the problem ,all run fine;

i modify my jsp code, put the <f:view> tag around all my html like this:

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