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(新增官方回复)对【无类语言的OOP(JavaScript描述) 】一贴中第一个代码段的不同意见

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  1. function Light (light) {   
  2.     //填充对象属性   
  3.     this.light = light ? light : 0  
  4.     this.state = false  
  6.     //对象方法。   
  7.     //放心,JavaScript 没傻到给每个对象都真去分配一个函数的地步   
  8.     this.turnOn = function () {   
  9.         this.state = true  
  10.     }   
  11. }   


dennis_zane 写道
第一个例子中在构造函数中创建的函数,很多javascript的书都说这样创建的每个对象都有自己的函数版本,比如这里的Light的每个对象都有自己的turnOn,楼主说“JavaScript 没傻到给每个对象都真去分配一个函数的地步“,这一点如何证明?

没好好学编译原理或者没好好看 ECMA-262 吧?
看看下面这一段,摘自 ECMA-262 13 章的一段:

Two uses of the FunctionBody grammar production are defined to be equated when one of the following is true:
* Both uses obtained their FunctionBody from the same location in the source text of the same ECMAScript program. This source text consists of global code and any contained function codes according to the definitions in 10.1.2.
* Both uses obtained their FunctionBody from the same location in the source text of the same call to eval ( This source text consists of eval code and any contained function codes according to the definitions in 10.1.2


Step 1 allows an implementation to optimise the common case of a function A that has a nested function B where B is not dependent on A. In this case the implementation is allowed to reuse the same object for B instead of creating a new one every time A is called. Step 13 makes this optimisation optional; an implementation that chooses not to implement it will go to step 2.


PS: 多态对于 JavaScript 来说自动存在。看标准理解点运算符和访问运算符 [] 的行为(自动查找继承链);附件中也有一点浅显的介绍。从我写的 Mixin 代码中也能看出来:PhilipLight 不就是多个 price 属性吗?本来跟 Product 类要求的 price 并不相关,但照用不误。


js 代码
  1. function Light() {   
  2.   this.turnOn = function () {   
  3.     alert("bingo");   
  4.   }   
  5. }   
  7. var lightA = new Light();   
  8. var lightB = new Light();   
  10. alert(lightA.turnOn === lightB.turnOn);   
  12. function Dark() {   
  14. }   
  16. Dark.prototype.turnOn = function () {   
  17.   alert("bingo");   
  18. }   
  20. var darkA = new Dark();   
  21. var darkB = new Dark();   
  22. alert(darkA.turnOn === darkB.turnOn);  







This all depends somewhat on the implementation, but in a typical and
reasonable implementation the representation of a function has two
parts, the (compiled) code and the environment.  The code is compiled
once and is constant; the environment is variable, and therefore the
function object, which references both code and environment, is
created anew for every function, and therefore occupies separate
memory for every function.

Consider your original program, but changed so that the constructor
takes an argument:

  function Light(v) { this.turnOn = function () {alert(v)} }
  var a = new Light("a");
  var b = new Light("b");

Now a.turnOn() prints "a" and b.turnOn() prints "b".  The environment
for the function that is created for "new Light("a")" contains a
variable v whose value is "a", and the environment for the function
that is created for "new Light("b")" contains a different variable v
whose value is "b", ie, it's a different environment.  But the code
for the two functions is the same, they just reference different
environments, and those environments are available as parts of the
function objects created.

There are no "stacks" here, environments in ECMAScript do not obey
stack discipline, they must (in general) be allocated on the heap and
garbage-collected.  In practice, implementations optimize this when
they can, but in your example they can't, because the two environments
that are created for the calls to "Light" live longer than the calls
do (because they are captured when the function objects are created).

(This is pretty standard stuff, so I'm guessing you haven't had much
experience with these kinds of functions before.  You may want to look
at this:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(computer_science); some of the
early examples are in ECMAScript.)


