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JavaScript: Introduction to JavaScript
1. JavaScript:
1) It is developed by Netscape company.
2) It is based on Browser installed on client.
3) It is Object Oriented Programming Language and not Based On Object.
4) It ...
JDBC: Introduction to JDBC (Part I)
1. JDBC(Java Data Base Connectivity)
1) Composed with interfaces and classes. Mostly with interfaces as core function and minorly with classes.
2) It is a part of JavaSE and are bas ...
MySQL: Union
1. Union
1) Function: Combine the result sets from two query into one single result set.
# Single result set 1
select * from stu where stu_score > 40;
# Single result set 2
select * fro ...
HTML 5 introduction PPT, DEMO
在公司做的一个share session,附件包含HTML 5 ppt+ Demo, 分享给大家。
ppt内容已基本包含HTML 5的新特性, 是《HTML 5 与 CSS 3 权威指南》的读书总结。
数论概论(英文版.第4版)基本信息原书名:A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory Fourth Edition 作者: (美)西尔弗曼(Silverman, J. H.) [作译者介绍] 丛书名: 华章数学 ...
数理统计学导论(英文版第7版)基本信息原书名:Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Seventh Edition 作者: (美)霍格(Hogg, R. V.) [作译者介绍] 丛书名: 华章统计学 ...