
Item 52: Refer to objects by their interfaces

1.  If appropriate interface types exist, then parameters, return values, variables, and fields should all be declared using interface types. The only time you really need to refer to an object’s cla ...
leonzhx 评论(0) 有809人浏览 2014-04-17 13:57

设计:Spring动态注入implementation 、业务处理过程抽象

场景: 接口或抽象类,有多个实现/子类。使用Spring,&Autoinjected关联的是接口/抽象类,怎么让spring可以在运行时动态注入具体的实现那? 参考: How to use @Autowired to dynamically inject implementation like a factory pattern http://stackoverflow.com/quest ...
Wuaner 评论(0) 有1819人浏览 2012-11-06 13:50

Codeforces Round #117 (Div. 2)

A :  Battlefield       悲剧 看了很长时间的题目T__T, 不会做       结果证明当时的决定也是正确的,全场最难的题       官网上的思路       Battlefield geometry, implementation, shortest paths B : Vasya's Calendar      水题  发现的晚点      差值求和即可 D  : Co ...
Skyming 评论(0) 有1313人浏览 2012-04-26 16:45


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