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下面是我同事的求助信: Hi, everyone! I really need your help! Many of the peoples in here know that I’ve been disappeared for a long time, about 50 days, from 9th of Jun. that because that day, I’ve got a phone call from my sister-in-law, she told me that my brother is in very danger, is dying. Then I went directly to the railway station and caught the train to Shanghai, in hurry. My brother, his name is Qin Gang. He is also a IT technician, actually, he is a good java programmer, worked for a SG company, and is gonna work for the HP. But, before he come to HP, he has been sent to hospital, and didn’t get out yet… I am trying to describe his condition here, and make it short: He has got a canker of duodenum, the canker corroded the artery on the pancreas and bring a great blood leaking, and made him shock. Then he has been given a operation, doctors cutted off half of his stomach, but that didn’t resolve the problem, because they could never cut the pancreas, means they couldn’t prevent it from blood leaking. And, most of the internal organs has been hurted by the long shock in his operation, that is really bad thing, his liver, lung, kidney has been badly hurted, and he got a bad nephropathy now, he has to take dialyse to support the metabolism for everyday, that’s really a expensive treatment, 8-9K RMB per day! And, his condition is totally not stable, changing so oftenly, we(me and his wife) have been given a lot of critical notices in the past month, and at least 5 times, he was almost dead… that is jist what made me couldn’t leave the hospital for such a long time. Till now, we had already paid about 400K RMB for his medical treatment, that’s really what a ordinary Chinese family can’t afford, most of the money were borrowed, and we need to keep paying for the further treatment, that’s what we have to do to save his life. My brother, he is still young, he is a good man, he love sport, he is a Taekwondo black belt 2nd, and he always like to help other people, in no hesitate. Then I think he deserved to be helped by every good man, I believe so. Now, he is still in the very danger, still in the ICU of hospital, still suffering from all of the pain, he need help, i need help. Friends, I hope I can get some help from you, and I know that most of you would like to help, to give your hand, to save a young life, to save a good man. Whatever how you are trying to help, I thank you very much, I am very grateful for that! Money is not that only way to help, any good suggestion and advice will also be appreciated. If necessary, I will show you the certificate of diagnosis and related staff in the next two days. Please, a young man is suffering from the pain of illness, he need your help, he is my brother, I need your help! I lost my mother five years ago, I don’t wanna lost my brother… There is still hope for him, he still has chance to stay alive, just need help, need your help… The following is the description in Chinese: 写下这段文字的时候自己的心情也很复杂,一个原本该很幸福的家庭突然因为疾病就改变了。 我的弟弟与弟媳拿到结婚证才7个月连结婚仪式还没举行,一个月前由于十二指肠溃疡引发了胰腺动脉大出血,他在血压跌到39、瞳孔放大的情况下接收了急诊胃大部切除手术。开刀的大夫说“这样严重的病人一年遇不到一、两个,因为他太年轻,要给他个机会”。手术后由于休克时间过长引起包括肺肝肾等在内的多主要脏器功能衰竭,现在由于手术后感染严重不得不再次开刀,而肾功能每天只能靠一次八九千,非常昂贵的床旁透析来维持。 从6月9日住进重症病房到现在快两个月了天他依然没有脱离危险期,我和弟媳也没有回家住过一天,每天都陪在医院、睡在医院的长凳上,我们只希望他能好起来,为此弟媳已经丢掉了工作。 由于我们的妈妈在02年患病去世,家里经济已经非常困难,现在朋友、亲戚虽然也借给一些钱,我们的医疗费已经花去30多万,但还有很长的路要走。他由于生病的时候正在换工作本来国家可以担负的3万多元的医保费也被冻结,所以我们很希望能得到国家或者社会的一些救助。 我弟弟和弟媳都是在上海工作的外地人,弟弟是很出色的软件工程师(JAVA程序员),也是个跆拳道黑带,所以躺在床上的他始终坚持着,他的坚强和弟媳与他的感情感动了很多医生,也鼓励着我们这些亲人有一线希望就不放弃。 恳求大家能帮我们一把,弟弟这个热爱生命,正直上进的人。在此我代我的弟弟、弟媳和所有关心着他的亲人和朋友谢谢大家了! 病人资料 覃刚,现住在上海市华山医院6号楼9楼重症监护室17床 弟媳(武琦)联系电话:13585623607 本人资料 姓名:覃亮(软件工程师) 单位:宇思信德科技(北京)有限公司 公司电话: 01062968255-8009 手机:13426438780 e-mail:qinliang@ethos.com.cn QQ: 808024 MSN:leonqin@hotmail.com 捐助方式:捐助或借款(我们会把借款数记录下来慢慢以后还给大家) 银行帐号: 9558 8010 0117 3533172 开户行:中国工商银行上海市分行 延安西路支行 开户名:武琦 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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这两天公司内部开始募捐了,也希望能够获得外界的捐助。 多谢! |
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另外程序员也要学会理财,就算日常没多少积蓄,但是像医疗保险 意外保险之类最好能多少买一点,不是社保那种 |
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