On 7/16/07, wangmiaomiao  wrote:
> Thanks a lot!
> But I still have a question, you say that "a.turnOn and b.turnOn do not
> contain the same function.", dose it means the two function is different in
> Memory(stack)?
> Looking forward to your reply! Thanks
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lars T Hansen" <lth@acm.org>
> To:
> Cc: "TC39" <e-TC39@ecma-international.org>
> Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 11:34 PM
> Subject: Re: FW: Can somebody take this and reply?
> >> Excuse me for the bothering you. But I hope somebody could help me with
> >> the
> >> following question. My code is like this: function Light() { this.turnOn
> >> =
> >> function () {alert("bingo");} } var a = new Light(); var b = new Light();
> >> alert(a.turnOn === b.turnOn); according to ur Standard ECMA-262, the two
> >> variables should use the same function, but why the compare operation
> >> will
> >> return false? Looking forward to your reply! Thanks
> >>
> >>  mio wang
> >>
> >>  Reply to:
> >
> > a.turnOn and b.turnOn do not contain the same function.  They contain
> > functions created from the same function body, but in different
> > environments (the environments in this case being created by the calls
> > to the Light constructor).
> >
> > The mechanics of this are described in section 13 of ECMA-262, where
> > you will see that the first step in evaluating an expression of the
> > form "function () { ... }" is to create a fresh function object.
> > Since === compares objects by their identities in general, two
> > function objects created by two evaluations of such a function
> > expression compares differently.
> >
> > --lars
> >


the environment is variable, and therefore the
function object, which references both code and environment, is
created anew for every function, and therefore occupies separate
memory for every function



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首先,根据我列出的 ECMAScript 规范,识别“相等”函数需要进行函数代码的字符串比较。为了测试函数是被创建了还是只有一个引用,二者必须尽量排除函数体比较这个时间变量,采用空函数体(使用有函数体的代码时,时间会有微小的差别,但已经能做到不影响你的“客户端”应用了)。
// 这个能计算出引用赋值500000次所消耗的时间,5秒钟
fun = function () {}
a = []
time = {}
time.org = new Date().toTimeString()
for (var i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
	a[i] = fun
time.after = new Date().toTimeString()

// 假如按你所说,没有函数相等性识别机制,这段代码就完了;然而,它也耗时5秒钟
a = []
time = {}
time.org = new Date().toTimeString()
for (var i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
	a[i] = function () {
		this.on = false
time.after = new Date().toTimeString()


现在来解释你所说的函数比较返回 false 什么的问题。这根本就不是问题。对于任意两个函数,规范指出,函数比较必须返回 false;在进行引用赋值时,首先把函数封装为对象,引用比较执行函数对象的比较,返回 true。我所说的函数的相等性测试,指的是 JavaScript 实现中的一种机制(所有 ECMAScript 规范中表明“build-in”的章节都属此类),与语言的外在表现无关;在这里就是相等性测试与 === 测试无关,因为二者根本就不是同一概念。一个语言实现的优化,目的就是要在你从外部看不出来的情况下提高性能;现在看到的宏观表现,必然是语言语义层所反映的内容而非未优化的后果。
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Lich_Ray 写道

现在来解释你所说的函数比较返回 false 什么的问题。这根本就不是问题。对于任意两个函数,规范指出,函数比较必须返回 false;在进行引用赋值时,首先把函数封装为对象,引用比较执行函数对象的比较,返回 true。我所说的函数的相等性测试,指的是 JavaScript 实现中的一种机制(所有 ECMAScript 规范中表明“build-in”的章节都属此类),与语言的外在表现无关;在这里就是相等性测试与 === 测试无关,因为二者根本就不是同一概念。一个语言实现的优化,目的就是要在你从外部看不出来的情况下提高性能;现在看到的宏观表现,必然是语言语义层所反映的内容而非未优化的后果。


