

// base function fn-width-center(w) position absolute width w margin-left 50% - w * 0.5 // caller invoke(arg, fn) fn(arg) // component c-div-full(imgUrl) background url(imgUrl ...
千絮泠泉 评论(0) 有561人浏览 2019-01-29 11:13


      @mixin triangle($direction,$size,$borderColor) { content: ""; height: 0; width: 0; @if $direction == left { border-right: $size solid $border ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1134人浏览 2014-03-30 19:14


      jade如何处理mixin:       mixin people(name,job) li 年龄:#{name} 工作: #{job} ul +people("zhangyaochun","fe") +people("zhangsan","designer" ...
zhangyaochun 评论(0) 有1530人浏览 2013-06-18 12:03

Item 18: Prefer interfaces to abstract classes

1.  Existing classes can be easily retrofitted to implement a new interface.   2.  Interfaces are ideal for defining mixins.   3.  A mixin is a type that a class can implement in addition to its ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有1128人浏览 2013-04-12 20:14

「译」你的 mixin 兼容 ECMAScript 5 吗?

原文:Are your mixins ECMAScript 5 compatible? 作者:Nicholas C. Zakas 译文:你的 mixin 兼容 ECMAScript 5 吗? 译者:justjavac 好久没更新博客了,今天在 nczonline 看� ...
justjavac 评论(0) 有1121人浏览 2012-12-12 13:04

extjs mixin example

//1. Define our simple mixin class called HasCamera with a single //method called takePhoto: Ext.define('HasCamera', { takePhoto: function(){ alert('Say Cheese! .... Click!'); } }); //2. Define ...
standalone 评论(0) 有1434人浏览 2012-11-14 17:29

Class Extension Mixin

  module MyModule def b_method end end class MyClass include MyModule end puts MyClass.b_method # undefined method `b_method' for MyClass:Class (NoMethodError)       当一个class引 ...
michael_roshen 评论(0) 有498人浏览 2012-07-10 21:40


在ruby中基本上有三种引入module的方式 一、在类定义中引入module后,module中的方法成为类的实例方法。         在类定义中用include引入module。        例如: module Base def test p "This is a instance method!" end end ...
太平洋1986 评论(0) 有1181人浏览 2011-07-03 21:56

Chapter 15. Generics -- Thinking in Java

1) Generics are one of the more significant changes in Java SE5. Generics implement the concept of parameterized types, which allow multiple types. The term "generic" means "pertaining ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有2067人浏览 2010-10-01 22:17


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