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![]() Queue: require"zmq" require"zmq.poller" require"zmsg" local MAX_WORKERS = 100 local HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS = 3 -- 3-5 is reasonable local HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 1000 -- msecs local tremove = table.remove -- Insert worker at end of queue, reset expiry -- Worker must not already be in queue local function s_worker_append(queue, identity) if queue[identity] then printf ("E: duplicate worker identity %s", identity) else assert (#queue < MAX_WORKERS) queue[identity] = s_clock() + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS queue[#queue + 1] = identity end end -- Remove worker from queue, if present local function s_worker_delete(queue, identity) for i=1,#queue do if queue == identity then tremove(queue, i) break end end queue[identity] = nil end -- Reset worker expiry, worker must be present local function s_worker_refresh(queue, identity) if queue[identity] then queue[identity] = s_clock() + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS else printf("E: worker %s not ready\n", identity) end end -- Pop next available worker off queue, return identity local function s_worker_dequeue(queue) assert (#queue > 0) local identity = tremove(queue, 1) queue[identity] = nil return identity end -- Look for & kill expired workers local function s_queue_purge(queue) local curr_clock = s_clock() -- Work backwards from end to simplify removal for i=#queue,1,-1 do local id = queue if (curr_clock > queue[id]) then tremove(queue, i) queue[id] = nil end end end s_version_assert (2, 1) -- Prepare our context and sockets local context = zmq.init(1) local frontend = context:socket(zmq.XREP) local backend = context:socket(zmq.XREP) frontend:bind("tcp://*:5555"); -- For clients backend:bind("tcp://*:5556"); -- For workers -- Queue of available workers local queue = {} local is_accepting = false -- Send out heartbeats at regular intervals local heartbeat_at = s_clock() + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL local poller = zmq.poller(2) local function frontend_cb() -- Now get next client request, route to next worker local msg = zmsg.recv(frontend) local identity = s_worker_dequeue (queue) msg:push(identity) msg:send(backend) if (#queue == 0) then -- stop accepting work from clients, when no workers are available. poller:remove(frontend) is_accepting = false end end -- Handle worker activity on backend poller:add(backend, zmq.POLLIN, function() local msg = zmsg.recv(backend) local identity = msg:unwrap() -- Return reply to client if it's not a control message if (msg:parts() == 1) then if (msg:address() == "READY") then s_worker_delete(queue, identity) s_worker_append(queue, identity) elseif (msg:address() == "HEARTBEAT") then s_worker_refresh(queue, identity) else printf("E: invalid message from %s\n", identity) msg:dump() end else -- reply for client. msg:send(frontend) s_worker_append(queue, identity) end -- start accepting client requests, if we are not already doing so. if not is_accepting and #queue > 0 then is_accepting = true poller:add(frontend, zmq.POLLIN, frontend_cb) end end) -- start poller's event loop while true do local cnt = assert(poller:poll(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * 1000)) -- Send heartbeats to idle workers if it's time if (s_clock() > heartbeat_at) then for i=1,#queue do local msg = zmsg.new("HEARTBEAT") msg:wrap(queue, nil) msg:send(backend) end heartbeat_at = s_clock() + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL end s_queue_purge(queue) end -- We never exit the main loop -- But pretend to do the right shutdown anyhow while (#queue > [[span style="color:#666666"]]0) [[span style="color:#008000"]]do s_worker_dequeue(queue) [[span style="color:#008000"]]end frontend:close() backend:close() worker: require"zmq" require"zmq.poller" require"zmsg" local HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS = 3 -- 3-5 is reasonable local HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 1000 -- msecs local INTERVAL_INIT = 1000 -- Initial reconnect local INTERVAL_MAX = 32000 -- After exponential backoff -- Helper function that returns a new configured socket -- connected to the Hello World server -- local identity local function s_worker_socket (context) local worker = context:socket(zmq.XREQ) -- Set random identity to make tracing easier identity = string.format("%04X-%04X", randof (0x10000), randof (0x10000)) worker:setopt(zmq.IDENTITY, identity) worker:connect("tcp://localhost:5556") -- Configure socket to not wait at close time worker:setopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) -- Tell queue we're ready for work printf("I: (%s) worker ready\n", identity) worker:send("READY") return worker end s_version_assert (2, 1) math.randomseed(os.time()) local context = zmq.init(1) local worker = s_worker_socket (context) -- If liveness hits zero, queue is considered disconnected local liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS local interval = INTERVAL_INIT -- Send out heartbeats at regular intervals local heartbeat_at = s_clock () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL local poller = zmq.poller(1) local is_running = true local cycles = 0 local function worker_cb() -- Get message -- - 3-part envelope + content -> request -- - 1-part "HEARTBEAT" -> heartbeat local msg = zmsg.recv (worker) if (msg:parts() == 3) then -- Simulate various problems, after a few cycles cycles = cycles + 1 if (cycles > 3 and randof (5) == 0) then printf ("I: (%s) simulating a crash\n", identity) is_running = false return elseif (cycles > 3 and randof (5) == 0) then printf ("I: (%s) simulating CPU overload\n", identity) s_sleep (5000) end printf ("I: (%s) normal reply - %s\n", identity, msg:body()) msg:send(worker) liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS s_sleep(1000); -- Do some heavy work elseif (msg:parts() == 1 and msg:body() == "HEARTBEAT") then liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS else printf ("E: (%s) invalid message\n", identity) msg:dump() end interval = INTERVAL_INIT end poller:add(worker, zmq.POLLIN, worker_cb) while is_running do local cnt = assert(poller:poll(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL * 1000)) if (cnt == 0) then liveness = liveness - 1 if (liveness == 0) then printf ("W: (%s) heartbeat failure, can't reach queue\n", identity) printf ("W: (%s) reconnecting in %d msec…\n", identity, interval) s_sleep (interval) if (interval < INTERVAL_MAX) then interval = interval * 2 end poller:remove(worker) worker:close() worker = s_worker_socket (context) poller:add(worker, zmq.POLLIN, worker_cb) liveness = HEARTBEAT_LIVENESS end end -- Send heartbeat to queue if it's time if (s_clock () > heartbeat_at) then heartbeat_at = s_clock () + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL printf("I: (%s) worker heartbeat\n", identity) worker:send("HEARTBEAT") end end worker:close() context:term() 注意:这里的是lua代码 其实从模式图中已经可以看出,系统中多了“心跳”环节,来确认链路的可用性。 关于心跳模块,着实比较棘手,也算是代码中的重头了。关于做“心跳”的策略,关键是要把握好时间间隔,以避免过载或者失效。通常的,也不建议在持久化的连接上加入心跳机制。 这里应当注意到,“偏执”模式与“简单”模式并不兼容--因为心跳机制。 为了避免混乱。 rfc.zeromq.org这儿有一些协议的声明,帮助你至少不需要去看现有的代码来确定是否兼容新的东东~ (未完待续) 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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