按照规范,=== 两个函数比较返回false,同引用返回true。

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js 代码
  1. function Darkness() {   
  2. }   
  4. Darkness.prototype.turnOn = function () {   
  5.   alert("bingo");   
  6. }   
  7. time = {}    
  8. var b = [];   
  9. time.org = new Date().toTimeString()      
  10. for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {      
  11.     b[i] = new Darkness();      
  12. }      
  13. time.after = new Date().toTimeString()      
  14. alert(time.org+'\n'+time.after)      
  16. function Light() {   
  17.   this.turnOn = function () {   
  18.     alert("bingo");   
  19.   }   
  20. }   
  21. var a = []     
  22. time.org = new Date().toTimeString()      
  23. for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {      
  24.     a[i] = new Light();      
  25. }      
  26. time.after = new Date().toTimeString()      
  27. alert(time.org+'\n'+time.after)     



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function Darkness() {

构造函数为空,在被 new 的时候无须执行!只要构造函数中有需要执行且不会被优化掉的语句,时间就会大幅增长。


PS: 至于你测的第二段代码要一分半钟,我估计是这个原因:首先,在浏览器中一次跑90秒是不可能的,它会跳出问是否继续执行的对话框,此时JS代码停止运行,但系统时间仍在继续。联想到你说第一个代码段耗时5秒,据此推测你的机器性能够戗。如果是浏览器IE,其内存管理问题很大,直接崩溃都有可能;如果是Firefox,在Geoko框架下创建对话框的耗时本来就大,再加上Java和JavaScript的垃圾收集器同时运行(关于Java垃圾收集器在极端情况下的性能问题参见《Effective Java》),会因为线程跳转过缓而加剧时间消耗。也就是说,因为一点机器性能不足而导致代码平白无故多跑很久。你觉得我的解释有道理吗?
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PS."对于任意两个函数,规范指出,函数比较必须返回 false;"不知道你能否告诉我这个是在规范那里规定的?我找不到诶,而且假如真是如此,以下代码的比较同样应该返回false:
  function test() {alert("bingo");}
  function Light() {
    this.turnOn = test;
  var a = new Light();
  var b = new Light();
  alert(a.turnOn === b.turnOn);
  alert(a.turnOn === test)

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看来我就此开个 JavaScript 专栏一心和你们讨论这些问题算了。这帖子居然还有一群人跟在后面打“良好”“精华”,无语了…

火是要发的,问题也是要解决的。下面讲正经的。不仅仅讲给 keshin 一个人听,大家都来看下吧。我们开始从 === 运算符谈起。

请翻到 ECMA-262 e4 的 11.9.4 节,The Strict Equals Operator (===)。这里给出了 === 运算符的语法产生式和展开(注意,只是部分求值)步骤:

EqualityExpression === RelationalExpression is evaluated as follows:
  1. Evaluate EqualityExpression.
  2. Call GetValue(Result(1)).
  3. Evaluate RelationalExpression.
  4. Call GetValue(Result(3)).
  5. Perform the comparison Result(4) === Result(2). (See below.)
  6. Return Result(5).

它指出,对两个产生式的求值结果调用规范中的算法 GetValue(V)。那么翻到这一节,8.7.1 GetValue(V)。
  1. If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
  2. Call GetBase(V).
  3. If Result(2) is null, throw a ReferenceError exception.
  4. Call the [[Get]] method of Result(2), passing GetPropertyName( V) for the property name.
  5. Return Result(4).

根据第一句,判断 Type(V) 是不是引用。现在要分情况讨论一下。先解决你上一帖提出的问题。在你给出的构造函数中,需要执行的是这样一句:
	this.turnOn = test;

那么,检查 Type(this.turnOn),是到一个 Object Type 的函数 test的引用。于是调用 GetBase(V) 获取到 trunOn 引用的基对象 this,此描述用函数的定义在 8.7 The Reference Type 中:
  • GetBase(V). Returns the base object component of the reference V.

对象 this 不是 null,跳转第4步调用 节中 [[Get]](P) 算法,传递的属性名是 turnOn。根据算法

  1. If O doesn't have a property with name P, go to step 4.
  2. Get the value of the property.
  3. Return Result(2).
  4. ...

