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1 . <expert on="" one="" oracle="">Expert one on one Oracle 2 . Expert oracle database Archetecure 9i and 10g Programming Techniques and Solutions<expert solutions="" and="" techniques="" programming="" archetecure="" database="" oracle=""> <expert solutions="" and="" techniques="" programming="" archetecure="" database="" oracle=""><expert oracle="" database="" archetecure="" programming="" techniques="" and="" solutions=""><expert oracle="" database="" archetecure="" programming="" techniques="" and="" solutions=""> 3 . <effective oracle="" by="" design="">Effective oracle by design 第一本书虽然是讲的8i 的,但是到了现在11g 都发布了,这本书仍然是每个oracle 学习者的必备书籍之一,第二本书比较适合现在看,毕竟还是比较多的提到了9i 和10g .第三本书大家都知道网上面是没有完整的PDF 版的,只有几个章节的, 好像1,2,3,7章是tom 放在他的专栏里面的,然而第八章的出现完全要归功与itpub 上的一位maozq 朋友,他发email 向tom 要的,而且这个email 超级爆笑, itpub 上有这个有趣的故事的讨论 http://www.itpub.net/221173,2.html 下面是他向tom 要书的email template: </effective></expert></expert></expert></expert></expert>Dear Mr. Tom, I am XXX, one of your big fans. I have bought your both Export Oracle and Effective Oracle books. They are definitely the best Oracle books in this planet. Thanks for your great contribution to help me(and whole Oracle users community) to understand Oracle and develop high-performance Oracle applications. However, I just wonder whether I can have an e-version of <effective oracle="">, so I can read and refer it on my laptop? The big is too big to carry ... If I cann't have the whole book, I like XXX chapter the most, can you just give me this chapter? I promise I will just keep it on my personal computer and never distribute it. Thanks!!! XXX 从这个email template 可以看到两个经典的地方: 1 . email 的template 的确是经典之极,我已经把这个email 的template 收进了我的收藏模板了,以后找别人要东西就follow 这个模板就可以了. 2 . 关键是这个点子非常的妙,不用自己花钱买一本然后用扫描仪搞出个PDF ,直接要作者本人要,羊毛出在羊身上呀. 最近比较闲着没事,然后又被指派当QA 的technical support, 然后QA mm 就老是抱怨说性能很差,于是就看看oracle 的tuning 资料,然后还做了一svn 方面的log 研究,具体看http://jjjava.iteye.com/admin/show/101063 </effective> 声明:ITeye文章版权属于作者,受法律保护。没有作者书面许可不得转载。
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