锁定老帖子 主题:jsoup使用
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从一个URL,文件或字符串中解析HTML; 使用DOM或CSS选择器来查找、取出数据; 可操作HTML元素、属性、文本; jsoup是基于MIT协议发布的,可放心使用于商业项目。 下载和安装: maven安装方法: 把下面放入pom.xml下 <dependency> <!-- jsoup HTML parser library @ http://jsoup.org/ --> <groupId>org.jsoup</groupId> <artifactId>jsoup</artifactId> <version>1.5.2</version> </dependency> 用jsoup解析html的方法如下: 解析url html方法
类试js jsoup提供下面方法:
同时还提供下面的方法提供获取兄弟节点: 用下面方法获得元素的数据:
public void parse(String urlStr) { // 返回结果初始化。 Document doc = null; try { doc = Jsoup .connect(urlStr) .userAgent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-CN; rv:") // 设置User-Agent .timeout(5000) // 设置连接超时时间 .get(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error( e); return ; } catch (IOException e) { if (e instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { log.error( e); return ; } if(e instanceof UnknownHostException){ log.error(e); return ; } log.error( e); return ; } system.out.println(doc.title()); Element head = doc.head(); Elements metas = head.select("meta"); for (Element meta : metas) { String content = meta.attr("content"); if ("content-type".equalsIgnoreCase(meta.attr("http-equiv")) && !StringUtils.startsWith(content, "text/html")) { log.debug( urlStr); return ; } if ("description".equalsIgnoreCase(meta.attr("name"))) { system.out.println(meta.attr("content")); } } Element body = doc.body(); for (Element img : body.getElementsByTag("img")) { String imageUrl = img.attr("abs:src");//获得绝对路径 for (String suffix : IMAGE_TYPE_ARRAY) { if(imageUrl.indexOf("?")>0){ imageUrl=imageUrl.substring(0,imageUrl.indexOf("?")); } if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(imageUrl, suffix)) { imgSrcs.add(imageUrl); break; } } } } 这里重点要提的是怎么获得图片或链接的决定地址: 如上获得绝对地址的方法String imageUrl = img.attr("abs:src");//获得绝对路径 ,前面添加abs:jsoup就会获得决定地址; 想知道原因,咱们查看下源码,如下:
//该方面是先从map中找看是否有该属性key,如果有直接返回,如果没有检查是否 //以abs:开头 public String attr(String attributeKey) { Validate.notNull(attributeKey); if (hasAttr(attributeKey)) return attributes.get(attributeKey); else if (attributeKey.toLowerCase().startsWith("abs:")) return absUrl(attributeKey.substring("abs:".length())); else return ""; }
/** * Get an absolute URL from a URL attribute that may be relative (i.e. an <code><a href></code> or * <code><img src></code>). * <p/> * E.g.: <code>String absUrl = linkEl.absUrl("href");</code> * <p/> * If the attribute value is already absolute (i.e. it starts with a protocol, like * <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code> etc), and it successfully parses as a URL, the attribute is * returned directly. Otherwise, it is treated as a URL relative to the element's {@link #baseUri}, and made * absolute using that. * <p/> * As an alternate, you can use the {@link #attr} method with the <code>abs:</code> prefix, e.g.: * <code>String absUrl = linkEl.attr("abs:href");</code> * * @param attributeKey The attribute key * @return An absolute URL if one could be made, or an empty string (not null) if the attribute was missing or * could not be made successfully into a URL. * @see #attr * @see java.net.URL#URL(java.net.URL, String) */ //看到这里大家应该明白绝对地址是怎么取的了 public String absUrl(String attributeKey) { Validate.notEmpty(attributeKey); String relUrl = attr(attributeKey); if (!hasAttr(attributeKey)) { return ""; // nothing to make absolute with } else { URL base; try { try { base = new URL(baseUri); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // the base is unsuitable, but the attribute may be abs on its own, so try that URL abs = new URL(relUrl); return abs.toExternalForm(); } // workaround: java resolves '//path/file + ?foo' to '//path/?foo', not '//path/file?foo' as desired if (relUrl.startsWith("?")) relUrl = base.getPath() + relUrl; URL abs = new URL(base, relUrl); return abs.toExternalForm(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return ""; } } }
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我像使用div.div.m_l_hot_im 来选取某个class为m_l_hot_im 的div,可结果是连class为div.m_l_hot_iml及div.m_l_hot_imr的所有的以div.m_l_hot_im 开头的都选择了,请问这是一个bug吗 |
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1202 写道 你好,我最近在学习使用jsoup,发现这样一个问题:
我像使用div.div.m_l_hot_im 来选取某个class为m_l_hot_im 的div,可结果是连class为div.m_l_hot_iml及div.m_l_hot_imr的所有的以div.m_l_hot_im 开头的都选择了,请问这是一个bug吗 你能把你的代码贴上来看看嘛? |
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