取到该属性的对应值,即内部记录的函数 test。现在我们知道了,是两个 test 在作比较。(友情提醒:请继续往下看。)那么返回 11.9.4 节。

现在只有 Step(5): Result(4) === Result(2). 是最重要的。旁边的(See below.)指出 === 的算法在下文,11.9.6 节 The Strict Equality Comparison Algorithm。在这一节我们看到了具体的算法。前面12步全是废话,看第13步:
  • Return true if x and y refer to the same object or if they refer to objects joined to each other (see 13.1.2). Otherwise, return false.
  • [/list]
    很明显,如果两个函数对象(只剩这一种可能了)可以被 joined,它们就相等。那么根据提示,翻到 13.1.2 Joined Objects。
    下面是函数对象可被 joined 的条件:
    • Any time a non-internal property of an object O is created or set, the corresponding property is immediately also created or set with the same value and attributes in all objects joined with O.
    • Any time a non-internal property of an object O is deleted, the corresponding property is immediately also deleted in all objects joined with O.
    • ...(这两句跟主题无关)

    这两句话罗嗦死了,其实就四个字:“同生同死”——要求可被 joined 的对象们的属性要产生都产生,要删除都删除。现在以此条件看 test 函数,符合以上条件,可被 joined,于是 === 运算符返回 true

    解决下一个问题,你曾经写过的返回 false 的代码:
    function Light() {
    	this.turnOn = function () {
    var lightA = new Light();
    var lightB = new Light();
    alert(lightA.turnOn === lightB.turnOn); 

    	function () {

    函数们能否被 joined?当然不能,用肚脐眼都能看地很清楚,修改 lightA.turnOn 上的属性不会影响 lightB.turnOn。

    问题解决完了,下面解释我提到过的函数相等性测试。第 13.1.1 节,Equated Grammar Productions 中的内容已经讲过,没看见拉倒。下面翻到课本:
    这一节的算法中,用到函数相等性测试的只有 Step1
    1. If there already exists an object E that was created by an earlier call to this section's algorithm, and if that call to this section's algorithm was given a FunctionBody that is equated to the FunctionBody given now, then go to step 13. (If there is more than one object E satisfying these criteria, choose one at the implementation's discretion.)

    这一段话的意思很明显:如果函数相等性测试可用,就配合括号中的句子(If there is more than one object E satisfying these criteria, choose one at the implementation's discretion.)做优化;如果不可用,Step 1 忽略。

    这里有一个隐含的内容:是否优化对语言语义无影响。这涉及编译原理的体系,即:优化措施属于实现层,实现层不可影响由语言规范所定义的语义层,即语言的外在表现。说白了,就是“规范是上帝,实现只能是上帝的羊羔,随你怎么折腾,不可僭越”,否则就是实现失败。所以我看到 keshin 这个第一帖中的代码时,想都不想就知道是语义的结果,跟实现无关。
    以 Rhino 解释器(也就是 Firefox 的解释器啦)为例,一个函数对象(JavaScript 中函数没有对应原始类型,就是(is a) Object)在解释器中由两部分构成:一是可执行的继承 Scriptable,Callable 接口的 Java 类 BaseFunction 对象,外部 wrap 是 FunctionObject 类的对象。相等性测试通过的函数们,都是堆上的一个 BaseFunction,被存储为一个 FunctionNode,作为 JavaScript 函数执行时只调用一段代码块;但执行 === 比较时,只比较其在 JavaScript 中的外在表现,即 FunctionObject 是否相等,结果就是这样有些“奇怪”的表现。

    • 这可以作为一种不同于 prototype 的“新”的给对象绑定方法的形式,更加安全。对于这种观点和使用方式效率没有任何问题。
    • 当作普通 prototype 的另一种写法来使用,相对于在代码中多消耗了一个 O(n) 级的算法,而且此算法来自 JavaScript 底层实现且可被加速,效率下降忽略不计,去掉 JS 代码中所有为空的行、无效空格,把所有换行换成 ; 损失就回来了;仅当处于“大规模的”循环中时才可视为一个 O(n) 算法,这种情况存在的可能性微乎其微,不过,还是那句话,尽量避免。


    PS: 刚刚才看到 keshin 原帖新加的内容。ECMA 的人说的非常正确,不过他们不敢解释太多;态度很客气,这一点让我非常佩服。
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    1、哥们的回帖中提到:“现在以此条件看 test 函数,符合以上条件,可被 joined,于是 === 运算符返回 true。”

    之后又向我的肚脐眼挑战说:“函数们能否被 joined?当然不能,用肚脐眼都能看地很清楚,修改 lightA.turnOn 上的属性不会影响 lightB.turnOn。”


    2、哥们说“下面解释我提到过的函数相等性测试。第 13.1.1 节,Equated Grammar Productions 中的内容已经讲过,没看见拉倒。”,不知道你这个是否是打算作为前面提到的“对于任意两个函数,规范指出,函数比较必须返回 false”的回答。


    13.1.1 Equated Grammar Productions
    Two uses of the FunctionBody grammar production are defined to be equated when one of the following
    is true:
    • Both uses obtained their FunctionBody from the same location in the source text of the same
    ECMAScript program. This source text consists of global code and any contained function codes
    according to the definitions in 10.1.2.
    • Both uses obtained their FunctionBody from the same location in the source text of the same call to
    eval ( This source text consists of eval code and any contained function codes according
    to the definitions in 10.1.2.
    Two uses of FunctionBody obtained from a call to the Function constructor 15.3.1 and 15.3.2) are
    never equated. Also, two uses of FunctionBody obtained from two different calls to eval are never
    equated, even if those two calls to eval were passed the same argument.


    3、按照ecma的回复,This all depends somewhat on the implementation, but in a typical and
    reasonable implementation the representation of a function has two
    parts, the (compiled) code and the environment. 



    In practice, implementations optimize this when
    they can, but in your example they can't, because the two environments
    that are created for the calls to "Light" live longer than the calls
    do (because they are captured when the function objects are created).


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    Step 1 allows an implementation to optimise the common case of a function A that has a nested function B
    where B is not dependent on A. In this case the implementation is allowed to reuse the same object for B
    instead of creating a new one every time A is called. Step 13 makes this optimisation optional; an
    implementation that chooses not to implement it will go to step 2.
    For example, in the code

    js 代码
    1. function A() {   
    2. function B(x) {return x*x;}   
    3. return B;   
    4. }   
    5. function C() {   
    6. return eval("(function (x) {return x*x;})");   
    7. }   
    8. var b1 = A();   
    9. var b2 = A();   
    10. function b3(x) {return x*x;}   
    11. function b4(x) {return x*x;}   
    12. var b5 = C();   
    13. var b6 = C();  

    an implementation is allowed, but not required, to join b1 and b2. In fact, it may make b1 and b2 the
    same object because there is no way to detect the difference between their [[Scope]] properties. On the
    other hand, an implementation must not join b3 and b4 because their source codes are not equated
    (13.1.1). Also, an implementation must not join b5 and b6 because they were produced by two different
    calls to eval and therefore their source codes are not equated.
    In practice it's likely to be productive to join two Function objects only in the cases where an
    implementation can prove that the differences between their [[Scope]] properties are not observable, so
    one object can be reused. By following this policy, an implementation will only encounter the vacuous case
    of an object being joined with itself.

    这是在Creating Function Objects时第一步的解释。


    Step1 允许一个具体实现在在function A有一个不依赖于A的function B时进行优化。注意是允许

    在给出的第一个例子中,规范也仅仅是说,允许但不需要把b1和b2 join。

    再看最后一段,只有在具体实现能够证明两个function Object的scope属性的区别是看不出来的(真饶)情况下,两个function Object才可以join。根据这个规则,恐怕实现只能找到对象它自己是可已join的。






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